
Reincarnated in the DC Universe with (Anime) Harem System

When given that chance of a life time, Mer Ambrosius took the choice to reincarnate into a fictional world with a smile on his face. Only one problem though... he got reincarnated into DC, but luckily he has a system unluckily(?) its a Harem System. Join Mer on his journey to find a way to get the Fuck out of DC and hope on over the DXD. But one problem remains HOW exactly will he do it.

Kill_it_with_fire · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 5 | Progress

It's been 3-4 months since I've been reincarnated into this world, right now it's already the beginning of June and I have been training dedicatedly everyday. I've been beginning to worry as the invasion of the Appellaxians has been drawing closer and closer, now it's only 9 or so months away.

On a happy note, school will be ending soon and I have continues to secure my basically perfect results. I was offered to skip a grade as well but I declined, not wanting to ruin my chance of getting in Barbera Gordan's good book.

Maybe it's due to the affect of [Last Shinigami] and [Genius] but my training has been going well in terms of the [Basics of...] books. My Reiryoku has reached average level, I also made great progress in Kido arts. 

Although the [Basics of Kido] was mostly just and introductory book and had only a few Kido in them, I'd mastered the techniques that where in it to the level of [Eishōhaki]. I had learned the basic spell of all 3 Kido families; [Bakudō #1. Sai], [Hadō #1. Shō], [Kaidō]. Although [Kaidō] didn't have a numbered system I could use it to a basic degree and heal most wounds excluding fatal or deep wounds. It could take me a few minutes to heal a few cuts and up to an hour for deeper wounds due to level of my current Reiryoku control.

My [Status] had changed quite a bit, mostly in terms of my skills...



  Name: Albert Mer Ambrosius

Age: 8


[Human] [Soul (locked)] [??? Soul (locked)] 


[Prodigy] [Genius] [Orphan] [Last Shinigami] [???] [???]


[Reiryoku (Average Level)] [Genius Talent] [Perfect Memory] [Mental Interference Resistance] [Learning] [???]...


[Icy Disposition] [Basic Reiryoku Control] [Basic Zanjutsu)] [Basic Hakuda] [Basic Hohō]

[Kido Arts: Bakudō (1-1) | Hadō (1-1) | Kidou (Basic)]


My [Zanjutsu], [Hakuda], and [Hohō] had all been added to my skills list and reached a basic level, however, I was sure it would level up soon.

In terms of fighting power, I'd reached the level of a graduated student of Shinōsreijutsuin and was beginning to approaching to the level of a seated officer.

Another change  was that I had made a few showings in terms of my Hero career. Although for now I had mostly targeted small time criminals and no super villains I was starting to pile some good fighting experience.

Some of those crooks even started calling me by an alias; ghost, which was quite funny considering I'm a Shinigami.

Luckily Batman is still just starting his hero careers having only started heroism for about 3 years and was still to busy dealing with the big time criminals to notice me. He still had quite sometime until he would realize he needs some help and pick up Dick Grayson. I could try to nab myself the title of Robin, but if I did that all my privacy would get dropkicked out the window and land in a well filled with bats.

Annoyingly I hadn't really gotten any new missions, though I had completed the Side Mission: [Fix Your Appearance]. Surprisingly the reward was pretty good...


[2 Months Ago]

Standing in front of a mirror, stood a short, white haired boy, with Turquoise eyes. he was wearing a plan back shirt and jeans. He had just taken a shower but looked annoyed.

''Is this good enough, Aroura?'' He said as he stared at his reflection in the mirror.

[Yes. Your appearance has satisfied the mission criteria of [Fix Your Apearance]]


[Side Mission: [Fix Your Appearance] has been completed.]

[Distributing rewards...]

[item [Skin Care Hot Springs (Card-004)] has been added to your [Storage]]

[item [Ai Hoshino makeup routine] has been added to your [Storage]]

[Skill [Entrancing Voice] Skill has been added to skill list.]

Looking over his rewards the boy whispered

''damn... show me what they do...''


[Skin Care Hot Springs (Card-004)]

An A grade card from greed island with only 15 Transformations. Although in this world it has been slightly altered. You can use this card in 2 ways, either Transform the card and a hot spring will appear, or wait 5 minutes and you will be transferred into a pocket space in which only the hot spring exist. Using the second method will allow you to reuse the card, but transforming it will result in the transformation becoming permanent. This hot spring rejuvenates skin to it's top condition.

[Rejuvenates Skin]



[Ai Hoshino makeup routine]

A complete kit of both Ai Hoshino the famous Idol's complete makeup routine from hair to eye-liner and a guide of how she does it. A top-selling item at her consorts. Increases your physical attractiveness and when used temporarily grants a [Makeup Artist] skill. 

[Increases Charm] [Entrancing Appearance] [Makeup Artist]



[Entrancing Voice]

A skill that makes your voice soothing to the ear both gentle and impactful, increases voice profinite in singing and other aspects. When you talk other people will instinctively listen. Your voice is incredibly calming.

[Calming affect] [Increases Singing Proficiency]


[Back to Present]


Although they where all skills and items that increase my charm, they where quite useful, especially [Entrancing Voice]. The [Skin Care Hot Spring...] was also a good bonus since I could take a bath anywhere.

Honestly speaking weather it's in real life or heroism physical appearance is actually important because it affects the public opinion of you. Someone more attractive will almost always be valued higher during the first impression.

And now I would go from a 8/10 to a perfect 10/10 while as a kid, when I get older I'd be a damn 20/10.

Moving on I had begun to practice properly utilizing Hyōrinmaru, at this point I'd realized just how powerful Hyōrinmaru really is. I wasn't even able to properly use her Shikai but I could still utilize quite a bit of ice in it's normal form.