
Reincarnated in my vampire system

Disclaimer:I do not own the novel my vampire system Full credit to JKSManga 23 old Rayne was a medical student who was trying to develop artificial blood and had isolated himself from all of humanity but died due to over exhaustion leaving it midway but luckily his sister completed it. But later when Rayne woke up he found himself in a completely different world which he has no idea of will he survive this new world. Read it to find out. Caution read at your own risk follow closely to the plot

Poly_Malakar · 漫画同人
85 Chs

Ch 15:- Crazy boy



In the morning at around 5:00 am Rayne woke up brushed his teeth freshened up drank about a litre of water and immediately started to do his morning exercise which also included running although the stats improvement was less but then also it was an improvement for him.

At around 7:00 am he had completed his morning routine and now he was in his room getting dressed and also reviewing the yesterday's school work. At around 8:30 he was in the school canteen filling his stomach he was in a very good mood and like that the day passed on and it was finally the time for the combat classes.

As the students entered and picked their weapons from the wall, once again Leo stood at the front to give the students further instructions.

"Today's lesson will be sparring once again, but this time you will pick your own opponents. You will fight with them for a minute each before switching to the next opponent. On the battlefield, there will be all types of different opponents that use different weapons and abilities. It is important for you to get used to as many of these as possible."

The students then immediately got into pairings as Rayne was trying to find an opponent to practice and sharpen his move set, at that time he felt a hand on his shoulder so he turned around and came face to face with Kim Atureo the same student who he had defeated yesterday at that time he remembered the request that he had written on a notepad to Kim it was if he could teach him some karate move or help him improve.

"Hello nice to meet you Mr. Atureo yesterday we were not able to introduce ourselves properly I am Rayne Talen,"

"Well nice to meet you to Rayne and please call me Kim I read the message you had written the other day I have to say even though you are amateur at martial art your strike are precise and accurate which makes them much more effective for striking vital part in short I would like to help you to the best of my ability although I don't have much believe in my teaching ability."

Hearing this Rayne was very happy and he agreed immediately as they were about to start he noticed how some student are staring toward the arena and at that time both Kim and Rayne heard a shout.

"Alright students, the minute starts, NOW!" Leo shouted.

As soon as the fight started Leo dashed forward with a strike but it wasn't at a speed Quinn couldn't handle. He blocked the first blow knocking it away. However, straight after another attack appeared but Quinn managed to block that as well.

"A bit sloppy and rough but your reflexes are good." Leo said, "Now let's take it up another level."

Before Quinn could catch his breath, Leo attacked again with his blade but this time even faster than the attacks before. But Quinn's was still able to keep up.

"Ha, ha, I can't believe I'm actually having fun against a student," Leo said laughing.

And once again the attack's coming from Leo sped up again. This time it looked like Quinn was getting knocked around like a rag doll. All the student's watching from outside thought Leo was playing with him but Leo was truly impressed. Although Quinn looked silly, Quinn was still able to block each and every one of his attack with the Gauntlets.

"Now try this!" Leo shouted.

The attack from Leo's katana blade came from underneath, Quinn held out both his hands to block the attack but suddenly it looked like the blade had disappeared and phased through his hands. Before Quinn knew it, the blade was right underneath his chin.


"Oh, looks like our time is up." Leo said, "About level 14 or 13 maybe, that's pretty good for a first-year student."

Then Quinn started to bow and ask Leo if he could teach him.

As Rayne saw the whole fight he was amazed by the level of sword mastery that Leo, after snapping out of his amazement Rayne asked Kim what they should start with to which Kim answered "Just snow me all the moves that you know."

Hearing this Rayne started to demonstrate all the kicks that he had learned until now starting with front kick then side kick, roundhouse kick, axe kick, hook kick, Reverse side kick, True Reverse kick.

"I must say your form are almost perfect and you do posses the unique sense of balance that most taekwondo user posses we need to fight to further determine your overall aptitude," Kim said.

"OK then let's fight."

Both Rayne and Kim charged at each other and the next moment Rayne was lying on the floor.

"I could give you this advice only do body conditioning, practice more and add more move to your arsenal." Kim said.

As Rayne was searching for Quinn he saw blood droplets splattered on the arena floor and then he spotted Layla and asked her where Quinn was then she started to told Rayne the whole story about how Quinn got injured because of two brats named Brandon and Fei. Rayne blood was now boiling the only thought that was going through his mind was different ways to kill Brandon but he decided to suppress those thoughts because he knew that as a vampire Quinn wouldn't die from those injury.

Rayne then also decided to scare the Brandon guy a little bit.

At around 4:00 pm the class has ended and all the student started to return to there dorm room. As Rayne was going toward Quinn's dorm room he met up with Layla who was also going toward the same direction so he decided to tag along during their small walk towards Quinn's room he decided to share some of the embarrassing stories about Quinn that he had inherited.

As Layla was just about to knock on the door it swung open to reveal that it was Vorden.

"Oh, is Quinn here?" Layla said.

But in the next second Vorden grabbed Layla by the hand dragging her in and slammed the door behind her. Vorden then immediately pushed Layla up by the door and pressed his forearm against her neck.

"Tell me what happened to Quinn now!"

"Hey could you please release her I don't want to hurt you because you are Quinn's friend." Rayne asked Peter was startled because he didn't see him enter and it looked like he was emerging from the shadow itself of course it was only an optical illusion and not an ability.

Vorden suddenly started pressing against her throat even harder, Layla was struggling with all her might to get air and if she didn't do anything soon, she was worried she might pass out.

"The little one didn't like you, and the other one told me not to get involved, but in the end, I'm always the one that has to deal with things," Vorden said.

Not liking where it was leading to Rayne decided to take action and immediately he went forward and delivered a stomp kick directed towards Vorden knee immediately rendering him immobile. Layla then fell on the ground gasping for air while Vorden stood up and immediately went for a punch but Rayne redirected it and kneed Vorden in the stomach.

"Don't you dare to move and stop acting like a psycho," said Rayne.

Layla then started to speak"I don't even know why Quinn asked me to look out for you, if you ask me, his better off without someone like you."

"Wait, Quinn really said that," Vorden said in a gentle tone. "Look, I'm sorry about what just happened but I just want to know what happened to Quinn."

As Vorden said these words his eyebrows were slightly twitching. His personality had taken a complete 180 turn and Layla didn't know what to make of it. Rayne senses were telling him that this boy was dangerous and unstable. If it wasn't for the eyebrow twitching or how he referred that he was not Vorden, Rayne would have thought that he was bipolar but now he was sure that this guy here Vorden was suffering from DID(Dissociative identity disorder also called multiple personality disorder).

"It was an ac-" as Layla was saying Rayne interrupted her.

"Don't say anything to him" Rayne ordered Layla almost felt compelled to obey but she resisted the feeling.

Grabbing hold of Layla's arm Rayne immediately left the room.

"Why didn't you let me tell him." Layla asked.

"That guy has a serious problem I suspect that he is suffering from DID and I don't want to see any of his personality wrecking havoc in the school," saying this Rayne felt a shiver run through his spine and the same could be said for Layla.

After leaving Layla in front of her dorm room he noticed that it was 4:40 pm which means he only have 20 minutes before his shift at his brand new job starts seeing this he immediately ran towards the direction of manga store like his life depends on it.