
Reincarnated in gate op

This is a translation of my story, please note that it was only translated by Google Translate. Also feel free to leave your comment. // Well, to begin with, this will be the first story I do so I hope you like it, although I only do it because I found the idea of ​​doing whatever you want in a fantasy world interesting and the idea of ​​reincarnation is something interesting as well. Like the idea of ​​traveling to other worlds, if you have any suggestions or something you want to add, comment as well as how fortunate you got here in the first place so thank you.// // The protagonist is good and bad, you could say his personality is changeable and somewhat strange, as he does bad things, he also does not know the reason why he does them but he does not like the idea that others do them, he thinks that only He has the right to do them, it seems wrong for others to do them, but if he does them, he does not care as well as he does not mind manipulating people or changing people in his favor or taste no matter who he is or because it is his love, If you can do it quickly, that's fine, but you will also take your time to do other things and also to take action in other places and events in the world.// // All credit to the respective creators of Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri the only thing that belongs to me is my character and this fanfic itself.//

Keisolu · 漫画同人
38 Chs


(I will try to put expressions more often, I don't know if it will come out well but I will try, let me know if you like it).


"Ne~~ne~~ why did you scare the princess?" Rory asked because she could feel the pressure kei put on piña.

"Does it really matter?" Kei knew Rory's personality very well, so she didn't worry too much "besides I think instead of being worried about her, you're just enjoying the show."

*sigh* "Of course I'm enjoying the show" Rory said as she licked her lips.

"I guess because of your beliefs you don't see killing as a bad thing." Said kei as he remembered some details about her.

*nod* "umu..that's right, after all, Emory is the god of war." Said Rory "Though what intrigues me is your motives kei." she asked.

And you can't blame Rory for being so curious, after all, even if she is good at reading people, something tells her that kei will somehow always have the upper hand.

"None in specific... but if you ask me now, I think it would be always being with the people I love the most." kei said as he approached the edge of the wall and searched for the bandits with his eyes.

"With the people you love...but aren't you a demigod?" said Rory.

This was something completely understandable from Rory's point of view, because to her kei gave off an aura just like hers, plus he too had an overwhelming amount of mana under Rory's gaze, though this was only what she could see.

*nod* "I am." replied kei.

"then why do you care about the passing of time?" said Rory.

To her it seemed strange that kei being a demigod, was worrying about time. after all for a demigod time is no longer a concern and only remains in the background.

"I've been alone for a long time Rory, and I still have no idea how I didn't go crazy...." Kei said.

He remembered all that time he was standing around doing nothing, just in nothingness with his thoughts, and now that he thinks about it it's a miracle he only had small problems to deal with that, after all, the only aftereffects he has from being in there is that from time to time he has his own monologues, and one or another problem being separated from esdeath although it won't take long to solve it.

But on the other hand ciel who was listening to this, understood that she only knew a portion of what happened to kei, because when she tried to see all his memories she could see many things and among them his former family and one or the other from when he was more of a child, but that was all, because when she tried to see in that period of time when kei was in the rift, she immediately regretted it, she was filled with pain and agony, although when she could control it she realized that the only thing she could see was 5 seconds in the memory, it was at that moment that she decided that she would not try it again, after all, the only thing she could see was darkness and nothing else, what caused her pain and agony was that at that moment she felt that all her senses were overloaded with information. (all this can be considered to be like goyo's infinite ability).

"Ohh~~~ so why is it that you help the citizens?" Rory asked.

"Would you believe me, if I told you it's to protect them?" kei mentioned while raising his hand and pointing it in the direction of the forest, while at the same time looking sideways at Rory.

*grin* "Of course not" said Rory.

So smiling slyly kei just said "I thought so" for then he whispers a few words "grasp heart" and immediately something like a heart appeared in his hand and without thinking too much he just squeezed the heart making it explode and as if it was an illusion it disappeared from his hand moments later.

"Ahh~~~" Rory couldn't help but moan a little loudly, after all, even though she was already preparing for many souls to pass, this one came suddenly and it was in just for an instant.

She could feel how that life was evaporated, like blowing out a candle, without further ado it just disappeared.

"I love it!!!" Rory shouted while having a big smile on her face "terrify her, that magnificent idea" Rory continued exclaiming, while taking a wrong idea, about kei's intentions "You want to terrify every last corner of her soul!" she continued exclaiming while taking a few turns and then jumping to what could be considered the railing of the wall.

*grin* "In that case helping you will be more than a pleasure" Rory said as she bowed slightly lifting the sides of her skirt (I don't know how to explain it).

"it's been a long time since I've been unbridled!!!" She said with a smile "I can't wait!!!"

"In that case" kei jumped into the same place as Rory, grabbing her by the waist and bringing their faces closer he said mischievously "then I'll have to put on a good show!"

"Sure" said Rory who even though her face was flushed she wouldn't back down.

[After midnight]

The hissing of the air as it broke could be heard, arrows with fire were quieting at the east gate.

A spectacle that nowadays would only be seen in movies was taking place, soldiers who defected right now were attacking italica.

With ladders to climb the walls, while others with only brute force were trying to enter the city.

"the East!!!" Piña's voice was heard all over the place.

Only seconds ago she received the news, the bandits now attacked from where they least expected it, the front gate, normally you would expect them to attack from behind but being soldiers they had the knowledge to do something unexpected.

Piña, for her part could not believe how much reality could ruin her plans, from one moment to the next her whole plan fell apart.

Besides the fact that the screams of the people did not stop filling her with guilt.

"Where are the reinforcements?" A woman protecting her son shouted.

"And the people in green?" another woman asked.

'Why did this have to happen?' Piña wondered to herself, the guilt wouldn't stop gnawing at her right now the people in green wouldn't come, after all she sent them on a suicide mission.

She believed that the green people would not survive because of the numerical superiority, so with that in mind she sent them to the south gate, she would somehow manage to deal with the wizard and his maid when the battle was over.

But she never expected that reality could be so far away from her plans, all she wanted was to be able to help the citizens of the city and continue with her mission, to be recognized by her father and that he would not only see her as an ornament, but it seems that life had other plans for her.

[South gate]

*sigh* "me and my big mouth..." itami had to learn when not to speak out, because if he hadn't decided to help, he wouldn't be in this situation, he had to call the quartet and ask for reinforcements, but since it was only supposed to be an expedition to sell some things, they ended up yelling at him for meddling where he shouldn't have.

This was because they didn't have that much budget, everything they had is because kei gave it in "good faith" so he will ask for reinforcements, right now it was very difficult.

"Is something wrong itami?" kei who was already kind of tired of waiting for so long, decided to spend his time talking to the girls so his wait was shortened.

"They will send reinforcements" was all itami said.

"I see... and I guess now you have to get ready to get a lecture when you come back" kei said while laughing.

*sigh* "Yeah..." itami seriously needs to learn to keep quiet, because now that he remembers if he would have kept quiet and let kei agree first, then kei would have had to pay for everything.

*sigh* but you can't do anything when the milk is already spilled.

Kei just walked up to itami and he put his hand on his shoulder "Tell them it's all on me, but I want to be able to keep some prisoners." Kei said making itami turn to look at him with his eyes shining.

*sigh* "Sure, no problem kei" said itami, after all, a few prisoners shouldn't be a big deal.

"Alright, now we should start moving" said kei as he looked in the direction of the east gate which is completely lit by fire.

So leaving itami which is talking on the radio, he decided to tell the news to the girls.

*genius* " hmmmm ahahhhh ahhh no, no, no more.... Ahhhhhhh at this rate I'm going to ahhhh lose my mind!" were the moans of Rory who was sitting on the floor writhing.

Tuka was just covering her face in embarrassment while lelei and esdeath just had a blank stare.

"You look like you're having fun" kei said as he approached Rory.

"Don't bother me now ahhhhh I don't want to eat you being in this state ahhh" Rory said as she gritted her teeth and kept moaning.

*laugh* hai hai it's nice to know that you love me like that but why don't we get some exercise" said kei as he offered her his hand to get up.

"It would be my pleasure" replied Rory accepting the help.

"Come on esdeath" kei pulled her close to him and kissed her without warning "will you help me carry tuka love?" kei asked, after he stopped kissing esdeath.

"Sure" esdeath answered without thinking, after all, it was an equivalent exchange for her.

"Thank you. Now come here" kei took lelei and carried her like princess while esdeath took tuka like a sack of potatoes. (XD)

"Comfortable?" He asked with a mischievous smile.

"Nmm" lelei just nodded, as she got closer to kei and smelled his scent which made her not want to part from him.

With a smile on her face and shaking her head a couple of times kei let her do whatever she wanted.

So with everything ready, Kei went with the girls to the other side of the city, jumping from one roof to another under the gaze of the whole squadron.

Mari and Shino for their part were jealous. Why lelei? They wondered, they had been talking to the girls but didn't dare to get as close as Rory or Lelei. Even tuka had more of an advantage than them, but this wouldn't make them give up, so when itami gave the order to follow them, the two of them ran after them with a new determination, which was to get even if only to always be with kei, they didn't care how but they would make it.

"Looks like you'll owe me a favor princess." Kei said as she arrived at piña's side.

*nod* "Nmm" piña could do nothing but nod her head as she looked at the ground frustrated at her defeat.

"It's not your fault" piña didn't understand what kei was referring to so she just raised her head and looked at him in confusion as she cocked her head to the side.

*sigh* "don't you understand? What you did can be considered an accomplishment." Now he really confused her more " You kept this place standing, without a fit army and protected its people, that alone should be considered an achievement, and even with these conditions you didn't give up and stood your ground." Kei said as he watched Rory slaughter a few soldiers "you have guts, but you didn't have the resources to shine."

Piña was very surprised by kei's words and grateful at the same time, after all this was the first time someone genuinely acknowledged her work, she knew it by his eyes he wasn't lying so she was about to thank him "than---" but she didn't finish because kei interrupted her.

"But that doesn't mean I won't charge for my help princess" kei said as a white colored vola formed in his hand. "This is just a bonus from me, I will heal your citizens and protect them until the end of the battle" said kei "and esdeath you can also get a little out of control."

Right now piña didn't know whether to thank or punch kei.

[At the door]

Who would have thought it, small but agile. Rory was moving back and forth decapitating and dismembering the bandits without much trouble, while Shino and Esdeath were doing the same.

Shino was using her rifle shooting and using it as a sword to counter the bandits, while at the same time covering Esdeath and Rory's back even though they didn't need it.

Esdeath for her part would just freeze whoever approached, and then with a small blow, shatter the newly created stench statue. Something that in her opinion was merciful and something they should thank her for since if it wasn't for the reinforcements, she would have already released Shiro to eat something.

They were like that for a few minutes before the reinforcements arrived, which esdeath noticed and retreated to kei's side, but Rory and shino didn't notice them because they were so focused on the battle so kei decided to bring them in with some magic.

So with a snap of his fingers they disappeared from their places, with the same poses they were doing, so it took all cliché they fell on top of Kei who caught them in the air.

So while all the bandits at the entrance were being slaughtered, Kei was shamelessly taking advantage of Shino and Rory, groping Shino's big soft butt and Rory's equally big but much firmer butt.

Kei was sure he would never tire of this sensation, the softness and elasticity was impressive so no matter how much he squeezed, all it would accomplish would be to make shino and Rory squeeze out more muffled moans as they buried their faces against his chest.

"Ahhhhh" "Mmmmm."

So ignoring esdeath's envious and knowing look he went about his business, after all the two of them didn't complain, so he may as well take this as a green light right?.

But while kei was shamelessly taking advantage of the girls, Piña on her part regretted it completely, in her quest for help she may have attracted even more evil than the bandits, was what piña thought when she saw how the self-defense forces lash out against the bandits.

[Sorry, if you are bothered by the inconsistency with my writing style, I am still trying to find the best way to write my story].

reality is an illusion, the universe a hologram buy gold, goodbye!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Keisolucreators' thoughts