
Reincarnated in gate op

This is a translation of my story, please note that it was only translated by Google Translate. Also feel free to leave your comment. // Well, to begin with, this will be the first story I do so I hope you like it, although I only do it because I found the idea of ​​doing whatever you want in a fantasy world interesting and the idea of ​​reincarnation is something interesting as well. Like the idea of ​​traveling to other worlds, if you have any suggestions or something you want to add, comment as well as how fortunate you got here in the first place so thank you.// // The protagonist is good and bad, you could say his personality is changeable and somewhat strange, as he does bad things, he also does not know the reason why he does them but he does not like the idea that others do them, he thinks that only He has the right to do them, it seems wrong for others to do them, but if he does them, he does not care as well as he does not mind manipulating people or changing people in his favor or taste no matter who he is or because it is his love, If you can do it quickly, that's fine, but you will also take your time to do other things and also to take action in other places and events in the world.// // All credit to the respective creators of Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri the only thing that belongs to me is my character and this fanfic itself.//

Keisolu · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
38 Chs


(I will be editing the first few chapters to fix the translation errors.)

"Hamilton!!! what kind of magic did you use?!!!" Piña could not believe what had happened in the meeting, she was sure that those in green suits will ask for more things, but it seems she was wrong.

For her part Hamilton was in no condition to answer, she was completely out of it, when the agreement was discussed she realized that the only ones who spoke were the man named Itami, and the mage's maid named esdeath.

And while this wouldn't be too weird on its own, the weird thing was that they didn't ask for anything, the only thing they said was that they had to ensure humane treatment of the prisoners by itami, while from esdeath, no esdeath sama only said that they would take some prisoners for the ones in green and for their master.

After that she accompanied them and watched them choose, the first was esdeath who deliberately chose all the semi-human women she could find. Rabbits, cats, and even a bird woman, and all this was done in just a few minutes.

After that she told itami to take them back to the base on Arnus Hill, and to make them comfortable with a sheltered group of elves... wait elves!!!! How? When? Where? They are already rare to see and for them to have a group of them, Hamilton had no choice but to just stay with a hypothesis that maybe it was because of the fire dragon they talked about.

But putting that out of her head, Hamilton saw how itami chose a few more prisoners, to then approach another person with the same uniform and talk some things with him, after that she met with princess piña and told her what happened, which led them to that situation.

"I don't know what happened princess. But esdeath sama gave me a message for you" Coming out of her thoughts, Hamilton said to piña.

"Esdeath sama?" Piña asked, as she wondered if she had heard correctly.

"Esdeath sama said his master still has a favor to collect from him" Hamilton said dismally ignoring piña.

"Right" piña couldn't help but reflect a little on what had happened.

Now she knew well that kei could do whatever he wanted with the green clad ones, of that she had no doubt, because once he said he would help her, it didn't take long for them to arrive and completely destroy the bandits.

Now she had more than one reason to give him whatever he was going to ask for with that favor.

Woe betide the piña master who had been ignored all this time.

[Pov esdeath]

'That's normal?' Esdeath muttered as she stood behind lelei's seat, who was making a deal with the vendor for the scales, while tuka and Rory were sitting next to her.

Shino and mari were in guarding the door, for her part Mari was trying to comfort shino as both she and Rory had a little accident being sexually assaulted by kei.

'Seriously, why do these things happen to me' Shino asked herself, after all who knew she would have an orgasm, just by being touched a little by kei, so right now she was dying of embarrassment.

The same thing happened to Rory although for her part she took it more lightly as it was a good way to let out some stress after fighting. Even she wanted to continue, which she couldn't as esdeath pulled them away from kei and helped them clean up.

'Yes, it's completely normal' Replied ciel who was talking through an earpiece with esdeath.

'Can you explain to me how it's normal to make two women orgasm with just a few touches?' esdeath asked somewhat annoyed.

She wasn't against kei having more women, in fact she supports the idea, but that doesn't mean she will give up her position as kei's first woman so easily, so she couldn't let some newcomer girls take what she's been waiting for for a while now.

'I'll have to be more aggressive.... maybe now that we're going back to base it will be a good time to do it' thought esdeath.

'Well for Darling, it's normal.' Replied Ciel then she continued with her explanation 'it may be because Darling filters the mana around him which makes every substance or action he does be accompanied by a large amount of mana, although this seems to not be something others can sense from a distance unless they are concentrating or have good senses' explained Ciel.

'So that means that master kei is exposing the people he touches to a large amount of mana?' esdeath asked.

'You could say that, although I think it's only when he has good intentions or that they are women because it seems that men instead of attracting them he repels them and tries to attack them.' Said ciel.

'In conclusion master kei is a magnet for women.'

'Exactly, another curious fact would be that any fluid or thing coming from Darling will be completely imbued with mana, meaning saliva, sweat, urine or even his semen. They will become very addictive drugs for those who consume any of these.' Ciel mentioned.

'But how come that doesn't affect me?' esdeath asked, after all she has had a lot of contact with kei's saliva.

'Well I guess it's because you have daily contact with him and besides you're already addicted to kei, so the effects aren't as noticeable' Said ciel.

'Well it's not like I'm hiding it' Esdeath said without even denying Ciel's statement.

She would never say it out loud but she's glad she has so many beautiful memories with kei, the just lying together, the times kei would lay on her thighs, how she would play with his hair, the kisses they shared no matter where they were was something she cherished and treasured, not to mention the massages *cof**cof* but leaving that aside she was sure kei knew about how obsessed she was with him.

But since he didn't seem to mind, she took it as a green light and didn't mind letting herself go and doing whatever kei asked her to do. Even she was sure that if they put a bottle in front of her and told her it was kei's saliva she would drink it without thinking.

To her whatever came out of kei was something wonderful, the taste so sweet but at the same time so refreshing made her not want to stop kissing kei. It made her feel so good and also took away any tiredness she had.

Plus she was sure that every time she kissed kei her controllability and mana grew, so she decided that she would kiss him more often even though clearly this would have done so even if this wasn't the case.

'Looks like they finished with the scale sale, lelei came to an agreement with the merchant, I'll inform Darling~~~ esdeath' Said ciel bringing esdeath out of her thoughts, noticing that it was time to move on to retreat and also that lelei was watching her.

"Looks like everything went well" said esdeath apresar who didn't pay attention to anything they said.

"Yes, you don't have to worry" replied lelei to then ask a question "can I know why there are flowers around you?" Lelei asked.

She was sure she could see flowers around esdeath, while she seemed to be in her thoughts.

"Mmm?? Flowers?" esdeath asked as she looked around not understanding what lelei was referring to.

"No, nothing sorry, must have been my imagination" said lelei as she shook her head "we better go."

Lelei decided not to take importance to what happened, but for us what just happened is that lelei managed for a moment to get the ability of a certain character, which is normal in everything he does.

[End POV esdeath]

[Back to Arnus Hill]

[POV kei]

I guess that confirms it. I thought it was only esdeath that gave off a sweet smell when it was hot, but such seems that's not the case.

Shino and Rory also had the same smell, and come to think of it, am I a demigod or an incubus? Because if I remember correctly this was something that happened with incubi or something like that they said in the novels.

"Master kei" esdeath called me.

I seemed to have been looking out the window too long.

"Yes?" I asked as I turned my head in her direction.

"I want to do it with you" esdeath said with a serious face, managing to get a gasp from shino and mari who also decided to come with us.

For their part tuka, Rory, and lelei were in no condition to respond, after all they are completely asleep.

"Sure" I replied with an innocent smile on my face, being focused on my racial dilemma didn't stop me from listening to what she was talking about with ciel.

And such it seems like ciel completely sold me out, I guess I'll have to punish her when she has a body.

At that moment, for some reason ciel managed to feel something like a shiver, and not knowing how to react she could only see kei's innocent smile, only to feel the same sensation again.

"Eh?" esdeath was so happy and for a moment her head couldn't process it 'just like that? Hell if she had known it was that easy then she would have done it a long time ago' esdeath thought.

"D-Darling someone is coming in our direction" said ciel somewhat nervously, she still didn't know where that feeling came from but she had a vague idea why it happened.

"Such it seems, they are the reinforcements that piña was talking about, stop the car I will talk to them " I said to ciel which also notified the others.

"Darling, lieutenant itami also wants to go with you." Mentioned ciel as she made the car start to slow down and not long after it came to a complete stop.

"Ok, tell him it's ok. and Thank you ciel" he mentioned as he opened the door and got out of the car. "We'll continue talking about it later esdeath" I said before closing the door.

"Mmmm" Rory groaned a little as she felt that nice feeling that covered her move away from her, just like that now she can feel kei.

So it didn't take long for her to wake up and then search with her eyes for kei, and not finding him she got up and went to ask esdeath.

Tuka and lelei who until a moment ago were holding each other because tuka was in the middle while lelei was on one side of her lying on her shoulder and Rory must have been doing the same but when she got up the weight of lelei caused them to fall to one side and wake up.

[Out of the car]

"I guess we have to be friendly don't we?" I asked itami who was standing next to me, while over the radio I gave orders for the others to stay in line.

"Yeah, we don't want to break the treaty we just signed." Said itami while yawning a little.

So with that said I just watched as they were approaching on the horses.

It didn't take long for them to arrive in front of us and although they all looked at me with a red face at first, it didn't take long for them to surround itami and I along with some of them going to ask where we came from to the others.

"arnus hill?!?!?!?" One of those who asked the others was heard to exclaim, such it seemed that he opened his mouth just like in the canon.

So it didn't take long now that a blonde with curls and a body which could not be hidden, no matter that she had her armor on approached the place where her companion was.

"Are you the enemies from the other world?!?!?"He asked with a shout to then itami approached and asked if he had offended her in any way.

He asked with a shout to then itami approached and asked if he had offended her in any way.

To which he got a free slap " shut up" Shouted the blonde.

'Get out of here, run away' Shouted itami to which his squad started to leave the place, however, ciel asked if she should too.

'Yes, I'll be fine for now.' I replied briefly as I gave a glance to esdeath which seemed reluctant to leave, however ciel immediately moved the car and followed the others.

*sigh* itami sighed looking relieved that no blood was going to be spilled at this point, he was tired enough as it was.

Though his relief didn't take too long when all of a sudden he was already on the ground with multiple knights tying him up.

"Make sure you don't let him get away" the blonde ordered "and as for you why don't you make things easy and turn yourself in, it would be a waste to ruin your pretty face" she said with a small blush on her cheeks.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea" I replied.

"Then just let us tie your hands" she said as she thought I would quickly turn myself in.

"But I'm not used to following orders" I replied as I dodged a silver haired knight's attempts to take my hands and tie them.

"Hold still!!!" Shouted the silver haired girl as she was unable to catch me.

"I've always wanted to try this" I said as I snatched the rope from her hands. "So, why don't you become my guinea pig" I said with an innocent smile.

So wasting no time with my speed and some magic I removed the metal parts of her armor, then tied her hands and feet behind her back leaving her lying on the floor on her stomach in an almost perfect bondage style.

'Mmm' striking a thoughtful pose I stood admiring my hard work accomplished with some video memorabilia from my past life. 'I guess I'll get more experience doing this to esdeath, though my style is still a bit loose, maybe I'll just download the knowledge or create a skill' I muttered to myself lowly, noticing how it is that another knight was reaching out to catch me, which only ended up with her in the same situation as her friend.

"Mmmm" "mmmm" they tried to protest but to no avail, after all it was now that they realized I had a part of the rope inside their mouths preventing them from speaking.

" Youuu bastard!!!" Shouted the blonde as she walked towards me she looked somewhat angry, but in my eyes she should be thanking me, the fact that I didn't kill them with one blow is already mercy, so I'll take this wonderful sight as payment for my big heart.

Before I knew it the blonde was already in front of me and without warning she directly swooped her hand with the intention of slapping me, to which I responded by catching her hand without much trouble.

But it seems that Ciel was not so happy with this, so without warning I saw how a notification window appeared in front of me and immediately the blonde along with the other knights fell to the ground while they had their hands on their necks.

Without a second thought I read the notification and it all made sense 'Well now I have 6 slaves' I thought.


[A new skill has been created]

[Slave Master][This ability allows you to put a mark of slavery on the person you want, this mark can only be seen when you want and can be camouflaged as a necklace or earring in the shape of a heart. Those affected by this mark will only tell you the truth and nothing but the truth, they can lie to others but they have to tell you the truth. Another of its effects is also the protection of the bearers of the mark, and an immediate teleportation to their master in case of imminent danger] [If it should happen that the camouflaged form of the mark is taken by a woman, she will immediately get one of her own and in the case of a man he will have an immediate death or the master will be able to give a personalized punishment] [If it should happen that the camouflaged form of the mark is taken by a woman, she will immediately get one of her own and in the case of a man he will have an immediate death or the master will be able to give a personalized punishment].

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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