
Reincarnated in gate op

This is a translation of my story, please note that it was only translated by Google Translate. Also feel free to leave your comment. // Well, to begin with, this will be the first story I do so I hope you like it, although I only do it because I found the idea of ​​doing whatever you want in a fantasy world interesting and the idea of ​​reincarnation is something interesting as well. Like the idea of ​​traveling to other worlds, if you have any suggestions or something you want to add, comment as well as how fortunate you got here in the first place so thank you.// // The protagonist is good and bad, you could say his personality is changeable and somewhat strange, as he does bad things, he also does not know the reason why he does them but he does not like the idea that others do them, he thinks that only He has the right to do them, it seems wrong for others to do them, but if he does them, he does not care as well as he does not mind manipulating people or changing people in his favor or taste no matter who he is or because it is his love, If you can do it quickly, that's fine, but you will also take your time to do other things and also to take action in other places and events in the world.// // All credit to the respective creators of Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri the only thing that belongs to me is my character and this fanfic itself.//

Keisolu · 漫画同人
38 Chs

16 Village of coda and the wizard.

So after the incident in the morning with esdeath and the other elves, who now looked at kei as if he were a delicacy or something sacred, a few hours passed in the morning in which they were all fed and prepared for the journey, so as the total number of elves was 16, it was decided that each car would take four each, although all the elven men went in itami's car.

So with everything organized, the journey to coda village began, which although it took some time was reached quickly and another thing that happened was that kei taught esdeath to use cleaning magic, which had a somewhat simple concept and much more to esdeath's mind, because anything that came from kei or that was related to him, would end with her trying to do it perfectly.

So when they arrived at the village, itami called kei to help him talk to the village chief.

"What!!! the settlement was destroyed?" said the village chief in an exalted manner, because it was known that the elves although they were peaceful they had a great knowledge of magic and should not be underestimated.

"there was a big bird. Forest and village, burned." was what itami said, while in the background you could see kei with his hands over his mouth trying to hide the urge he had to laugh.

Although it didn't really make any difference, because you could still clearly hear him chuckling under his breath.

And on the other hand Kuribayashi just looked at him with a blank stare because after all the topic they are talking about is serious.

"A fire dragon!!???" said the village chief in a surprised and worried manner.

"No" said a villager.

"it can't be possible." said another random villager.

"Quick, start packing things up, a fire dragon is nearby." another random villager was heard shouting, and although itami got the idea of what was being said, what amazed him the most was that the village chief gave his consent.

But leaving that aside itami decided to keep talking.

"dragon pour fire. burn a lot of people, and we have survivors." said itami, so that he then pointed to the elves who were in the cars. who decided that they would wait inside them.

"Ohh!!!" was all the village chief said, after all it is not common to have so many survivors after a dragon attack, but he quickly came out of his stupor and asked itami.

"How? dragons don't normally leave survivors." said the village chief simply, after all he knew how difficult it would be for itami to understand his language.

"The defend the survivors from the dragon. be a powerful mage." said itami while at the same time pointing in the direction of kei, who was talking to esdeath.

"Can you take care of the survivors in the village?" asked itami although he had a vague idea of what the answer would be, after all he himself heard how the villagers started to gather their things.

"we can't take care of the elves" said the village chief while at the same time looking away from kei and turning to talk to itami.

"Besides. we have to run away from here too" said the village chief.

"Will you abandon the village?" asked itami.

"Yes. When a fire dragon gets a taste of humans and elves, it will attack more villages and towns." he said as he turned to see how all the other villagers were already moving their things around, preparing to leave.

[scene change XD]

[In the forest, not far from the village, right next to a beautiful waterfall stood lelei with her master].

"Dammit!!!" came the voice of an old man shouting as if there was nothing better to do.

"Dammit all" grumbled the old man, while he was carrying books, but because of how heavy they were, while he was going down the stairs, he was staggering until he lost his balance and ended up falling down the stairs, although technically he was already finishing them, so he only fell one or two steps.

He ended up at the feet of a young girl, which is his disciple, who for some reason since the morning has been impatient, as if something was bothering her, which was already saying a lot, after all she has always been a girl who does not show her emotions, unless she was excited or devotion which in itself is already rare to show it, and although he asked her what was the reason for her impatience she refused to say that it bothered her, so he had no choice but to swallow his questions.

But continuing with the old man's tantrum, who was now on the floor.

"It hurts!!! It hurts!!!" he shouted as he writhed on the ground, although this did little to bother the young woman whose name was Lelei and whose appearance was that of a blue-haired girl with blue eyes. She wears a green dress, with a blue tabard on top. She wears blue boots and can be seen holding a staff with a blue brim. Also that due to her small figure, she looks younger than she really is.

"Master, we can't carry anymore." said lelei.

"No!!! I need my books!!!" exclaimed the old man as he continued his tantrum on the floor.

"..." lelei did not respond to his master's exclamation although this did not bother him, because this is something that happens normally.

"Rerei, can't we do anything?" he asked lelei once again, although this time he said lelei's name wrong on purpose.

"You're right," lelei quickly replied.

"I think we should prioritize the valuable books."

"sure" replied the old man.

"How clever you are, Rerei. But why now?!?" the old man asked the air "damn fire dragon" he muttered again "he appeared fifty years earlier. Besides look how much trouble it's causing us."

"Master, stop babbling and let's hurry" was all lelei said before hurrying to fix the books in the cart.

But with what was said, his master confirmed that Lelei was acting strange. Which was why he thought he would have to be more alert, after all he too was sensing a giant disturbance in the ambient mana, from the night before.

[POV Kei]

'looks like everything is already prepared' was what I thought as I looked towards the row of carts that were winged with horses.

"kei it looks like the departure will be delayed for a few minutes." said Itami over the radio.

"Why is that?" I asked briefly, although I already had a brief idea of what was going on, after all with my improved eyesight I could see how it is that everyone was running to help one of the wagons which is tilted.

"one of the carts had its axle broken, we are checking for possible casualties." Said itami.

"I'm going to help, I can help you a little with the wounded." I offered to help, after all it's almost the appearance of the blue haired mage.

"Sure, no problem." said itami 'it's not like I can stop you either.' thought itami.

"Ok, I'm on my way." I said briefly while at the same time, I started walking to the place which is not that far away.

So with that said, it didn't take long to arrive at the scene where a blue-haired mage mage was kneeling on the ground, right next to a girl, who was breathing heavily, plus there was also kurokawa, who was taking the girl's vital signs.

"What's the situation Mari?" I asked nonchalantly, completely ignoring that in Japan it is rare for a person you barely spoke to to call you by your first name out of the blue, although her response was somewhat odd.

But from the point of view of Mari and Lelei they were both surprised by the sudden appearance of Kei, but the kind of surprise was different, because on Lelei's part she looked at Kei as if he was a deity, after all she was very smart and came to the conclusion that Kei must be something like a deity, plus she is one of the people who best handles magic, so right now she was completely overwhelmed by the pure and dense mana around Kei.

And for her part Mari was surprised to suddenly have someone call her name, although when she heard the voice which said her name her discomfort immediately erased and instead turned to embarrassment, but due to the situation she decided to leave this aside.

"It's a concussion, plus it's also possible that she has a fractured skull." said Mari giving a brief summary of the girl's condition.

"It's okay leave this to me" replied kei.

Only for him to approach the girl and place his hand on her forehead, which only took a few seconds, because following kei's action the girl had a small glow all over her body, as if a white mantle was covering her.

But after a few seconds the glow faded away, leaving the girl as good as new, without any scratches or dirt on her, so with the procedure finished, kei picked her up and gave her to mari.

"Please take her to her parents, and tell them she'll just need to rest for a bit." said kei as she laid the girl in mari's arms.

"Yes, no problem, thank you very much young kirasaki." she said as she looked straight at kei.

"don't worry." said kei

"And also please just call me kei." "I don't like to be called by my last name." said kei making up an excuse to make her feel closer to him.

"Sure, and thank you very much young kei" mari replied in a rushed manner while you could clearly see that her cheeks were red, although kei could only see it for a moment, after that she ran out of that place right after thanking kei.

Letting out a mental sigh kei said to himself that at least it was a breakthrough, compared to being called by his last name, although being called a young man, every time he was called is starting to annoy him, after all he doesn't mind esdeath calling him "master" but this is something completely different.

But back to the important thing I turned to look at the cart which was on its side, so I decided to repair it to get out of this place quickly, so with that in mind, I lifted the cart in the air, and then I looked at the branch of a nearby tree and pulled it off "this will do." I said quietly so that in a few seconds the branch would begin to change shape and become a completely new wheel for the cart, so without much thought I replaced it and left the cart back in place.

But for its part, the horse that was supposed to get out of control, just looked at me with its head down, waiting for me to tell it what to do "go back to your place and don't cause problems" was the only thing I said while I turned to look at Lelei who kept looking at me and the more time went by a more prominent blush was appearing.

"come on get up from there" said kei and then he put his hand in her direction to help her stand up, which she immediately accepted.

'oh!... yes, she doesn't understand me.'

'ciel a little help please.'

'sure darling.' replied ciel.

[New Skill achieved.]

[multiversal language] [This skill gives you the knowledge that allows you to understand, learn, or study any language immediately, no matter if the language is known or not, the limitations of this skill are not limited to mortal languages, this skill allows you to understand any language be it mortal, divine or demonic].

'Now, thank you very much ciel'

"Now I have to go but we will have more opportunities to talk in the future, it was nice to meet you." said kei in a consoling way, after all I am not so dense to know that he had caught this mage's attention, besides he also noticed the reason why mari ran away so he didn't think too much about it.

"Your name?" said lelei in a low voice.

"Excuse me, did you say something?" said kei pretending he didn't hear what she said.

"What's your name?!" asked lelei somewhat elated, to then snap out of her astonishment, but it didn't take her long to realize what she had done, so she immediately decided to apologize.

"Excuse my rudeness, but I would like to know your name? please." said lelei, after she had pulled herself together, after all even she herself was surprised at how nervous she was.

"So that was it, don't worry, my name is Kei kirasaki, but you can call me kei, I feel more comfortable being called that way." said kei.

"And what is your name?" asked Kei.

kei kirasaki was the only thing that flooded lelei's head, although right now she was a mess, after all she was being too careless, first she was lost in her thoughts only to have her voice raised higher than it should have been and right now she had the other person introduce herself without her having introduced herself before, and this wouldn't be a problem, if only she hadn't seen how kei manipulated the cart in the air and the nature around him, plus it seemed like the animals pay attention to him, in which case it would make him a tamer, which in lelei's mind further elevates the way she looked at kei.

"lelei la lalena, but please call me lelei." said lelei answering kei's question.

"It's okay don't worry lelei. it was nice to meet you, but unfortunately I have to go, I hope I can get along with you in the future." said kei as he waved his hand in goodbye mode.

"Yeah, okay, I hope we can get along too," said Lelei as she stared at Kei's back, who was already heading back to his vehicle.

So with that said the supposed escape from coda village began.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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