
17 A Gothic Loli.

After leaving the village not too many things happened, the only thing to remark is that we all already left the forest and right now we are approaching the plains, and although the others of Itami's unit had already been able to pull the carts out of the mud once, but right now they are having problems with moving one of them because the tires were too much buried in the mud and this leads us to this situation in which Itami had to call kei for him to help.

"One, two, three push." they all said in unison as they tried to push the cart out of the mud.

"So you helped them pull the cart out didn't you?" asked kei as he watched as they all continued their attempt to pull the cart out even though instead of pulling it out it was sinking into the mud.

"Yes, I just need you to do that." replied itami with a tired voice after all he was also helping to move the other carts that got stuck.

"Ok" was all kei said as he looked in the direction of the cart where mari and shino were also trying to push, which formed a small smile on his face.

So he started to approach the place while the others started their countdown to push again.

"1... 2... 3!!!" they all shouted as they started to build up their strength.

Only to realize how it was that the cart was floating in the air, although not everyone was as lucky to notice this so the moment they pushed they fell face first into the mud.

"Oh!!! come on just when I decide to help this goes wrong" Mari muttered under her breath, after all this was her first time helping push.

And for her part Shino just lay down in the mud, after all she was already stained so why wouldn't she take advantage of this moment to cool off in the cold mud, after all she was helping to push since the first cart.

"hahahaha" kei's laughter was heard echoing through the place while shino and mari just looked elsewhere trying to evade kei with their eyes because they felt too embarrassed with the idea of kei looking at them like that.

Although if they had thought it through they would have realized that it was kei's fault that they were on the ground covered in mud.

So after kei picked up and cleaned up mari and shino, plus the others who also fell in the mud, but we didn't pay attention to them so after that there was nothing of too much importance besides fixing another cart at mari's request.

"thanks for helping." mari's voice was heard over the radio.

"It was nothing, you don't have to worry." spoke kei over the radio, clearly knowing that the others in the other cars were listening to their conversation.

"I heard from the village chief that they would have burned the wagon if you hadn't helped." commented mari who at the moment was grateful to kei, the way he helped the others without asking for anything in return was something that left her somewhat surprised, after all, even if she didn't want it she thought kei would just be a spectator of everything and wouldn't help or get involved in whatever was done in the expedition that was being made, unless itami asked him for help as far as brute force was concerned.

"It's a reasonable thing to do after all they would have refused to move on leaving all their belongings." replied kei blatantly stealing the line used in canon.

"Thank you." was all mari could say because she now knew very well that helping the villagers was not in the plans because itami explained to her the risk involved in helping them which was also the reason why they were only giving them a hand in the evacuation.

"don't worry I know how important civilians are to you, so don't hesitate to ask me for help if you want to do something, after all I act on my own, coming with itami was more like a formality." said kei over the radio, which made itami spit blood, because of how blatant kei was with his statement.

"than---" but just as mari was about to thank kei esdeath intervened in the conversation.

"Master kei I'm so sorry to interrupt the nice conversation but something is coming up." said esdeath with some sarcasm because even though she wanted to hide it, it was more than clear that she was a little angry with kei, for ignoring her while he was talking on the radio.

But for kei's part he just turned his eyes to the front as he deliberately lifted esdeath up with his magic and sat her on his lap and then stroked her head like a little girl.

And though she was a bit surprised by the sudden approach she wouldn't deny that she wanted kei to pamper her on certain occasions and this was one of them because it was helping her relax.

'So that's Rory Mercury.' kei thought as he looked towards Rory who was walking with her typical halberd which was resting on her shoulder as she started walking in his direction, they crossed glances only for a moment and kei could tell that Rory at the moment is tense which left him somewhat surprised, after all she is a demigoddess just like him.

But leaving kei's confusion aside why don't we look at how the weave armor does its job from Rory Mercury's perspective.

[POV Rory]

'What is that' was all she could think, when in the distance on the road she usually takes to get to the village coda, she could see a cloud of dust and a row of carts which seemed to be guided by four boxes, which seemed to be made of iron although she could see with her sight that there were people inside, and she could also identify some of the villagers.

But before she could do anything the flow of souls which passed through her regularly vanished completely which caused her to stop for a moment although she recovered quickly as she felt that something was guiding her towards the iron box which was at the head.

So she decided to keep moving forward while directing her gaze towards the iron box and crossing glances with the person inside it, which caused her to tense up as she tried to find the reason why she felt she had to be next to that person and not let him go even if it cost her her own life, even though she was technically immortal.

But the closer she got to the metal box along with the others she felt her face was burning and every step she took to get closer became more difficult because her legs were shaking as she thought this was a very familiar feeling to her which was lust, and even though she didn't want to right now, her body was acting on instinct which was telling her that she had to stand by him no matter what even if it meant sacrificing her freedom or even following all of his orders.

[POV Kei]

But while she was still lost in her thoughts, kei who was in the car stopped a few meters away from her, he was completely surprised by Rory's behavior after all at this moment she was walking in the direction of her car while he could swear he had seen that her pupils were in the shape of a heart.

But everything changed when a group of children approached her and brought her out of her trance while telling her everything that was happening even though she was barely paying attention to them at the moment.

But everything changed when some adults joined the children and told her about the magician who was helping them while they pointed their hand in kei's direction who only let out a sigh while esdeath who was on his lap just kept her eyes closed while enjoying kei's caresses and how from time to time he caressed and massaged (another way of saying that kei was groping her XD) her body which didn't bother her at all.

Because she thought that what kei was doing, was natural after all he was marking what was already his.

"mmm... Is he the wizard you were saying?" asked Rory to the boy standing next to her.

The boy nodded his head " yes he is, and he can do a lot of things like make a wagon float or clean people." said the boy with stars in his eyes.

'What kind of image does this child have of me?' wondered kei after all even though he had been playing, he didn't think that was the image he gave for children.

"Float?" asked Rory.

"Yes, he can make wagons float and he can also repair them, they are good people, he cured my friend." said the boy.

'So they knew each other, well it's nothing unusual after all they are a small town.' thought kei after all being a small town it's not unusual for almost everyone to know each other.

"So they didn't force you guys to leave?" said Rory while trying to stay calm at the same time trying to figure out if kei was a good person.

"No" the boy quickly replied.

So with all her doubts solved, Rory could focus more on her self control even though it wasn't quite working because a big blush could still be seen as she looked at kei directly while at the same time she was also ignoring the existence of esdeath which from time to time let out some muffled moans.

"How does this move?" asked Rory trying to entertain her mind with other things though instead of helping her it annoyed her because by taking her attention off kei she was finally able to notice esdeath which made her frown a little.

"I don't know, but it feels really nice plus it's more comfortable than wagons." said the boy.

The perfect excuse she thought "Ehhh... Does it feel good?" she said to then bring her index finger to her lip and say in an all provocative "I'd also like to test how good it feels."

But before kei could answer esdeath's voice was heard "No." esdeath said curtly as she opened her eyes and looked coldly at Rory.

For his part kei just stood there watching how they were somehow communicating with their gaze and also how from time to time some lightning bolts came out which he was sure he could see by the simple fact that he was from another world.

"I won't let a new girl steal this moment from me" said esdeath while looking at Rory who only nodded "but you can get in the seat next to me."

To which kei just remained with his mouth open while trying to figure out how they came to that agreement just by staring plus he was also trying to figure out how she could speak the language of this world.

So he better decided to ask "Esdeath how can you speak the language of this world?"

"It's just the perks of the job, master kei besides you are not just dating a pretty face." said esdeath as she closed her eyes again and settled on kei's chest.

"Who said I was just a pretty face?" said kei as he gave esdeath a kiss on the cheek to which she just smiled.

So with Rory who was now sitting in the seat next to him, after Ciel let her in he decided it would be best if they kept moving forward.

"We can go on Itami I'll tell you all about it in a moment." said kei over the radio.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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