
Reincarnated In Custom Made Demon King as Angel

In a purgatory space, a magnificent city is floated in the sky, emitting a pure radiance of holy light. Anyone who saw it, whether angel or mortal, would marvel at its beauty. The city was surrounded by a wall and had four gates, with two high-low level angels patrolling the area.

slayer106 · 漫画同人
10 Chs

CH- 2 Tier 1 Spells Hppened

Narrator POV

Goodwill works as same as souls but it can be obtained by performing acts of Heroism ex- saving someone and fighting demons.

Angels obtain GoodWill when they are born because they are holy creatures that's why Samuel obtained Goodwill when he was born.

Samuel POV

'so let's create tier 1 spells'

Samuel opens the system template and opens the skill create feature and types 'All tier 1 spell that can be used by positive karma value creature form overlord'

System'souls or goodwill consumed will be 40'

Samuel pondered increasing the tier 1 to tier 2 but after a while, he shook his head he decided that he should use another 60 GW on a trait like 'increased growth rate' so he said 'System create overlord 1 tier spells' and after few seconds he receives information on all the spells related magic, archery, swordsmanship.

Samuel pondered so it will grant me all spells I can use whether they be magic or sword related it is an unexpected boon but I should not be too happy because they will be not very helpful fighting low-level demons only a few spells from tier 1 can hurt them because they are meant for teaching aspiring mages how to cast elementary spells without hurting them self so let's not think about this anymore Samuel had a weird expression on his face and said' why am I taking to my self! whatever it's not like someone hearing what I am saying anyway' as sweat appeared on his forehead.

So for the trait let's go with 'Increase Growth Rate by 1.2%'

it should be enough for me right now since I got a head start of 4 years'

As I thought it cost me the remaining 60 GW 'Egh I forgot to check the birth counter what ! 5 months are remaining, so what to do, system can you put me to sleep for five months' said samuel as he was tired from all this thinking in his fetus form.

System replied with 'YES HOST'. Samuel said so what are you waiting for put me to sleep. After a second a heavy feeling enveloped his mind and he fades away into the sweet embrace of slumber.

Five Months later

Two Winged Angel POV

I was wondering about the original angel eggs that were assigned to me for caretaking and dousing them with the highest quality of holy water and that was provided because a 4 Winged Crown decide to pay a visit four months ago and say a promising egg that was radiating holy light of a low-level angel in his unborn state and his light affinity is increasing insistently these months and now this eggs holy energy is equal to a low-high level angel.

The egg showed movement like it was about to crack and suddenly a popping sound came, I rushed as soon as I heard a popping sound coming from the area where we keep the most promising eggs and I saw the most promising egg hatch a male looking baby angel with a round face blue eyes and blond hair and that radiated pure radiance of holy light that a low-high level angel about to promote to middle level would have, I took the angel and dipped him in highest-quality holy water that was reserved for him and he looks relieved like a burden was lifted from his soul and took a 5 hours bath and after that, he passed out.

Samuel POV

Why do I feel so drowsy? like I was just woken from five-month sleep. let's look around and see ..... a male angel why does he look so beautiful why is he reaching for me, why did he pick me up by my leg does he not even know how to take care of a baby, and he put me in a bed sized hot spring but this does not feel like water and it is not hot at all, EHHAA what is this feeling it's like I'm seating for the first time in my life and I was standing all this time. Why do I feel drowsy again? This b... what did he do to me right after my birth, can not think anymore. He feel asleep like this right after he was born.

[A.N-Sorry for short ch and the grammar and the spelling mistakes English is not my first language and please show some love in the comments]