
Chapter 101: Lich [XIII]: Meteor

Unbeknownst to them, the sky darkened as a meteor began its descent simultaneously in various parts of the world.

All television channels were flooded with news of the meteor, proclaiming that an apocalypse was impending, one that would usher in a cataclysmic world.

Unknown to anyone and perhaps by cruel misfortune, a colossal meteor was hurtling toward an abandoned building.

The Home Minister slowly approached Mohan, a sly grin playing on his lips as he teased him, creating a palpable tension in the air.

He then moved away, putting some distance between himself and Mohan and his sister.

With deliberate steps, he reached the remote corner of the abandoned building, casting a quick, meaningful glance towards his armed men who stood vigilant with guns in hand.

With a commanding voice, he shouted, "Open fire!"

However, the moment the Home Minister's command pierced the stillness, a celestial spectacle unfolded.