
Reincarnated as an Archangel in the Omniverse

My name is Mael, and I was reincarnated by a new God named Clark. Due things he had done in the past the Omniverse is in a slow spiral towards destruction. He has asked me to assist him in saving the Omniverse from collapsing by helping prevent the destruction of worlds throughout reality. Author Note: The worlds visited in this novel will not follow their canon storylines exactly. There will be difference in what happens, so please be warned.

ManOfCultureLeon · 漫画同人
98 Chs

Chapter 70 - A Needed Change

Making some tea for us, Kratos could tell that I was burdened by something. Having carried the deaths of his family on his shoulders all these years, he could tell when someone shared his pain. Realizing that this was likely tied to the Slime we killed, he slowly put the pieces together.

"You knew of that creature?", Kratos asked me, "I assume you have fought it before."

"I...I know the man that created it.", I admitted with a bitter expression, "He was an evil man that ruined countless lives in his pursuit of power. I...I let him escape on multiple occasions, and ultimately led up to that things creation. If I took this seriously, things wouldn't have gotten to this point."

Looking over at me to see if I was joking, he realized I wasn't. I half expected him to punch me in the face or even try to fight me, but he remained quiet. Taking a few minutes to collect my thoughts, I wanted to not treat this casually or make it sound like I was only partially remorseful.

"I fought it's creator on several occasions, in this world and in others.", I told him, "The first time was in a Dungeon on this world, and the rest were on other worlds. Honestly, the first time he got away was because he had outside help. The subsequent times were mostly because I let him go instead of finishing him. Had I known it would have led to this, I wouldn't have screwed around so much."

"Why didn't you kill him? I can tell that you have the strength and will to do so, why not finish him off?", he inquired.

"I guess...I guess I just really enjoyed the sensation of overwhelming him and crushing his plans.", I said with a grin, "There was something about watching his expression crumble when everything he so carefully planned went to hell. Not just him, all of the enemies I fought up till now have been similar to that. In the moment, I just never wanted it to end...now I see that my desire came at a steep cost."

"You and I are not so different.", he stated, "The excitement...the rush...all of it can blind you."

Looking at him, I asked what he meant. I didn't see how he could say that as our stories were completely different. He was a warrior that was tricked by the Gods he trusted, I was nothing close to that.

"When I started out as a Commander in the Spartan Army, all I wanted to do was make a name for myself. My people took great pride in military achievements, and I wanted to place my name among the best of us. As time progressed, I strayed away from that desire and let thrill of conquest and bloodshed take over. I should have stopped when my daughter was born, but I chose to continue because I couldn't get rid of my urges.", he replied, "That blind desire led me to make the single biggest mistake of my life...that one moment cost me everything I ever cared about."

Telling me basically the entire storyline of the God of War timeline, I realized what he meant. He and I were drawn into our predicaments solely because we were blinded by the excitement and rush we got from combat. What started out as pure was slowly turned into seeking out the next big fix. The only difference was, I caught myself before I lost everything like Kratos.

"You seem to have woken up to the fact that the feeling we get is only temporary. What is most important in life are things that we cherish and hold dear.", he stated with a smile as he held a charm I assume his family made him, "Don't follow in my path, do what you can to protect those you hold dear."

"I am sorry things led to this.", I apologized, "I know an apology at this point won't bring them back, but...still I am sorry."

Punching me square in the face, he started laughing and said it was the first time a God apologized to him for anything.

"Stop looking back on what is done, and focus on what you can do now. I know from experience that nothing good comes from being stuck in the past.", he stated.

Admitting that he was bitter with me for allowing things to reach this point, he couldn't bring himself to curse me. He had been in my place centuries before, and knew that in the moment we were blind to the consequences of our actions. It's only when we lose it all or take a step back that we realize it wasn't worth it.

"We are both at fault here.", he admitted, "I should have taken my son and fled like my wife wanted."

"But your wife...", I stated.

"Our son didn't know it and she tried to hide it from me...she was dying slowly from a sickness I couldn't cure.", he told me, "She died holding her weapon in hand protecting the ones she cared about, there is no better way to die than that."

Pouring use more tea, we got away from the depressing topics and moved to more pressing matters. Asking me where we go from here, I told him my thoughts on the situation.

"The Slime said it was helping it's kin rise up from the bottom of the food chain. If that happens, the consequences will be felt far and wide on many worlds.", I stated, "We need to locate what worlds it's been too, and then stop the uprising before it begins."

Agreeing with my plan, he said that was the safest way to prevent any further damage. Even if the Slime had given a few individuals a buff, it would take time for them to build any sizable forces to strike out in the world. We had time to prepare, but I couldn't sit on my hands waiting or waste time going world by world looking for traces of Shang Tsung's magic.

Trying to think of a way to do this at scale, since detect magic signs outside individual worlds was difficult for me, I got up and took a short walk around the home. Taking a peek into the bedroom to check on the three women, I made sure they were still comfortable before going back to the kitchen. Sitting down at the table, I racked my brain trying to think of anything that could help us.

'Wait...could I amplify the device Levy and Hermione are making?', I thought as the idea came to me, 'I could supercharge it, and use it to look for the precise magical signature I am after.'

Sure this meant I would have to let them finish building it, since I wasn't technically inclined, but it was certainly worth a try. Once they were done, I would use the device to locate the Dark Guilds then proceed to amplify the power to search on an Omniversal scale. Telling him how we would track them down, he was onboard with helping me as he needed something to do to take his mind off things.

"Is there a bar in town? I need a drink.", Kratos said with a smirk.

"The Hostess of Fertility is probably closed because of the battle, I can think of one place that might still be open. Are you comfortable being around Gods though?", I questioned, "I know you have a a strong dislike for them."

Telling me he'd rather not, since he intends to get hammered, I decided to take him to the Fairy Tail Guild Hall to drink.

---Earthland, Fairy Tail Guild---

"So this is a friend of yours?", Makarov asked looking Kratos over.

"Yes, I met him on my travels.", I chuckled, "Do you mind if he hangs around to get something to drink?"

"Of course!", Makarov laugh, "Everyone is welcome to eat and drink here. Enjoy your time here Kratos."

"Thank you.", he said taken aback by Makarov's cheerful nature.

Getting us a table, we ordered two large mugs of ale. Bringing them over to us, Cana looked at the two of us and walked away without saying a word.

"You do something to piss her off?", he asked.

"No, let's be frank you stand out like a sore thumb.", I stated, "You have a serious mountain man vibe about you."

Nodding his head, he saw my point as no one around her was dressed anywhere close to him. As he started to tell me about some of his war stories, Gildarts came over to drink with us. Throwing his mug at him, Cana didn't want to come close to him.

"You still not on speaking terms?", I questioned.

"No, I wonder why.", Gildarts said looking at me.

"Hey, I didn't tell you to chase her around the beach.", I replied.

"Aren't you a bit old for her?", Kratos asked.

"Dude, that is my daughter!", Gildarts shouted, "It's not like that!"

Explaining the situation to Kratos, he flat out told Gildarts it was his fault. Telling him he should have taken things slowly, he admitted he may have jumped the gun a bit. Before long the two of them were talking like they were friends, and were pounding down beers like they were going out of style.

"You know man, you are a really swell guy!", Gildarts laughed.

"I haven't had good drinking company in many years.", Kratos stated.

Putting a large amount of money down for Kratos' tab, I knew he'd have no issues passing out on a bench here. Telling Makarov to let me know if they caused any issues, I warned him not to let them fight one another. I told him that Kratos wasn't someone Gildarts couldn't fight in a bar brawl, and that if they did fight...to get the hell out of here.

"Oh come now, it can't be that bad.", Makarov snickered already drunk as well.

I was going to say by to Cana, but she was already joining Kratos and Gildarts at their table. Getting out of her before anything happened, I returned back to the house to check on the three Goddesses.

---Orario, Trinity Goddess Home---

Walking inside with some medicinal tea, I found the three of them frantically looking around for me. Running over to me, the three of grabbed onto my arm and asked me not to leave again without warning. Evidentially they had awoken from their sleep due to a nightmare where the slime had managed to catch them before I arrived.

"We woke up in darkness and you weren't there.", Ristarte said meekly.

"I am sorry, I had to take my friend somewhere he could rest for the night.", I told them, "I am going to brew some tea, okay?"

Letting me go, the three of them sat at the table while I brewed them a fresh cup of Calming Tea. Giving them some time to unwind from the situation they had been in, I patted the three of them on the head.

"I am glad all three of you are safe.", I stated, "When I sensed that it was coming over here, I feared I was going to be too late. The moment I saw it leap at you, my heart stopped."

Seeing the genuine expression on my face, I saw a happy smile pop up on Hestia's face.

"Is that so? I am happy you worried about our safety.", Hestia said.

"Yeah, it is really reassuring.", Ristarte added.

"Of course you'd be concerned about your lovers, we are irreplaceable!", Aqua stated, "We are the best of the best!"

Doing my best not to tell her what she is the best at, I just smiled and nodded at her. Telling them I would be spending the night here, I offered to make them some shrimp scampi with white wine sauce. At the mention of booze, the three of them were more than ready to drink to take their mind off of today.