
Reincarnated as an Archangel in the Omniverse

My name is Mael, and I was reincarnated by a new God named Clark. Due things he had done in the past the Omniverse is in a slow spiral towards destruction. He has asked me to assist him in saving the Omniverse from collapsing by helping prevent the destruction of worlds throughout reality. Author Note: The worlds visited in this novel will not follow their canon storylines exactly. There will be difference in what happens, so please be warned.

ManOfCultureLeon · Anime & Comics
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98 Chs

Chapter 71 - Death of a Bitch Goddess

---Several Hours Later---

"Go Hestia!! Go Hestia!!", Aqua cheered as Hestia chug down another pint of beer, "Chug!! Chug!! Chug!!"

The three women were really getting hammer, if it weren't for their Divine Protection they'd probably be dead by now. Telling them to pace themselves, so they didn't get a hangover, they told me they knew what they doing.

"By the way...where's that mountain guy you were with earlier?", Ristarte asked with a hiccup.

"He's with some friends of mine, let's say he doesn't get along well with Deities.", I chuckled.

"He from another world?", Hestia inquired not minding the fact that her breasts were about to come free.

"Yes, and he has killed Gods before. Please don't hassle him too much.", I warned them while trying not to stare.

Putting their mugs down, they asked if I was telling the truth. Telling them that I was, they looked at me like scared little animals. Assuring them nothing was going to happen to them, so long as they didn't provoke him, they sighed with relief. Letting them finish off what beer we had left, I had to help them down to the bedroom as they couldn't walk straight. Aqua complained that it was hot downstairs, threw off her clothing, and plopped into bed.

"Seriously...put some clothes on.", I sighed but she was already out cold.

I was about to some pajamas on her, when Hestia tugged on my arm.

"You are serious about us?", Hestia asked me.

"What do you mean?", I replied.

"You said the other day that you wanted Ristarte and I in your harem right?", she pressed me, "You meant that, and want to be with us for eternity...right?"

Assuring her that I was dead set on making it happen, she nodded her head and bashfully took off her dress. Running over to me, she pressed herself against me and said she'd curse me if I was lying. Following her example Ristarte did the same, and we ended up hugging for a few minutes. Eventually the two of them gathered up the courage to tell me I could take the lead, if I wanted.

'In any other circumstance I would, but...I want to make sure it's not the alcohol talking.', I thought.

Giving them a warm smile, I told them I wanted some skinship tonight. Having them lay on my chest once I was laying in bed, they looked at me in surprise. Asking what was going on, I told them that this was all I wanted tonight. Gratefully accepting that, the two of them got cozy and fell asleep a few minutes later. Using Ark on the three of them, so I didn't get barfed on in the night, I pulled Aqua up on me, wrapped my arms around them, and went to sleep.

---Next Morning---

Waking up the next morning to Loki pinching my cheek, she asked me why I didn't invite them to the party. Telling me they saw the empty barrels of beer, leftovers, and the clothing on the ground...she wanted to know why they weren't invited.

"It wasn't like that, it wasn't a party. I am sure you know about the attacks yesterday? Hestia was almost killed by the monster.", I told them.

"That was the reason we wanted to see you, what was that thing?", Ishtar asked not really caring about the situation she found me in.

Giving them the details of what happened, the three of them looked worried about them. Assuring them that they were uninjured, I informed them about the Goddess who died. Telling me they were well aware, they said they already held a ceremony for her.

I was going to ask where the memorial was, but the three sleeping Goddesses started to wake up. Yawning loudly, they all sighed deeply and said good morning to me with a smile. Smacking Hestia on the butt, Loki told her to get up so I could speak. Staring over at her, the signature pigtail twitching began as Hestia told her not to slap her butt.

"Your just upset because I have something he likes.", Hestia snickered.

"I will have you know he likes my ass, he smacks it all the time.", Loki proclaimed.

Seeing sparks dance between their eyes, the two of them were about to go at it but I stopped them. Telling Aqua, Hestia, and Ristarte to get ready I said I wanted to take everyone out to breakfast. Grabbing their dresses, the three ran out to go get ready in the bathroom.

"Thanks Loki, you spoiled the mood....", I teased her, "Before we go to breakfast though, there is something I need to take care of first."

Asking what I meant by that, just in case I didn't mean them, I said I had to deal with Aphrodite's plot to use Bella and Lily to get to me.

"You aren't going to take her up on her offer to make peace...right?", Freya scowled.

"No, I mean the last few days have woken me up to the fact I have to kill these threats as they show up. Just because I have the power to face them without any issue doesn't mean those around me do. She's already got Violet circling Bella and Lily like a hawk, and once word gets out that Ristarte and Hestia are in my harem now...I know she will target them too. Aqua, Hestia, and Ristarte don't have Familias so they are easy pickings for her.", I stated getting dressed, "Since she has made her intentions clear and she has already been warned...it's time I deal with this."

"Hehe!", Loki snickered with delight, "Hot damn!! We get breakfast and a show!! We gotta invite everyone to see this!!"

Telling her not to go spreading the word about this, I wanted Aphrodite to not have a chance of fleeing from me. Understanding my point, as Aphrodite would bolt at the first sign of trouble, she asked what I intended to do with the businesses she held in the city.

"If she has any business assets, I would want them split between the six of you. I will take any unique weapons and armor she has for my collection.", I stated.

"Sounds fine, but...you really trust Aqua to run a business?", Freya questioned.

"Let's go with something simple that would be hard to mess up.", I told them, "I am sure we can find something...maybe have be a taste tester or something."

"What's a taste tester?", Loki asked.

"A person who tastes food and drink before it's sold to the public. Their job is to make sure the public at large would enjoy it.", I informed her.

Evidentially that sort of job wasn't well known in this world, but the Goddesses seemed to want to try it. Warning them that sometimes the items weren't good, they didn't seem to care as long as the majority of the items were. Once everyone was ready to go, we headed over to Aphrodite's manor.

---3rd Person POV---

"Do you have anything to report?", Aphrodite asked Violet, "How goes earning their trust?"

"After our recent trip into the Dungeon, they don't seem to listen to me as much.", Violet answered.

Throwing her glass of wine at the woman, Aphrodite told her to do better. Reminding her that she wanted Mael to be hers, Aphrodite told her to whatever it took to keep them under her thumb.

"If you can't do anything, bring them here and I will set them straight.", Aphrodite said with a smile, "Torturing them will be a therapeutic experience."

Hearing several women start laughing at her, Aphrodite looked up to see her enemies casually walking into the room.

"Wow...you really are a cruel, heartless bitch...", Loki spoke up walking into the room with an apple in hand, "That's a pretty bold move to use against a man who doesn't mind killing Gods."

"Agreed, I wonder what Mael is going to think when he finds out.", Ishtar chuckled with a smile.

"How did you get in here!?", Aphrodite shouted, "How dare you break into my home!"

Laughing at her, Loki informed her that the door was wide opened when they walked in. Turning to one of her servants, she asked why the door was open. Demanding she go shut it, the woman ran off and a few moments later let out a horrified scream.

"Oh right and there was a pile of scorched corpses at the door.", Freya said, "I can't believe we forgot that part. With all the shit around here, I could hardly see them.""

"Is this another one of your games?", Aphrodite questioned in annoyance.

"Oh no it isn't, we are only here to watch you die.", Freya laughed with a twisted smile, "After all, Mael heard everything you just said. You should be really worried about what he is going to do to you."

"Stop lying, I don't see him here!", Aphrodite said scanning the room.

Running back into the room to tell her Goddess what she saw, the servant froze up looking at something behind Aphrodite. Turning to see what she was looking at, several Executives turned around and froze up as well.

"I don't usually like violence, but using family to hurt someone is despicable.", Hestia stated.

"Agreed, I didn't want to believe the rumors but you really are a witch.", Ristarte said.

"Why you!", Aphrodite growled as she stood up.

Feeling a pair of cold hands grab her shoulders, the blood from her face drained away. Feeling the Killing Intent pouring over her, Aphrodite broke out into a cold sweat. Watching her Executives drop like flies, she looked at the other six Goddesses for some sort of help.

"I am all out of patience for people like you now.", Mael told her, "Your Familia will be joining you in the afterlife."

"Wait, please don't!! I swear I will change!!", Aphrodite pleaded.

Glancing back, Aphrodite saw a figured cloaked in Darkness standing behind her.

"If you can convince these people, you can walk away.", Mael told her, "Vengeful Soul Revival!"

Summoning the lingering souls of those she had wronged, killed, tortured, and framed the lingering souls wasted no time hurling insults and threats at her. Walking away from her as they rushed her with weapons in hand, the remaining Familia Members rushed to her side only to get tackled by people they could no longer recognize. Watching the people tear Aphrodite apart as she pleaded for their forgiveness, Hestia and Ristarte looked away as it was to graphic for them to watch.

"Jeez...", Loki said shivering a bit, "This...this is really brutal."

"A fitting end for a bitch like her.", Freya stated, "I will have my people make sure this is all cleaned up."

"No need.", Mael assured her as they walked away.

Listening to Aphrodite pleas for mercy as they walked out of the home, none of the Goddesses looked back to see her.

---Mael POV---

Changing back into my normal form, I used Death Zero to engulf the entire mansion. Watching it completely vanish in an instant, Freya laughed with relief.

"The look on her face was priceless.", she said wiping a tear from her eye, "That bitch is now no longer in my hair. I know you didn't do it for me, but I really appreciate it."

Lowering my head down for her, she gave me a kiss on the lips and said that I looked really sexy when I got angry. Giving her a smirk, I told her we should probably go get breakfast before people started showing up. Agreeing with me, I took the six of them to a nice restaurant just outside Babel.