
reincarnated as a forest i controle it all

please do not expect GRAMMER or eanything of the sort this includes SPELLING

Daoist6zSfYk · 奇幻
39 Chs

the power is mine

i saw a blinding bright light then i woke up i was out side i suddenly felt a jolt in my brain after that i heard [ system forcing integration ] i then felt a crushing pain all over my body [ integration complete] [ hello host i am _ _ _ _ _ ] huuu whats its name [ host authority level to low to know systems name authority dont LV 50 required ] oh okay so what am i [ a tree ] ya what now [ you are a tree host] [ question time up] what [ question time up ] { did not answer in the way i wanted you to } [ enter forest name ] { think think think ah got one } enter name < forgotten plane > [ name confermed] [ displaying commands] [ stats- shows your status] [create item - create a item for a monster, as a prize , for your self / mana depends ] [ create monster - create a monster ] [ event - make an event happen ( you make event) ] [ trap - set trap( you controle trap type and how far apart they are)] [ destroy- destroy all traps of your choice] [ detect humans] so i just say

create monster


name : horned rabbit

level - 0 to 10


health 200

mana 0

str: 2

def: 4


class 0 ( upgrade able by monster)

rank base

skills gifted: lesser teleportation / horn ram / sprint / aro dynamics /

skill can be gained


[congratulations host you have created youre first monster]

[rewarding host 500 exp ] [level risen from 0 to 2 ]

[stat points gained] [skill points gained ]

well then systme stats

[displaying stats]


race- elder moon oak sapling

health infinet <conditinal>

mana 2000


strength 0

durability infenet <conditinal>

intelect 10

vitality infinet <conditinal>

[skill point 5]

[stat points 20]


upgrade forest Lv 1 MAX

vine mipulation Lv 3

earth magic Lv 5

water magic Lv 4

wood magic Lv 6

posion migic Lv 2

fobiden moon magic Lv 1

healing magic Lv 2


<child of the moon

allows you to use moon magic

all stats multiplied by 10 at night

weapons enchanted with the highest tire of fire magic or sun magic is the only thing that can kill you >

<blessed by the fate godess

healing magic potency multiplied by 2

allows host create monsters

gives ability to create items >

[end of stats ]

ahh i see so when it says my durablity is conditinal it means that i can only be killed with pasific things system show a list of all peapole that can currently kill me and provide the way they would be most likely to do it

[understood host displaying list now]

1. bazarathoth cheif of the kingdom of erenea army holds the legendery artifacts sun gods armour and sword

2. nazame the crazed pyromancer his legendery dragon gods flame

3. eany sun dragon (only 3 left alive)

4. eany undiscoverd artifact or weapons yet to be made

[end of list]

"and just like that 2 years pased"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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