
Red Dragon Emperor: More Children And Blessings Make Me Stronger

Xi Ye underwent a remarkable transformation, crossing over into the realm of dragons and becoming a Red Dragon—one of the legendary five-color dragons. In a twist of fate, he unintentionally acquired a system that granted him an abundance of concubines, numerous children, and extraordinary blessings. Each time a child was born, Xi Ye's own power grew stronger, driving him to establish his own clan and ensure the continuation of his bloodline. A peculiar phenomenon arose on the continent—a crimson dragon, dedicated to seeking out females as its prey. This creature was none other than Xi Ye himself. [With Human Heir 1, get the crown of indomitable reward! 】 [With Elf Child 1, get the heart of the forest as a reward! 】 [With Silver Dragon Heir 1, get a reward of frozen breath! 】 [With the Red Dragon Heir 1, get the reward Red Dragon Emperor! 】 As time passed, his offspring multiplied, causing Tiamat, the mother of dragons, to take notice and ponder: "Could Xi Ye become the progenitor of the five-color dragons?" This was only the beginning for Xi Ye, as his ambitions extended beyond mortal realms. Even the lofty God Realm would be saturated with his bloodline. The tale of Xi Ye's ascent had just begun, filled with incredible possibilities and an unwavering determination to leave his mark on the world.

Longevity_Star · 奇幻
9 Chs

CH 9: A Red Dragon's Fury Unleashed! Conquer the Dorkafar Mountains

The awe-inspiring presence of the colossal dragon swept across the world, instilling panic and terror in the hostile monsters on the battlefield.

Taking advantage of Amber's momentary shock, Chris grinned, his fangs on display, and tightly gripped the axe handle with both hands, aiming for Amber's neck. With a swift slash, he shouted, "Go to hell!"



Hot blood sprayed from Amber's neck as he let out a scream. His enormous head soared into the air, trailing a fountain of blood.

"The Amber chief is dead?!"

"It's over! Our tribe is finished."

"Why... why are there real dragons!"

"Surrender! There's no point in resisting."

The goblin bears dropped to their knees one after another, casting aside their weapons in defeat. Chris spared the gnolls, confiscating their weapons instead and surrounding them. The Xi Mu clan was in need of more fighters, and even though the bear goblins were once enemies, they now had to integrate into the Xi Mu clan. After all, their leader, Ambert, who had insulted Majesty Xi Ye, was dead.

With the ground battle concluded, the Red dragon landed on all fours, its right claw pinning down a giant eagle—the forest giant eagle leader, Damar.

"It is your presence, Majesty Xi Ye, that bestowed invincible courage upon the Bonebreaker tribe to defeat this insolent scoundrel who dared to defile the dragon's dignity," Chris said as he swiftly dismounted the wolf and approached Xi Ye, carrying his iron axe on his back. He knelt before Xi Ye, holding Ambert's severed head high for all the bugbears to see.

"Your performance has been commendable, Chris. I am pleased with the warriors of the Bonebreaker Tribe," Xi Ye expressed his satisfaction, acknowledging Chris's strength.

The bear goblin tribe had always been at an advantage in their battles against the gnolls, even without the help of the forest giant eagle. It wouldn't have taken them as long to defeat the goblin bears if it weren't for Damar's intervention.

"Humble Damar, are you defying the will of the dragon by not heeding the instructions of my loyal follower, Chris?" Xi Ye shifted his attention to Damar, the forest giant eagle, now devoid of his previous high spirits.

"N-No, great dragon! I have no intention to defy the dragon's will. Everything that happened before was an accident!" Damar replied, trembling with fear.

"It wasn't just an accident, I believe," Xi Ye responded, extending a sharp claw that hovered dangerously close to Damar's eyes. The soul-blade-like claw evoked terror in Damar, as if his very soul was on the verge of collapse.

With enough pressure exerted on Damar, Xi Ye retracted his claw. He didn't intend to kill him. Damar, as the leader of the forest giant eagles, possessed the necessary aptitude and wisdom. It would be troublesome to find a new leader if he were to be slain.

"I need a pair of eyes to watch over the Dokafa Mountains for me. Can you fulfill that role, young eagle?" Xi Ye inquired, looking down at Damar from his elevated position.

"I understand! I comprehend everything! Your Majesty, the Great Red Dragon, I, Damar, pledge my utmost loyalty. None of the Dorkafa Mountains' plans will escape your vigilant gaze!" Damar's mind raced, realizing that surrendering to Xi Ye was his only honorable course of action.

Xi Ye didn't need to offer a hint; Damar had already made up his mind to submit to the dragon. Being a dragon's minion was a great honor, one that most other common monsters could only dream of.

"Very well. Tell me your name, Young Eagle," Xi Ye requested, observing Damar's figure, reminiscent of a youthful eagle.

"Your Majesty Xi Ye, my name is Damar, a name of insignificance, unworthy of the dragon's memory," Damar humbly replied.


"Here I am, Your Majesty Xi Ye!"

"Leave the aftermath of the battlefield to you. Roar!" Xi Ye commanded Chris before taking flight, disappearing into the sky. It was time for him to return to the lair and check on Celeste's well-being.

Finally able to stand up, Chris addressed the goblin bears with fierce eyes. "Goblin bears, you owe your lives to the gift bestowed upon you by His Majesty. Do you understand?"

The goblin bears, leaderless and defeated, dare not meet Chris's gaze and lowered their heads in submission. Meanwhile, the gnolls swiftly devoured the fallen bear goblin, replenishing their strength with their favorite delicacy—the bone marrow. The fallen companion's body was respectfully buried, accompanied by prayers for the departed.

"Damar, can you still fly?" Chris asked, his gaze softening. Damar, who had once led the forest giant eagles in battles against Chris's jackals, was now regarded as a potential comrade.

"I can still manage to fly, Chief Chris. Your Bonebreaker tribe is formidable," Damar replied, inching closer.

"It is all thanks to His Majesty Xi Ye's guidance. Let me remind you, Damar, there is also a mistress named Celeste in the lair. She is human. When you encounter her, you must treat her with the utmost respect," Chris cautioned, aware of the inherent hostility and disdain monsters held toward humans.

Damar was puzzled. "Mistress Celeste? A human?"

Indeed, dragons were known for their preference for tender human flesh. But as a loyal follower of Xi Ye, Chris understood the importance of honoring their Mistress Celeste, who held a special place within the dragon's domain. Harming or taunting her would only bring the dragon's wrath upon them, which would be a grave mistake.

With a hint of curiosity in his voice, Damar asked, "Chief Chris, what is the purpose of the dragon's human companion?"

Chris looked at Damar, understanding the skepticism. "Mistress Celeste possesses unique qualities that have earned her the dragon's favor. I believe there is more to her than meets the eye. Our duty is to support her and maintain the harmony within the lair. Do not underestimate her role."

Damar nodded, comprehending the significance of Celeste's presence and the need to respect her.