
Red Dragon Emperor: More Children And Blessings Make Me Stronger

Xi Ye underwent a remarkable transformation, crossing over into the realm of dragons and becoming a Red Dragon—one of the legendary five-color dragons. In a twist of fate, he unintentionally acquired a system that granted him an abundance of concubines, numerous children, and extraordinary blessings. Each time a child was born, Xi Ye's own power grew stronger, driving him to establish his own clan and ensure the continuation of his bloodline. A peculiar phenomenon arose on the continent—a crimson dragon, dedicated to seeking out females as its prey. This creature was none other than Xi Ye himself. [With Human Heir 1, get the crown of indomitable reward! 】 [With Elf Child 1, get the heart of the forest as a reward! 】 [With Silver Dragon Heir 1, get a reward of frozen breath! 】 [With the Red Dragon Heir 1, get the reward Red Dragon Emperor! 】 As time passed, his offspring multiplied, causing Tiamat, the mother of dragons, to take notice and ponder: "Could Xi Ye become the progenitor of the five-color dragons?" This was only the beginning for Xi Ye, as his ambitions extended beyond mortal realms. Even the lofty God Realm would be saturated with his bloodline. The tale of Xi Ye's ascent had just begun, filled with incredible possibilities and an unwavering determination to leave his mark on the world.

Longevity_Star · Fantasy
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9 Chs

CH 8: Skybound Terrors: Eagle’s will Submit

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"Thank you for your assistance, my majestic eagle friend. When those wild dogs saw you appear, they were scared out of their wits~ hahahaha!"

"No need for thanks, Ambert. The Great Eagle Tribe and the Bear Goblin Tribe stand together."

In an open grassy field, a massive taupe-colored giant eagle conversed with a bear goblin. The bear goblin resembled a savage creature, covered in brown fur, with long pointed ears and wearing leather armor. Next to him rested an iron mace.

Ambert was the leader of the bear goblin tribe, while the giant eagle before him was the leader of the forest giant eagle tribe.

The alliance between the Forest Eagles and the Bear Goblins had formed in response to the recent threat posed by the Bonebreaker Horde. Without joining forces, they would have likely been defeated one by one by the pack of wolf men.

"Damar, working with you has been the wisest decision of my life," Amber exclaimed, chewing on a piece of meat and bursting into laughter.

Damar, the leader of the giant eagle, had one fear: that the Bonebreaker tribe truly belonged to the Dragon clan. Losing that advantage in the sky would be a significant blow.

"Hahaha! Impossible, Damar. Think about it. If they were truly followers of a real dragon, wouldn't they have caught a glimpse of a giant dragon in this past month?"

Amber remained calm, confident that everything Chris claimed during their encounter was false.

To him, the notion of true dragon followers and loyal dogs was pure fantasy. If there were a dragon in the Dorkafa Mountains, how could he have remained oblivious to it?

Amber didn't realize that when Xi Ye led the monsters into the Dorkafa Mountains a month ago, he employed concealment magic as a precaution.

"You mentioned something..."

"Leader Damar! Those wild dogs have returned!"

Before Damar could finish speaking, a giant forest eagle scouting from above landed beside him, reporting its findings.

The ability to fly granted the giant forest eagles a panoramic view of the ground, making them the all-seeing eyes of the battlefield. This explained why Chris and the Bonebreaker Horde failed in their three attacks—the giant forest eagles could witness every move and strategy.

"Just as we were discussing them, Damar, today is the day those wild dogs meet their demise, and it's time to divide their territory," Amber declared confidently.

Even before the Bonebreaker Horde arrived, Amber had already contemplated taking the initiative. After vanquishing the Bonebreaker Tribe, their vast territory would belong to the Bear Goblin Tribe. Soon, the entire Dorkafa Mountains would be under their rule.

"I've been waiting for this day, Damar. The claws of the giant forest eagles will tear those wild dogs' bodies apart."


Damar spread his enormous wings and took flight.

"Warriors, today marks the end of those wild dogs. Tell me, do you have confidence?" Amber raised his mace, shouting with determination.

"We do!" the bear goblins responded in unison, picking up their weapons and donning their gear.

A group of enslaved little goblins were brought forth by the bear goblins. These enslaved monsters were destined to serve as cannon fodder in the upcoming battle.

Moments later, Chris appeared before them. Amber seized the opportunity to taunt him, "Yo~ Isn't this Chris? I thought you, a wild dog, would have perished long ago."

In their previous encounter, Amber's mace had nearly ended Chris's life. Thankfully, Chris reacted swiftly, avoiding a fatal blow.

"Don't worry, Ambert. Even if your hairy tribe falls, I won't meet the same fate," Chris retorted, refusing to be outdone.

Resting on Chris's shoulder was a massive axe emanating a chilling light. From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the giant forest eagle hovering in the sky.

Indeed, the giant forest eagles had once again come to aid the bear goblins.

But this time, with His Majesty Xi Ye by his side, they no longer needed to fear the giant forest eagles' attacks as they had before.

"Chris, I can see that your victories have been solely through your words. Let me tell you, today marks the end of the Bonebreaker Tribe! There's no escape for you," Amber snarled, his eyes blazing with fury as he raised his mace, pointing it at Chris.

"Death? Humph~ Amber, let me remind you one last time. The Bonebreaker Tribe is the faithful follower of the true dragon. If you're interested, surrender to me. Otherwise, when the great dragon awakens, you will experience the wrath of a dragon!"

"The wrath of a real dragon? Hahahaha~ Chris, stop pretending to be a tiger. Let's take it a step further—even if there were a real dragon, I'd gnaw on its bones today! I'll make it taste the power of a dragon!"

In response to Chris's words, Amber showed nothing but disdain, launching a direct insult towards the dragon.

However, instead of feeling perturbed, Chris's lips curled into a slight smile.

His words were actually directed at His Majesty Xi Ye, who was concealed nearby.

The message conveyed that Great Majesty Xi Ye, they had previously revealed their reputation, but unfortunately, the enemy remained unconvinced and even dared to blaspheme the dragon's majesty.

"Amber! You'll soon understand the consequences of your words! Wolf cubs, tear them limb from limb!"

Chris's warg growled menacingly, baring its sharp fangs.



Without hesitation, the jackals mounted their wargs and charged forward, swinging their axes. The remaining jackals swiftly followed suit.

"Warriors of the Bear Goblin Tribe!" Amber commanded, giving the signal to charge.

The battlefield erupted into a frenzy of swords and bloodshed. The verdant forest was soon adorned with the vivid crimson petals of battle.

Observing the commencement of the battle, the giant forest eagles prepared to fulfill their role.

But then, a surge of mighty draconic power swept across the sky, akin to a tidal wave ready to engulf the land.

The souls of the giant forest eagles trembled, their minds consumed by a void of fear.

The sheer awe-inspiring majesty left them paralyzed, and many of the giant forest eagles forgot how to fly, plummeting from the heavens.

Before their very eyes stood a resplendent red dragon.

"A Red… Red Dragon!"