
Records: of Those who Hides

When the night is dark and the full moon is shining brightly on the sky. Have you ever wondered what creatures hide behind the shadow of darkness. Now , image of creatures from the stories of your parents or grandparents may come to mind. You might think that it's all just urban legends and stories to scare little kids. But what if I tell you that not only are they real , they may be just close by. And they may appear a little different from what you imagine. Don't look around , you will not see them. But don't worry , I will compile a book of records for you. For not all is able to see in the dark. So then I allow me to shed light to the creatures hiding in the dark. -Peter Rubio

UnluckyFisher · 灵异恐怖
31 Chs

Chapter 8: Symptoms

" That's a classic one you got there"

jotting down on the papers the doctor spoke without lifting his head.

Marissa still panting and wheezing, look at the doctor with confusion .


"I'm talking about that malignant spirit that have latch onto onto you."

The confusion on Marissa's face

" What are talking about ,professor?" straighting posture ,she sits up and look at the doctor in questioning tone.

" Spirit? Ghost ? Malignant Shade ? what ever you call it.."

" No-no , I -I mean what do you mean it latch into me?" she stutter as the nervousness rise up and a strange grumbling form on the pit of her stomach.

" hmm..ah you mean you don't know what is happening to you?" the doctor raised his eyes and look at the girl his eyes behind the his glasses scrutinized her face and body like a physician diagnosing a patient.

"N-No,I d-don't know. I -I don't -"


Nausea and anxiety caught up to her and she tree up on the side of the bed.

After half a minute of throwing up she begun to calm down and straighten her position atop the bed.

"I'm so-sorry , professor I didn't meant to do-"

she paused as she felt something stuck on her throat. She push it out with her tongue but it still stuck so she used her hand to pull it out. A long dark substance was pulled out, it was a hair, a black hair.

A memory flood down her mind as she look at the hair.The feelling of itchiness, the suffocation, the blood and water. Like a string that was being stretch her mind spun and tumble until it finally, snap.


"Nonnononono, ahhhhh"

Marissa screamed in uncontrollable panic. Pulling har hair and flailing left and right. snot and tears covered her face and an expression of extreme horror appear on her face.


Swing the panic attack put down his observation notes and stand up. He walk up at a drawer ,opened it and pulled out a syringe.He then walk back ,pulled out Marissa's arm and jammed it down without warning.

As the substance entered Marissa's system she began to calm down, she fell down on the bed in a slump and her eyes cloudy.

"Ahh, w-hat"

" that's just sedative , don't worry that's a diluted version , I made that for some miniature creatures so it will not have any adverse effect, probably"

Marissa listen in a trance , she understood what the doctor have said but her mind seemed too relax to care.

" So where are we? ah , auditory and visual hallucinations, insomnia , chills , drained energy, and nightmares . it's the most basic symptoms of malignant spirit possession.Some cultures called it being curse or being mark by a shade but as I have inferred after I compared the data sets from different kind of possession. They all fall down to those symptoms." the doctor explained as he sits back on his chair picking up his pen and notes back.

Marissa still slumped on the bed heard the explanation and have maid some connections on what she experiencing. A little clarity slowly breezed on her mind.

" Referring from the data sets of previous incidents, you can usually aquire it in three places , a curse object a haunted house or a direct curse from a person who died" The doctor continued.

"So ,where do you think you got it?"the doctor asked, he wait for Marissa to regain some strength to answer.

" I-I don't know , I can't remember ever getting in contact with something like a curse or somewhat- "

" Hmm...When did you started having those illusions" asked the doctor

"Illusions? No they are not illusions , I saw them I felt it in my mouth I taste it there no way its an illusion, j-just now I have pulled out the hair from it from my throat."

"And where is that hair right now ?" asked the doctor with a meaningful tone

" He-Here , I'm holding it in my ha-" she looked at her hand and found nothing she sit up and look around the bed to look it it fell her eyes show a bit of a panic.

" Stop looking you will not find it " said the doctor as he jot down something on the paper

" But , you saw me , you should have saw me pulled out the hair after I threw up "

" No I don't, Ms. student, I did not saw you pulled out something from your throat. I saw you put you hand in your arms but nothing is pulled out from it." he paused " Your the only one who sees it"

" But I-I did not fake it , I felt it"

" Yes I know you did not fake it and you must have really felt it, atleast that what your mind tells you" He said a he straightened his position on the chair.

"You see, spirits are something more closer to a phenomenon than creatures, they are invisible and intangible most of the time except for the people they possessed.

Due to their being intangible and invisible , they can't really affect anything physically" The doctor begin to explained, the girl sit and just listen

" So ,how they affect the victim and in some cases ,take their life? The answer is the mind."

" The spirit performed a kind of hypnosis and scare their victim with some kind of a mental attacks.They shake the stability of your conciousness and made you question what is real and what is not making you more and more confuse, until you can't distinguish what is the voluntary action and involuntarily action . When your confuse the spirit then will control you to do somethings that will like self harm or suicidal actions. The reaction from your fear and madness create a some kind of energy that the spirit then will consume. The energy then will pulled out your reserved energy ,making you fell cold as the energy for temperature regulations was absorbed by the spirits , that where the chills came from, and because your body is not absorbing any nutrients and energy ,your organ will not be able to function normally so you will get sick "

Marissa listen to Dr.Rubios explanation intently like a student listening to a professor's lecture.