
Records: of Those who Hides

When the night is dark and the full moon is shining brightly on the sky. Have you ever wondered what creatures hide behind the shadow of darkness. Now , image of creatures from the stories of your parents or grandparents may come to mind. You might think that it's all just urban legends and stories to scare little kids. But what if I tell you that not only are they real , they may be just close by. And they may appear a little different from what you imagine. Don't look around , you will not see them. But don't worry , I will compile a book of records for you. For not all is able to see in the dark. So then I allow me to shed light to the creatures hiding in the dark. -Peter Rubio

UnluckyFisher · Horror
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31 Chs

Chapter 9 : Procedure

" So all of it are just my imagination? " Asked Marissa with a confused expression.

" B-but, it felt so real "

" Well , its not a imagination , but a distortion of your perception on reality" the doctor answered.

" You see , A malignant spirit is a incomplete amalgamation of a lump of data that has resonate to a frequency on an object or another spirit.-"

" Frequency? Resonance?" Marissa's confusion increased

" Ah , you see everything in the world has certain frequency vibrations. Things that have a closer level of frequencies tend to interact , an example of it is material world. We human is part of the material world we can interact with objects and other carbon based life form because we resonate in some level, but not completely. Complete resonance is to have the same state as the object or lifeform your interacting with, same features , same wavelength, same thinking process. But this occurrence is impossible to happen naturally, for a mater to have the same state and composition, will fuse together and form a new one discarding the two to create one."

" if it impossible for a mater to completely resonate, how is a malignant spirit form? you said they are incomplete amalgamation , mean they have not fused completely" Asked Marissa

" Well I said ' complete' resonance doesn't happen naturally,".


"That's right, in can happen artificially. An object or a life form can resonate to a completely different frequency when it has accomplished a set of conditions. On the case of a malignant spirit those are:First the lifeform need to amplify it's frequency.Second a catalyst to be used as the medium of the resonance . and lastly a large amount of electromagnetic energy or thermal energy are present."

" But how are they messing with my perception?"

" That's the result of the artificial resonance.The data set such as the lifeform memory or emotions contaminated the fusion of energy creating a semi sentient creature that can follow a set of programmed command. This command are mostly grudge or revenge or to destroy or kill to something as long as it can amplify the frequency of the life form, that is why murdered or suicide humans have higher chance of becoming a spirit. The sets of command always include a procedure to replenish energy to maintain semi sentience or else it will dis appear."

" so I just need to cut off it supply of energy and it will go away?"

" Yeah , that one way , shut off brain activity to cut off the connection and prevent the syphoning of energy. But it means your dead.

And a malignant spirit have a subclass called a Bounded Spirit , it used it catalyst as a back up storage to maintain form even if the supply was cut off .So if it's a Bounded Spirit , which I think it is, it will not die with you."

" S-so , w- what should I do ?" conflicted emotions flooded Marissa.

" Well for starters , you just need to find that catalyst. You have a certain connection to the ' consciousness' of the spirit so it will be easy for you to find it if you try. Afterwards you just have to cut off the connection of the creature from you and the catalyst and in a few minutes its done."


" So , it can be stopped?"Marissa was unable to control her emotions , the hope of her suffering ending welled up from her chest and her crying increased .

Dr.Rubio just sit and jot down on his notes as Marissa cry rivers.

Wow that's a lot of info dump, sorry but I can't think of anything to put in this chapter .

even though this information is already on the interlude I think not putting this explanation will affect the flow of the story.

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