
Record of Ragnarok watches Anime?!

The Gods are voting to smite Humanity, but they have aone savign grace: Anime

WRizz1 · 漫画同人
14 Chs

The Fifth Battle: Raiden Tameemon Vs Shiva

The atmosphere in the arena was alive with excitement, but today, it wasn't the clash of gods and mortals that had drawn the crowd's attention. No, this time, the arena was set for a spectacle of strength, culture, and heart. The battleground was ready, not for a fight of fury, but for the start of something more humble—something that would define the very essence of Raiden Tameemon.

The grand curtains that hung in the distance were drawn back, revealing a circle, marked in ancient calligraphy with intricate symbols that only a few knew to decipher. But for those who did, they knew what was about to transpire. The sumo ring.

Raiden Tameemon, a man whose legend was whispered about in the wind and revered for his unmatched sumo technique, had chosen to introduce himself in the most fitting way possible: a sumo match.

The audience hushed as Raiden entered the arena. The man was colossal—his body a mountain of muscle, his posture as sturdy as the earth itself. He had a calm, composed demeanor, a smile tugging at his lips as he greeted the spectators. His dark eyes held a quiet intensity, a weight of wisdom and experience that most could only hope to understand.

Dressed in the traditional mawashi (sumo belt) and nothing else, his bare chest glistening under the bright lights, Raiden stood tall as he approached the center of the ring, raising his arms slightly in a gesture of respect to the gods and spectators alike.

He was here to show that the might of sumo wasn't just a sport—it was an art, a philosophy, and a living, breathing force that came from within. His voice echoed through the arena, "Sumo is not about brute strength, but about one's spirit, will, and respect for the earth beneath your feet. Let me show you that true power comes from harmony with the universe."

With that, Raiden moved with effortless grace, demonstrating his sumo moves to the awe-struck crowd. He showcased shiko (the stomping exercise), the powerful leg lifts, and the unyielding thrusts, each movement carried out with perfect form, his muscles flowing like a current as the crowd watched in stunned silence. The gods in the stands, typically aloof and hardened to the typical mortal pursuits, found themselves captivated by his humble yet powerful display. Even the Valkyries, known for their indomitable spirits, leaned forward, mesmerized by Raiden's effortless grace and strength.

His movements were not about defeating an opponent—they were about expressing the soul of sumo, the pride of Japan, the love of tradition, and a deep respect for the ancestors who had come before. His balance was perfect, his posture unwavering.

But it wasn't just his sumo that captivated the crowd—it was the man behind the sumo. His demeanor, humble but firm, his smile that never faltered, and the quiet fire in his eyes that hinted at a strength far beyond his size. Raiden Tameemon wasn't just a fighter—he was a beacon of ideals, a living testament to the power of a righteous spirit.

As the audience cheered, not just for his moves but for the sense of honor and integrity he embodied, Raiden gave a short, respectful bow. The crowd roared in applause as the curtain fell again and the stage was reset. Raiden Tameemon had done more than just perform a sumo exhibition; he had won their hearts.

The cheers died down as the stage was set for the next battle. A dark, thunderous energy began to fill the arena as a figure appeared at the far end—Shiva, the God of Destruction, the force of annihilation itself. His blue skin radiated divine power, his multiple arms poised in graceful but deadly gestures. He was a being of chaos and creation, the Lord of Dance, and the harbinger of ruin.

Raiden stood still at the center of the ring, his calm demeanor unshaken by the sight of the mighty god before him. His hand tightened around the belt of his mawashi as he prepared himself mentally, the weight of the challenge before him crystal clear. This battle would not be like any sumo match he had ever faced—it was a test of more than just strength; it was a test of his very spirit.

Heimdall, the Watcher of the Gods, stood at his post, his eyes locked on the combatants. He raised the mighty horn of Ragnarok to his lips. The sound that echoed through the arena was deafening, the very air shaking with the weight of its call. The battle had begun.

As the horn's final echo faded into the tense silence, Raiden Tameemon moved first, planting his feet firmly in the arena's earth as he assumed the traditional sumo stance. His hands were wide, the muscles in his arms flexing like coils of steel.

Shiva's form shifted in an instant. With the speed and grace of a god, his arms blurred as he took a fluid step forward. The gods in the audience watched in awe—this was no ordinary battle. This was a contest of philosophies, a clash of ideals.

The fight began with a series of brutal strikes from Shiva. His four arms moved with a speed that Raiden could hardly track, but each of Shiva's blows was met with Raiden's steadfast defense. The mortal sumo wrestler was no slouch—his body moved with the precision and wisdom of his years, his balance perfect as he dodged, parried, and countered Shiva's vicious attacks.

For a moment, it seemed as if Raiden was merely playing defense, but then, in a moment of brilliance, he gripped Shiva's extended arm with both hands and twisted, using Shiva's momentum against him. The crowd gasped as Shiva was forced to shift his weight, stumbling for a split second.

Raiden had found an opening.

With a mighty push, Raiden sent Shiva crashing back. The power of his sumo techniques, focused on turning the enemy's strength against them, had forced Shiva into a rare misstep.

For a moment, the gods watching—many of whom had always dismissed mortal strength as insignificant—felt a flicker of uncertainty. Could this human truly defeat a god?

But Shiva was no ordinary god. His eyes blazed with anger as he immediately regained his composure. His arms twisted and morphed into different shapes, like the tendrils of a serpent, each one aiming for Raiden with deadly precision. The arena shook as Shiva's dance of destruction began in earnest.

Raiden's expression hardened. His face was a mask of concentration. He had given everything he had—every ounce of his being was invested in this battle. He had nothing left but his spirit and his ideals.

And then, it happened.

Raiden's body seemed to glow as he gathered all his strength, summoning every last vestige of his life force. The power of his ancestors surged through him. He was no longer just a sumo wrestler; he had become the embodiment of the spirit of sumo, a force that would not be denied.

But Raiden wasn't done yet. As the inevitable strike from Shiva's arm descended, Raiden called out to the Valkyrie that had been paired with him. He knew his time had come. She, a being of unwavering loyalty, nodded with a soft smile. "It's alright, Raiden. I will go the way you wish."

Raiden's heart clenched, but he released her, allowing her spirit to go free. His final act was one of ultimate sacrifice.

And then, Raiden unleashed his final move, the culmination of all his teachings. With a shout of defiance, he poured every last ounce of his life force into the attack. The ground beneath them cracked as Raiden's hand shot forward with the force of a god. His power was a torrent, a primal eruption that exploded into Shiva's body.

The clash was thunderous. Shiva, despite his godly power, was overwhelmed by the sheer force of Raiden's attack. The mortal had broken through even the divine armor of the Deva Loka. Shiva's body trembled, and his leg shattered beneath the power of the strike. His arms, too, were taken, torn from his form in a brutal display of strength and will.

Raiden stood there, panting heavily, his body burning from the life force he had poured into the attack. His chest rose and fell, his muscles quivering with the effort. He had given everything.

But in the end, it was Shiva who remained standing, his divine form unyielding, despite the loss of his limbs. The crowd was silent—Raiden had lost the battle, but his victory was undeniable.

Raiden fell to his knees, his body failing him, the weight of his sacrifice too much to bear. His eyes, though clouded with exhaustion, still held a spark of unwavering resolve.

The gods, who had once dismissed him as a mere mortal, now looked upon him with a newfound respect. In this moment, they saw something in Raiden Tameemon that even they couldn't ignore: the power of conviction, the strength of a righteous heart, and the love of a people who would never forget him.

As Raiden's final breath left his body, the arena erupted into a wave of applause. The mortals and gods alike knew they had witnessed something extraordinary. Raiden Tameemon had lost the battle, but he had won their hearts forever.

His legend would never die.