
Record of Ragnarok watches Anime?!

The Gods are voting to smite Humanity, but they have aone savign grace: Anime

WRizz1 · 漫画同人
14 Chs

The eighth Battle: Tesla Vs Beelzebub

The Arena was buzzing with anticipation. Every victory of humanity so far had sent ripples of hope and exhilaration through the crowd. With a score of 5-2 in favor of humanity, tension lingered in the air as the gods plotted their next move, while humans held their breath for the next champion to emerge.

Amid this charged atmosphere, a figure unlike any before entered the halls of the mortals' meeting quarters—Nikola Tesla. His very presence radiated with a peculiar mix of old-world genius and the futuristic energy that hummed around him. His signature eccentricity and sharp intellect had long been known to the world, but now, Tesla had transcended the limits of just being a brilliant mind.

Gone was the frail, thin man who once delved deep into the mysteries of electricity. Before them stood a Tesla transformed, not just intellectually but physically. His tall figure was now muscular and formidable, a perfect balance between the brain and brawn. His sleek, modern suit glimmered slightly with technological enhancements, subtly hinting at the unseen devices he had woven into it. His transformation was the result of something unheard of in the mortal world, an advanced form of bio-transfer, a technique that fused biological engineering with the essence of human adaptability.

Oppenheimer, the man who had created the atomic bomb and witnessed the dawn of the nuclear age, stood nearby, watching Tesla intently.

"It's genius, really," Oppenheimer muttered. "A mind like yours, with a body to match. I never thought I'd see the day."

Adam, the first human, leaned against the far wall, watching with a bemused smile. "You've really stepped it up, Tesla."

Tesla nodded, his eyes gleaming. "It wasn't enough to be just the mind anymore. We've seen how the gods can bend not just physics, but reality itself. I needed to even the odds, not just in strategy, but in strength. With the help of the others—Buddha, Adam, and even you, Oppenheimer—I've created a new method: Bio-transfer."

Buddha clapped him on the back with a grin. "You're talking big now, but let's see how you handle yourself in a fight, genius."

Tesla smirked, his voice calm but confident. "Oh, I will. But before that, I must thank Göndull."

A beautiful figure shimmered beside Tesla—a Valkyrie with long flowing hair and armor that blended grace with lethal design. Göndull, Tesla's chosen Valkyrie, was elegant yet mischievous, her eyes twinkling with excitement. She wasn't just a silent companion but rather the embodiment of Tesla's boundless energy and creativity.

In their shared mind space, Göndull's voice echoed with playful warmth. "Are you ready, Nikola? To sync with a Valkyrie is more than just a bond—it's a union of will and soul. And I'm eager to see how your ideas translate in battle."

Tesla chuckled mentally. "Well, I guess you'll have front-row seats to the mind of Nikola Tesla. Just try to keep up."

Göndull giggled, "Oh, don't worry. I'm quite certain I can handle it."

The curtain of the arena fell away, revealing a sea of spectators—gods and mortals alike, hungry for the next battle. Tesla stepped forward, his boots clicking rhythmically against the metallic ground, his mind buzzing with calculated plans and strategies. His opponent had been chosen—Beelzebub, the Prince of Darkness, a god who held the weight of suffering and malice upon his soul.

Beelzebub, the embodiment of Satan, walked into the arena with a hollow gaze. His disheveled appearance, sharp features, and the dark aura surrounding him made it clear that he was not like the other gods. While most gods fought with pride and a sense of superiority, Beelzebub fought out of a deep-seated desire to die. His every move dripped with despair, and his eyes told the story of a being who had long since lost the will to live.

"He's a shell of a god," Adam remarked quietly from the stands. "He's powerful, but there's nothing inside."

Tesla, however, wasn't phased. "Even a shell can be dangerous. Despair often leads to recklessness."

Heimdall, the herald of Ragnarok, stood at the center of the arena, his voice booming. "On one side, we have Nikola Tesla, the Genius of Humanity and now, a warrior forged in intellect and physical prowess! And on the other, Beelzebub, the Prince of Darkness, born of chaos, despair, and destruction!"

The horn of Ragnarok blared, and the battle began.

Tesla wasted no time. With a subtle movement, he activated hidden devices scattered across the battlefield. Electricity sparked from the ground, pulsing through the arena's metallic floor. Beelzebub, sensing the trap, barely avoided the initial jolt but quickly realized Tesla had more up his sleeve.

"Teleportation—Tesla Warp!" Tesla muttered under his breath.

In an instant, Tesla vanished and reappeared behind Beelzebub, his fists crackling with electric energy. The Prince of Darkness had no time to react as Tesla delivered a brutal blow to his back, sending him crashing into the ground. The crowd gasped as Beelzebub struggled to rise, blood trickling from his mouth.

But Tesla wasn't done.

"Prison of the Gods!" Tesla shouted, raising his arms toward the sky.

A blinding flash of light erupted from the devices he had planted around the arena. The ground trembled as massive coils of electricity formed a cage around Beelzebub, trapping him in a literal prison of pure energy. The gods in the audience watched in disbelief, some shuddering at the raw power Tesla wielded.

"To think... a mortal could do this," whispered Ares, the god of war.

Beelzebub, despite his hopelessness, let out a chuckle. "A prison? You think you can hold me?"

But Tesla remained calm. "This isn't just any prison. This is a cage designed to kill even gods. And now... it's your turn."

With a flick of his wrist, Tesla sent a surge of lethal voltage coursing through the cage. Beelzebub screamed in agony as the electricity ravaged his body. His dark aura flared, fighting back against the immense power, but Tesla's calculations had been flawless. Beelzebub's resistance faltered.

Tesla grinned as he prepared for the final blow. "Tesla Warp" he whispered again, disappearing and reappearing in front of Beelzebub, who was on his knees, his body smoking and broken.

"Dear God," Tesla muttered mockingly as he delivered his final strike, his hand crackling with raw energy. He plunged his electrically charged hand into Beelzebub's chest, the force splitting the god in two. A burst of dark energy erupted from Beelzebub as Tesla pulled his hand free, and with it, the dark essence of Satan dissipated into the air.

Beelzebub was dead. Tesla had won.

The crowd fell into a stunned silence before erupting into deafening applause. Humanity had claimed another victory.

Tesla stood tall, surveying the audience before raising his voice for all to hear. "This is not just my victory," he proclaimed, his voice steady and filled with determination. "This is proof of the ingenuity and will of mankind. We, who have long been looked down upon by the gods, have the power to surpass them, not just through force, but through intellect, perseverance, and innovation."

The mortals in the stands cheered wildly, their spirits lifted by Tesla's words. Even the gods couldn't help but respect the brilliant display they had just witnessed.

As the applause grew louder, Buddha, ever the trickster, leaned over and whispered to Tesla with a smirk. "You know, you should show them the technical details. Really drive the point home."

Tesla, catching on to Buddha's prank, activated a holographic display that illuminated the devices used in his victory. With a cheeky smile, he began explaining each device, causing many of the gods to shift uncomfortably in their seats.

"And this," Tesla said, gesturing to one particular contraption, "is what allowed me to create the prison that held Beelzebub. As you can see, the mechanisms are quite simple if you have a basic understanding of electromagnetism…"

The gods groaned audibly, but the mortals in the crowd—especially the younger generation—were fascinated, hanging on Tesla's every word with stars in their eyes.

As the explanation concluded, Tesla stepped back from the display, the crowd still buzzing with excitement. He had not only defeated a god but had done so in a way that proved humanity's potential to innovate and overcome any obstacle.

The battle was over, and with it, humanity had claimed yet another victory. The score was now 6-2.

As Tesla left the arena, his mind was already calculating new possibilities for future battles. He was more than just a fighter now. He was a warrior of both body and mind, and he had only begun to unlock his true potential.