
Side story: The explorers 2

Day 2:

The unseen sunrise came with a new day, and the expedition forces came to life making inventory and exploring the proximity of their camp hiding in the heart of the earth.

The four mages, pivotal to this expedition, were already at work, their faces etched with intrigue and a hint of foreboding. They had stumbled upon a sprawling cavern, its dimensions and characteristics suggesting human intervention rather than a natural formation. The air was heavy with old, stagnant magic and the ghostly whispers of those long gone. Ijekiel's elemental senses detected a residual imprint of human activity, a stain left behind by repeated, habitual usage.

Isolde, communing with the moss and lichens on the cavern's floor, got a sense of the passage of time. The plants spoke of age-old silence, their growth barely disturbed by small insects and the occasional drip of water from the ceiling.