
Reborn With A Doomsday System

[ Novel is Under Editing.] Everything in these world are gotten through pain. I accept the pain. Bath in the blood of my enemies and Grow to be the strongest enhancer in the world. A young man reborn 2 months back before doomsday, sworn to protect his families and friends, to give humanity a second chance, to fight and eradicate all the dangerous creatures from the world. But, can he do it?. with evil lurking in the dark, ready to be unleash on the world, to consume the life and shadows of everyone, but they forgot one important information. "I'm the only supreme primordial in this world and you are all below me!!." All the creatures tremble in fear hearing his angry roar and feeling his terrifying powers. read and unveil the mystery and dangers in these dystopian world. follow Leo to the end and discover how he will save the whole world from doomsday.

OP_Supreme · 都市
109 Chs

CHAPTER 96: Cerberus Ultimate Skill


Cerberus wasn't going down that easily, in front of Leo's crescent energy, it remains steadfast, it middles head opened its jaw, as torrent of flames shot out, heading towards Leo's attack.


A deafening explosion rung out, as the two energies collided. To the shock of Vulcan, potentate and even Cerberus, Leo's two crescent attacks, spread the flames in two halves, as it moved with frightening momentum.


The slash collided with Cerberus, throwing the three-headed hound backward.


Cerberus heads let our an angry filled roar, and shot forward towards Leo, leaving destruction on it wake.

"Let get to it" Leo swung his two swords and shot forward. "Let me show you want fear is!"

"This is wonderful, I am impressed." Vulcan stated, relaxing on his throne. Potentate didn't say anything, but the smile on her face will show how happy she was.


Cerberus leaped into the air and smashed down with its claws, planning to turn this human into meat past. Leo swiftly dodged the attacks and released his dark beam from the tip of his emperor sword.



Cerberus growled, as the beam landed on its third head. Without a second to waste its three head opened their jaws together and let out a loud roar. Sending a powerful shock wave in all direction.

'Not this again.' Leo thought and channeled all his spiritual energy into his invisible barrier.


This time nothing happened to him, he stood still with a smirk on his face, staring at Cerberus.

"What the hell, why did my pet skill didn't work on him?" Vulcan exclaimed.

"Because his barrier is stronger than your pet." Potentate gave him An answer, and with a wave of her hand, the description appeared in Front of the two.

Level 4 Invisible barrier description:[unleash an invisible barrier that reduce 60% of any attack thrown to the user by any attacker. B-CLASS, upgradable, Passive skill.]

Vulcan stared at the information with a frown and asked. "It's only 60%, what about the remaining 40%?!"

"Don't forget he is also a fire enhancer, and with the mastery of fire elements, all fire attack is reduced by 70% or more."

"But that is not a fire attack!!" Vulcan was getting more confused.

"But a fire creature released it"

"Uh?" He turned to potentate, and after some time, he nodded. "You might be right"


The three heads let out a low frustration growled as their attack didn't even scratch the human.

"Now let check what my new skill can do" Leo said with a smile, he had been looking for a chance to use it, and this was it. "*Space warp*" as soon as he cast his skill. He sank into the ground and disappeared from view.

"Is that the space affinity?" Vulcan asked, observing the spot Leo disappeared to, even though Leo had vanished from their sight, he could detect when and where he will appear.

"Yeah, I wish he got the void affinity" potentate muttered.

"That affinity Is too powerful for a mortal, only father could use that affinity." Vulcan stated.

"Yeah, the Lord is the father of all affinity, I am just sad he was in hibernation when that evil attack."

"Don't you wonder why he waited for a whole ten years, before attacking us?" Vulcan said with pure killing intent.

"I know" potentate just nodded.

The three heads of Cerberus were now confused, staring around with a perplexed expression on their faces. Out of nowhere Leo shot out from the ground 3 feet from Cerberus, and with an upwards slash, he left a big slash wound on Cerberus chest.


Cerberus let out a painful roar as it step back slowly, it fixed his six eyes on Leo, the next moment it releases another wave of flames from its three heads.

Leo smiled and sank into the shadows on his feet and disappeared again. 'This is more exciting than my stealth!' Leo thought inwardly.



The three wave of flames smashed on the spot Leo was standing, and Cerberus let out an angry roar.

"Show yourself human!!"

"Yes!, are you a coward?!"

"Pathetic, and despicable human!"

The three heads of Cerberus finally spoke, and their words were filled with anger. The middle head spoke first, then the right one, and lastly the left one. And it sounded like it was a... woman.

"It talks" Leo slowly rose from the ground, 20 meters from the angry hound.

"Yes mortal!!" The middle head hissed.

"If you want to be the strongest, you need to win and give the world no reason to doubt your winning!!" The left head, which was a woman yelled.

"Don't be a disgraceful human!!" The right head added.

"I would have love to follow your ideas, but in a fight, two things only matters, one: be the last man standing, no one care how you achieve that, whether you use an undermined tactic which you describe as immoral and dishonorable, the only point is for you to win." Leo stopped, and everyone present remained silent, waiting for him to continue.

"Second: Make sure not to die in a fight, because the only thing that matters is the winner and not the loser, so I will do anything that have to be done to win. No matter if it's dishonorable or shameful. I must always win, because the whole world rest on my shoulders." With that said Leo's face turned cold, and he sank into the ground. But this moment all 50 meters radius dim.

Potentate smiled hearing Leo, even Vulcan nodded calmly. The three heads of Cerberus looked at each other, they all understood this human point. The three then sighed releasing dark smoke from their noses.

"Well them human, we will follow your advice" the middle head said.

"Yes!" The second head added.

"We hope you won't regret your decision" the third head said.

"What is Cerberus planning on doing?" Potentate asked Vulcan silently.

Vulcan had a very wide grin on his face, before saying:


"Ultimate move?" Potentate turned to Vulcan a little surprise.

"Cerberus only use this move, when it labels the opponent as it equal, this human is both lucky and unlucky, hahaha..." He said and burst out laughing.

'A move that even Vulcan called ultimate will be dangerous to take, I hope you will be able to handle it Leo.' Potentate thought inwardly, staring at the arena.

Cerberus head's six eyes glowed with an intense red color, as the three heads raised their heads and roar.


The roar was so loud that the whole arena tremble violently, that Leo had to rise from the ground.

The next moment Cerberus body glowed with a bright red light, as it grew in height and stood a striking 30-foot tall. The giant gate opened, and countless fire artifact flew out and Marge on the body of the hound, creating a fearsome looking armor.

"We hope you are ready human?" The first head asked, his voice booming around the place.

"Come and prove your logic" the second head added. As instead of smokes, fire came out of its nose.

"Yes human, let the final battle begin" the third head declared.

"This is surprising..." Leo muttered as he raised his head to observe the now giant hound in front of him.

"Come on! I never back down!!" Leo roared, as he gripped his two swords tightly.



Much love guys, stay safe.

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