
Reborn With A Doomsday System

[ Novel is Under Editing.] Everything in these world are gotten through pain. I accept the pain. Bath in the blood of my enemies and Grow to be the strongest enhancer in the world. A young man reborn 2 months back before doomsday, sworn to protect his families and friends, to give humanity a second chance, to fight and eradicate all the dangerous creatures from the world. But, can he do it?. with evil lurking in the dark, ready to be unleash on the world, to consume the life and shadows of everyone, but they forgot one important information. "I'm the only supreme primordial in this world and you are all below me!!." All the creatures tremble in fear hearing his angry roar and feeling his terrifying powers. read and unveil the mystery and dangers in these dystopian world. follow Leo to the end and discover how he will save the whole world from doomsday.

OP_Supreme · Urban
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109 Chs

CHAPTER 95: Power Of Heaven And Earth


All the hounds let out angry filled roars as they lunged at Leo with the knight riding on them.


Leo activated his skill, making sure to keep a good distance from the three-headed hound.


A knight smashed his flaming sword on Leo position, which he dodged with a somersault, as soon as he landed he shot forward towards the knight.


He didn't attack the knight because of their body full-plate armor, instead he attacked the hound, the knight was riding on. With a slash of his sword, he detached the head of the hound.

He could achieve that because the hound didn't even see him coming.

"That is a good skill, did you give it to him?" Vulcan asked potentate.

"Yes" she answered calmly, her daze fixed on Leo.

Vulcan just nodded, and remained silent.


Leo killed another hound swiftly, throwing the rider off its back.

"This is boring, killing the enemy without them seeing you. That is a dishonor winning" the God stated.

"When it comes to life and death, everything is accepted."

Vulcan looked at her with furrow brows 'is she the one saying this, someone who hate undermined tactics in a fight.'

He was truly confused now.

Leo was busy following his plan, kill the hounds first, then focus on the knights, from the beginning till now, he had only killed four hounds and three knights, he also discovered that his second sword, which was known as the "Pentagon sword" was very effective against metal.


[Paralyzed activated.]


[Bleeding activated]



[Vital strike given.]

With his incredible speed and swordsmanship, coupled with his Pentagon fighting technique, he expertly killed four more hounds, remaining two hounds and seven knights.

Huff, huff, huff.

Using stealth continuously surely drained his spiritual energy. "I can do this, I need to save my spiritual energy to face that dog." Leo muttered as he stood up slowly.


Cerberus let our a loud growl, and the remaining two hounds let out loud roars and charged at Leo, with more speed and bloodlust.

"How did you get control of Cerberus? I remembered you aren't it master." Potentate asked, a little confuse.

"Cerberus is a powerful monster, that can even rival a half immortal realm fighter, and its only task is to guard the gate of hell. Of course, it belonged to that evil being. But don't forget it has the fire attribute. With A little mind control from me, it turned into my pet." Vulcan explained.

Potentate just nodded calmly, and focused her attention on the battle below.


Leo two swords collided with two knights swords, creating sparks between them.


Leo caused out as another knight lunged at him with full speed, he was already in a peculiar position, and he just had to take this blow head-on, he just hoped his invisible barrier will nullify the impact.


The charging knight collided with Leo, causing him to spray out a mouthful of blood as he flew back and crashed ten meters away.

"Augh!! Even with my level three barrier, that still hurt." He growled as he slowly stood up. In front of him stood six knights armed with flaming swords and two hounds, the Cerberus just stood in front of the gate not moving an inch.

'What am I doing?! This is not the full power of a transcendent fighter, I need to unlock the hidden power, but how?' Leo thought inwardly, as he slowly stood up.

"It looks like he won't be able to hold on for long." Vulcan stated.

"Don't underestimate him" potentate fixed her daze on the shakily Leo, who was trying to get up. 'Come on Leo, you can do it. The whole world now rest on your shoulders, if you can't face this challenge, how will you be able to win in the future. So please get up.' She prayed inwardly.

Leo looked around the flaming arena, and moved his daze towards the two people who were also staring at him. One with a smirk and the other, "is she... worried about me?" Leo asked in mild surprise.

"I mustn't fail those who have given me their hopes and trust, especially my subordinates, fighters, those living in my base, my mom, the whole world and lastly potentate. I must prove to them that I am worthy of their trusts." Leo said as he slowly stood up.

"As she said, she will make me the strongest primordial alive, but I need to be the strongest human alive. I can at least accomplish that alone, and how can I be a primordial if I couldn't even complete the simplest test."

Leo pointed his emperor sword at his opponents and said. "Come and meet your death"

The knights looked at each other, and lunged forward.

Leo spread out both his hands and closed his eyes.


'Be one with the surrounding my child, Marge your soul with heaven and earth. Make sure they bless you so you will be able to draw spiritual energy freely. Remember, I will be waiting for you.'

A mysterious voice sounded in his mind, instead for Leo to be scared silly, he was surprisingly calm, like a loving father talking to his son. Leo relaxed his body and soul, bonding to heaven and earth. His two swords glowed with an intense red and dark light as he absorbed all the surrounding energy.

His core was changing dramatically, the once Gray core turned to half red and half black, the dark surrounding started turning green, that some grass started growing, all the weapons orbiting around his core shone brightly absorbing the endless spiritual energy flowing in.

[Core upgraded to LV 2]

[All skills upgraded to LV 2]

[All weapons increase to the next class.]

[Legendary Affinity automatically used.]

[Congratulation, you now have the space affinity.]

[Congratulation, you have been rewarded with space warp, S-Class skill.]

[You have received the blessing from heaven and earth.]

"Am I seeing things!" Vulcan was on the edge of his seat.

"Is that...?" Even potentate was speechless.


"My lord?"

The two muttered immediately, and slowly raised their heads. Hovering above them was a magnificent figure with four wings as big as a full-grown Dragon's, two horns and a terrifying Aura around him, his aura was so dense that even Vulcan who was considered a primordial of fire was a far cry from it, it wasn't the real being, but a manifestation of his will, and it was already this powerful, then how powerful will he be when he appeared here with his physical form.

All the knights and hounds froze on track, even Cerberus lower its three heads as it slowly back away.

The transparent figure, turned his head to the two people, who quickly got on their knees.

"My lord, what are you doing here?" Potentate asked respectfully.

"Yes father, why are you here?" Vulcan added.

The figure didn't say anything, he just moved his daze beck to Leo, whose eyes was still close. His lip curved up.

'I will be waiting for you my successor.' He thought inwardly and vanished from the arena.


Potentate and Vulcan sighed in relief.

"Why is my father so interested in this human?" Vulcan asked calmly, sitting back on his throne. His father presence was not something they could all bear.

"His strong will, Leo never give up or surrender in a fight, both in his previous life and this life." Potentate answered as she slowly stood up.

"You might be right, but that was scary." Vulcan said, wiping the sweat off his temple.

"Scary? Are you scared of your father?"

"Who isn't?" Vulcan asked instead. Potentate remained silent hearing his question. 'You are right, but one day, every living being in the universe will be scared of this human in front of you.' She thought.


An unholy amount of spiritual energy erupted from Leo, the ground 20 meters away from him cracked instantly. Killing The two hounds which were closest to him.

"I think the surprise haven't ended" Vulcan muttered as he stared at Leo without batting an eye.

"He just leveled up, and it looked like those two swords in his hands are now SSS-Class weapons, there is no way your weak pet can stop him now." Potentate said happily.

"How is that even possible?, wait! Did dad give him something?"

"Don't know" potentate shrugged her shoulders.

Leo slowly opened his eyes, which have turned golden. He observed his body calmly and a smile appeared on his face.

"I think I just tap my full potential, can't wait to test it" he said staring at the remaining six knights. "Time to end this" Leo said and with a BOOM, He lunged forward.

"What...?!!" Potentate and Vulcan were stunned seeing his speed.

"Is this the speed of a transcendent realm?" Vulcan asked.

"No..., this speed can rival a half immortal realm." Potentate muttered absent-mindedly.


With A collision, Leo appeared behind the six knights, as they scattered instantly. He looked at his swords a little speechless. 'Is this the strength of an SSS-Class weapons?' He thought inwardly.

"I think that your pet won't pose any threat to him anymore" potentate muttered.

"I will have to make it stronger" with a raised of his hand, Cerberus body caught on flames and all its attributes flew off the roof.

"Now let see how he win" Vulcan said with a smug smile. Potentate just shook her head and waited to see what will happen.

Leo surely noticed the change, but didn't say anything. He just smiled and said. "Let me see how stronger I have become."

He raised both his swords, one glowed with a red light, while the other dark light. "I hope you can survive this."

"Double transcendent slash!!"

With A slash of both his hands, two powerful crescent energies shot forward, toward the Cerberus.


Potentate and Vulcan were both stunned and speechless.


Sorry for not releasing yesterday and the day before. Sorry again.

Much love guys.

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