
Reborn With A Doomsday System

[ Novel is Under Editing.] Everything in these world are gotten through pain. I accept the pain. Bath in the blood of my enemies and Grow to be the strongest enhancer in the world. A young man reborn 2 months back before doomsday, sworn to protect his families and friends, to give humanity a second chance, to fight and eradicate all the dangerous creatures from the world. But, can he do it?. with evil lurking in the dark, ready to be unleash on the world, to consume the life and shadows of everyone, but they forgot one important information. "I'm the only supreme primordial in this world and you are all below me!!." All the creatures tremble in fear hearing his angry roar and feeling his terrifying powers. read and unveil the mystery and dangers in these dystopian world. follow Leo to the end and discover how he will save the whole world from doomsday.

OP_Supreme · 都市
109 Chs

CHAPTER 94: Test From The Fire God 3


Leo cast his skill, freezing time for three second. Not much, but a second is all he needed.

Leo shot forward toward the frozen hydra, and with a slash. The other head was separated from it body.


The last head let out a painful shriek, as he recovered itself.

"What a terrifying skill" the young fire God said in a low voice. "Powerful skill, but it can't hold anyone stronger than the caster. He was just lucky the skill worked on my hydra."

Leo landed on the ground and turned around to face the hydra. Which now looked like a 15 meters long snake.

"I would have loved to use that skill again, but it drains a lot of spiritual energy." Leo thought, he prepared himself to attack again.

"This is boring" the God said and with a wave of his hand, Leo two swords flew out of his hand and landed in Front of him.

"What are you doing?!" Leo roared at him.

"I want to see, what you are capable of, without your swords." The God gave a simple answer.


"The hydra is coming" the God said with a smirk.

"Fuck this, Shadow range!"

Leo cast another skill, 30 meters radius from him instantly got darker, boasting his attributes to a whole terrifying level.

"I can still end this!"


The snake opened his mouth, showing it terrifying teeth as he planned to swallow Leo whole.

Leo leaped into the air and landed on the back of the one-headed hydra, the hydra hissed and tried to throw the pathetic human away.

Leo didn't waste any time and started releasing several powerful punches on the hydra flaming body. Even with the heat, he didn't slow down but increased his speed.

"Hisses!!!!" The hydra shriek or hissed in pain, as it turned his head and released a powerful wave of flames, not caring about his body.

Leo face changed dramatically, and he quickly leaped from the spot and skillfully landed on the head of the hydra.

"Die you motherfucker!!!"

He yelled and released a powerful punch on the head of the hydra.


Leo flew forward, and landed on the ground with and roll and quickly got on his feet.


The hydra let out another painful shriek and his massive body fell down, with a THUD.

Leo didn't waste any time and walked up to the hydra and started releasing several powerful punches on its skull, making sure the hydra was dead for real.

"Ok, you win this wave" the young fire God finally stopped him.

Leo finally stopped punching the hydra, he was covered with blood or goo. He couldn't tell, but what surprise him, was that the hydra have blood.

Even though its body was made of flames.

"Next wave"

Leo said to the God, who just smiled at him. "Ok human, let see what you are capable of" with a wave of his hand, Leo's weapons flew back to him.

"You will need them."

The next moment a huge gate rose from the ground, Leo stood calmly staring at the Huge gate, with the head of a three animal as the logo.

"Let the wave begin"

As soon as the God word fell, the Huge gate slowly opened and ten knight figures walked out slowly. And stood in two lines of five each.

The gate vibrate and a fearsome looking hound walked out slowly. It has red furs with three heads.

"A Cerberus?" Leo muttered surprised.

"Yeah mortal, let see who strong you are." The God stated and relaxed on his throne to watch the fun.

Before Leo could think of his plan, ten hounds walked out of the gate, and stood behind Cerberus. The ten knight then got on each hound and focused their attention at the human in Front of them.

"How is this fare?!!" Leo yelled at the God.

"You should be happy, because my test is the simplest out of the seven primordial." The God grinned.

"The simplest? You fucking called this simplest?!!"

Leo was almost going crazy, and this God was just adding annoying him.

"Wave start"

The ten knight riding the hounds lunged forward, with deadly speed. Towards Leo, fire swords formed in their hands as the got close to him.

"I must pass this test, *Shadow range*, *stealth*." Leo cast two skill and vanished from view.


Cerberus let out a sonic roar, sending a sonic wave around the whole arena. The force of the wave connected with Leo, making him spurt out a mouthful of blood as he flew back.

"Fuck!!! It even has it own skill." Leo growled as she slowly stood up.

"Potentate if you can hear me, upgrade my sword to level two, I am giving you the go button." Leo tried with all his strength and spiritual energy, if he could communicate with potentate.

A powerful aura burst out from him, shocking the young fire God, "How did he break through my Barrier?"

"I thought you will never do it" A beautiful voice he will never forget sounded behind him.

Leo swiftly turned around and saw potentate walking toward him, as beautiful as always, but what caught him off guard was the four silver wings behind her.

"How did you...?"

"This is not a real world, it's a test. So I can manifest with in my whole form." She gave a simple reply and looked at the knights who had already stopped charging.

"Why did you call me?" She asked.

"Can you level up this emperor sword, when I was using it against the hydra, its skill didn't even affect it, not even once."

"Ok..., you know it's 1,000,000 Doom stones, right?"

"I know, do it"


The next moment, the sword emanates a golden light and then subsided as if nothing happened.

Emperor sword: [new skill unlock, convert the blood of any enemy it draws into vitality for the holder. All swords level one skill have been boast to 50%, that is: chance of causing paralyze 50%, chance of causing bleeding 50% ~ enemy bleed 20% faster every minute, chance of inflicting vital strike increase to 50%.]

[NOTE: All these skills can be resisted when the target is stronger than holder.]

"Lovely, thanks potentate." Leo said with a smile.

"Happy to help." Potentate smiled back.

"Touchy, now get out of the stage you!" The young God yelled at potentate.

"Calm down, my Prince" potentate said, and flew towards the God, and landed beside him.

"Thanks for having me here, my Prince" she said with a smile.

"It wasn't my intention to bring you here!" The God answered flatly.

"Then I will have to thank your adopted brother."

"He isn't yet my brother, he must have the approval of all the primordial before father could bestow the title on him."

"And that is why I am with him" potentate answered.

"When are you going to tell him your real name?" The God asked with a tilt of his head.

"I'm satisfied with the name he gave me" potentate answered calmly.


Leo didn't know what the two were talking about, be just focused all his attention on the knights, who are waiting for the order to attack.

"I am not scared of you guys anymore, come on!!" He roared.


The God finally gave his command, and all the knights shot fourth.



Ok, ok, ok.

This is the last battle, we will get the results tomorrow.

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