
Reborn: The Lady Dominates

Kit's father, a relentless alcoholic, often subjected her and her mother, Mary, to bouts of violence and verbal abuse. The constant poverty and daily torment became unbearable for Mary, leading her to seduce John, Anna's father, and secure a place in his affluent household. Anna, fiercely opposed to her father's remarriage, harbored a deep resentment towards Kit and Mary. In a bid to drive them out, she perfected the art of playing the innocent in front of her father. With calculated precision, Anna would slander and scheme against Kit and Mary, weaving lies and deceit, hoping to poison her father's mind and prompt him to divorce Mary.

Karl_K · 现代言情
31 Chs

Chapter 22: Medicinal Cuisine

Backstage, Terrence was overseeing the logistics of the event. He was still in awe after Kit's mesmerizing performance. His usually busy figure was momentarily still as he watched her on stage. Despite her plain school uniform, Kit's graceful curves and supple movements captivated him, each elegant motion stirring his heart.

As the applause thundered for Kit's performance, she returned backstage. Terrence immediately approached her, confusion written all over his face. "Kit, why didn't you tell me you could dance? And so well at that? Why didn't you mention it when I asked you to learn from Jenny?"

Kit looked at him coldly, her expression impassive. "What's it to you? Are we that close?"

Terrence was taken aback by her cold attitude, left speechless. He hadn't expected Kit to be so indifferent. Faced with her questioning, he didn't know what to say and could only watch her walk away. As he stood there, the dim backstage lighting cast shadows on his furrowed brow, making him look particularly somber.

At that moment, Professor Ken hurried towards the backstage area. Recognizing Kit's dance as the long-lost "Green Waist Dance," he was visibly excited, his face flushed. His assistant, witnessing Professor Ken's rare enthusiasm, quickly supported him, rushing towards the backstage.

"Professor Ken, take it easy, don't fall," the assistant said nervously, holding onto his arm.

"I'm fine. I must meet that girl and ask her about the Green Waist Dance," Professor Ken insisted, his eyes filled with urgency.

However, by the time they reached the backstage area, Kit was nowhere to be seen. Professor Ken's eyes searched the area, but he couldn't find her, disappointment evident on his face.

"She left," Terrence said softly, his mood equally low.

Professor Ken sighed in frustration. "What a pity. I wanted to ask her about it."

The assistant suggested, "It's okay. She's a student here. We can find her through the principal."

Professor Ken's eyes lit up, "You're right! Good thinking."

Meanwhile, Kit had already exited the school. The school gate looked particularly serene under the night sky. As she stepped out, she saw a black Maybach parked by the roadside. Ryan was leaning against the car, his gaze gentle and steady.

Kit raised an eyebrow, surprised and curious. Ryan smiled and walked over, politely opening the passenger door for her.

"Ryan, aren't you busy tonight?" Kit teased, her tone light and playful.

"I just wanted to take you somewhere," Ryan replied with a smile, offering no further explanation.

Kit didn't hesitate, getting into the car. The atmosphere inside was comfortable and quiet. Ryan drove the Maybach skillfully, leading Kit to a secluded alley. They remained silent during the drive, both seemingly lost in thought.

They arrived at a quaint house hidden in the alley. The house had an antique charm, with weathered walls and traditional wooden windows hinting at its history.

As they entered, an elderly man greeted them. Dressed in traditional Chinese robes, he had a kindly demeanor. He glanced curiously at Kit but showed no sign of disrespect.

"Mr. Ryan, everything as usual?" the old man asked respectfully.

Ryan nodded, "Yes, everything as usual."

The old man led them inside with deference. Kit followed Ryan, filled with curiosity and confusion. She didn't know why Ryan had brought her here, but she felt a sense of peace and safety.

The room was simply yet elegantly furnished. Wooden furniture gave off a faint woody fragrance, and old paintings adorned the walls, adding warmth to the space. Kit sat on an antique chair, absorbing the tranquility of the place.

Although curious about the hidden restaurant, Kit asked no questions. She quietly observed her surroundings, appreciating the unique ambiance. The soft lighting in the restaurant highlighted a few dishes of medicinal cuisine on the table, emitting an enticing aroma.

Ryan explained with a smile, "These dishes are prepared by Uncle Dan. They're very helpful for your insomnia." His gaze was full of concern.

Kit nodded without saying much. She knew Ryan had noticed her frequent requests for sedatives and was aware of her insomnia issues. Despite her own medical knowledge, she had to admit Uncle Dan's culinary skills were indeed effective.

Ryan continued, "I've informed Uncle Dan. Even if I'm not here, you can come anytime for the medicinal cuisine."

Kit nodded lightly in agreement. Though she was aloof by nature, she felt a hint of warmth from Ryan's concern.

Seeing this, Ryan began to eat with a sense of relief. He savored the dishes while observing Kit. Despite her silence, her graceful demeanor and light eating movements stood out. He couldn't help but admire her strength and elegance.

Kit sampled a piece of the medicinal dish, savoring the blend of herbal aroma and flavor. She was silently impressed by Uncle Dan's cooking. Though she didn't express it verbally, she had accepted the kind gesture in her heart.

After the meal, Ryan said softly, "If you need anything, just let me know."

Kit glanced at him, nodded, and said, "Thank you."

Ryan smiled, feeling a sense of satisfaction. He knew Kit's coldness wasn't rejection but a form of self-protection. Her acceptance of his concern was a significant step forward.

As they left the restaurant, the night had deepened. The alley lights cast a warm glow on their figures, creating a cozy atmosphere. Ryan led the way, Kit following quietly, feeling an unprecedented sense of peace.

After the meal, Ryan and Kit walked out of the hidden restaurant. They walked lightly towards the car in the cool night air. The Maybach stood quietly at the alley entrance, its body reflecting the streetlights softly.

Ryan opened the car door for Kit, who settled into the passenger seat, her eyes showing a mix of fatigue and tranquility. Ryan circled to the driver's side, started the engine, and the car smoothly headed towards Kit's residence. The soft music playing inside the car added to the serene atmosphere, and neither of them spoke, enjoying the rare peace.

Soon, the car arrived at Kit's home. Ryan politely said, "We're here. Get some rest tonight. See you tomorrow."

Kit nodded, "Thank you, Ryan. Good night."

"Good night," Ryan smiled, watching her until she disappeared into the building before driving away slowly.

Meanwhile, Anna was standing by her window, observing the scene. Her eyes fixed on Kit as she stepped out of the luxurious Maybach, her heart filled with jealousy and suspicion.

"Hmph, Kit coming back in such a fancy car. She must have caught the eye of some old man," Anna sneered internally. "Ordinary boys our age can't afford a Maybach."

Her eyes gleamed with a cold light as she pondered Kit's background and how she came to experience such luxury. Anna's jealousy and resentment towards Kit grew stronger, and she resolved to uncover Kit's secrets.

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