
Reborn: The Lady Dominates

Kit's father, a relentless alcoholic, often subjected her and her mother, Mary, to bouts of violence and verbal abuse. The constant poverty and daily torment became unbearable for Mary, leading her to seduce John, Anna's father, and secure a place in his affluent household. Anna, fiercely opposed to her father's remarriage, harbored a deep resentment towards Kit and Mary. In a bid to drive them out, she perfected the art of playing the innocent in front of her father. With calculated precision, Anna would slander and scheme against Kit and Mary, weaving lies and deceit, hoping to poison her father's mind and prompt him to divorce Mary.

Karl_K · Urban
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31 Chs

Chapter 21: The Green Waist Dance

The stage lights came on, illuminating Jenny in a white dance dress adorned with tiny diamonds that sparkled under the lights. Jenny had been dancing since she was a child, and her movements were graceful and elegant, each action filled with power and beauty. The applause from the audience was like a tidal wave, everyone deeply captivated by her performance. As she danced across the stage, Jenny felt immense pride and joy.

After Jenny's performance, the host stepped onto the stage, smiling as he said, "Next, we have Kit performing another dance." His voice echoed through the hall, instantly stirring discussions among the audience.

Kalvin and Fanny's expressions darkened upon hearing the announcement. Kalvin clenched his fists in anger, muttering, "It's obvious someone is trying to set Kit up. Placing her right after Jenny's stunning performance is just asking for her to fail."

Fanny, equally displeased, added, "This is outrageous, blatant sabotage!" Her voice was filled with anger and concern, her eyes full of worry for Kit.

Anna, seated in the audience, nearly burst out laughing at the announcement. Adjusting her posture, she thought to herself, "Kit, you're in for a rough time now, ha ha ha." She kept her composure, ready to watch Kit embarrass herself.

Backstage, Kit was preparing to go on, still wearing her familiar school uniform, in stark contrast to the other performers' glamorous outfits. Jenny, noticing her, couldn't resist mocking, "Kit, you're still wearing that shabby uniform on stage? How laughable."

Jenny's voice dripped with sarcasm and smugness, knowing that she had specifically asked the teacher to switch the performance order to make Kit embarrass herself in front of the whole school. She looked at Kit with satisfaction, as if already anticipating her failure.

Kit remained calm, her steady demeanor unnerving Jenny, who continued to mock, "Let's see if you can keep that high and mighty attitude in a bit." Her tone carried a hint of disdain and anticipation for Kit's downfall.

Ryan frowned as he heard the host's announcement, a hint of anger flashing in his eyes. He quickly glanced towards the exit, where Allen, catching Ryan's look, nodded and immediately headed out. His steps were quick and determined, understanding the urgency of the situation. Brian, standing nearby, looked confused and asked, "Where are you going?"

Allen didn't bother explaining to the one with both low EQ and IQ, continuing on his way. He knew that time was of the essence, and every second counted.

Brian quickly followed, calling out, "Wait for me!" This little episode went unnoticed in the noisy hall.

After the host's announcement, no one appeared on stage. As time ticked by, the audience began whispering, puzzled, "Why isn't anyone performing? Are they scared?"

The audience's murmurs grew louder, filling the hall with an uneasy atmosphere. Anna and Mary, sitting in the front row, exchanged a pleased glance, already envisioning Kit's failure and embarrassment.

The teacher backstage was frantic, sweat beading on her forehead. She kept checking her watch, filled with anxiety and helplessness, thinking, "Why isn't Kit coming out yet? What should I do?"

Just as everyone was talking and the teacher was on the verge of collapse, a spotlight suddenly lit up the center of the stage, illuminating a figure in a school uniform—Kit. She stood there with a calm expression and a determined look in her eyes.

Despite her simple school uniform, Kit's unique aura made her stand out, appearing exceptionally fresh and elegant. Her appearance immediately captured everyone's attention, silencing the hall as they held their breath, waiting for her performance.

The music began to play, a classical melody full of grace and beauty. Kit started to dance, her movements light and elegant, flowing naturally with the music. Each spin and jump was filled with power and beauty.

Though she wore only a school uniform, her dance exuded a unique charm, gradually captivating the audience. Her every move seemed to carry an invisible force, gripping the audience's attention.

As Kit's dance neared its end, the audience remained entranced by her performance. With her final graceful movement, the music slowly stopped. The hall was silent, everyone still lost in her performance.

Suddenly, someone from the audience exclaimed, "That's the lost 'Green Waist Dance'!"

This voice broke the silence, instantly drawing everyone's attention. The audience began to discuss in low voices, eyes filled with surprise and admiration.

The 'Green Waist Dance' is an ancient classical dance from the Tang Dynasty, originating from the Tang court, considered a treasure of ancient Chinese dance. Known for its graceful, elegant, and fluid movements, it demands high flexibility and expressiveness. Over time, due to broken inheritance and war, the Green Waist Dance gradually became lost, becoming a mysterious legend in ancient dance.

Hearing someone recognize Kit's dance as the 'Green Waist Dance,' the audience was abuzz. They looked at Kit on stage with disbelief, filled with awe and respect.

Backstage, Jenny, who had been basking in her successful performance, was now speechless with shock. Her previously smug smile froze, her heart filled with jealousy and resentment.

Anna, watching Kit on stage, felt her initial delight and anticipation turn to shock and anger. She could hardly believe her eyes, inwardly cursing, "How is this possible? She knows the 'Green Waist Dance'?"

Mary, sitting in the audience, initially thought Kit would embarrass herself, but after seeing her stunning performance, she felt a mix of complex emotions. Previously indifferent towards Kit, she now felt a twinge of guilt and pride. Mary's gaze softened, realizing she might have underestimated her daughter's potential and perseverance.

The audience's applause thundered, celebrating Kit's performance. She bowed slightly, maintaining her composed expression, her gaze sweeping the audience before resting on Ryan.

Ryan, standing in a corner of the hall, had a look of approval and relief in his eyes. He nodded slightly, silently applauding Kit. He knew that this composed girl had shown her most beautiful side on stage, proving her strength and talent.

As Kit stepped off the stage, Jenny, still standing backstage, her face dark with anger and resentment, approached Kit coldly, saying, "You think this will win you everyone's admiration? Dream on!"

Kit glanced at her calmly, her voice cool and firm, "Jenny, true strength doesn't need a flashy exterior. You'll never understand."

Jenny was too furious to respond, turning away in anger. Kit, feeling light and proud, walked off the stage with a sense of peace.

The stage lights came on again, and the host smiled, "Let's give another round of applause for Kit's amazing performance!"

The audience's applause thundered like a storm, celebrating this composed yet strong girl with the highest praise. Kit smiled slightly, her gaze firm, knowing she had proven herself and earned respect.

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