
Reborn Inside How To Train Your Dragon World

Lucas a 16-year-old high schooler finds himself somehow trapped in the world of How To Train Your Dragon. Follow the story as Lucas travels through the world to find a way back home. Disclaimer: I do not own the How To Train Your Dragon franchise or none of it's characters!!! P.S. The art used for the book cover does not belong to me, if the owner want's it removed just let me know

Dungeo · 电影同人
29 Chs


{Yo how ya'll doing? I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas. Enjoy the chap and lemme know what you all think :-}




"Hey Gothi, I was told that the person I brought this morning wanted to see me."

The old lady that was making a potion of some kind, pointed at her hut. He gave her a small nod and entered the hut. 

A chimney dimly lit the inside and in a corner, the figure of the girl lying down could be seen. He found her to be looking at him as he entered. 

"Hi, I was told by the chief that you wanted to see me?"

She nodded and tried to get up, "Yes I wanted to thank you for….." her sentence was cut short by a yell of pain as she touched her head. 

He walked over to her and slowly helped her lay back down. 

"You don't have to get up, if you do then it might take longer for your head to heal. You getting better is thanks enough since it means I saved someone. Nothing more important one can boast about hehe. Anyway my name is Neil, it's nice to meet you."

The girl smiled but after a few seconds, her smile died down and a sad expression replaced it. "I….I don't remember my name…or anything else for that matter. It's weird now matter how much I try to remember all there is black space."

She began to tear up leaving Neil unsure of what to do. She wiped her face trying to stop her tears from showing so he patted her arm. 

"It's okay to cry. I understand that it must be difficult to not know what's happening, so I begin to imagine how hard it would be to not remember your life."

Neil fell into an awkward silence as he listened to her crying. After a few minutes, she finally stopped and began drying her face with a fresh bandage that Neil found lying around. 

"Sorry you had to see that, I guess I couldn't hold back anymore. To not even be able to return your greeting since I don't even know your name….I just…. I….."

'Gotta stop her before she starts crying again.'

Neil patted her back and smiled, "Don't worry I'm sure everything will work itself out. I've heard of cases where people's memories return after some time. So don't lose hope."

She gave him a wide smile, Neil didn't know if she was faking it or not but the smile suited her. 

'Well, it seems unlikely that I'll be able to get any of the information that Stoick wanted out of her. Might as well call it a night.' 

"I'll let you rest for now, good night."

She nodded and grabbed his hand as he was taking it away from her shoulder, "Thanks again for saving me….and for giving me hope. If I ever do remember my name you will be the first one that I tell. That way I can return your greeting." 

He smiled at her and politely took his hand away. Once he was outside the hut he released the sigh. 

'She's cute, but I should keep my distance. The last thing I want is to take advantage of her loss of memory. Especially since I'm looking for a way to get home, though that dream is getting dimmer and dimmer. If Reioi where I was reborn and Berk my only connection to this world weren't the answer then where the hell do I have to go?' 

When he arrived home he found the chief sitting on the dining table rubbing his beard. 

"How did it go, Neil? Did you get anything?" 

He was surprised by how impatient the Chief was, he sighed and shook his head. "Sorry sir, she got accepted with the fact that she didn't remember her name. It wasn't the time for me to ask her about anything else." 

Stoick seemed to be troubled but he still nodded, "I see well it can't be helped…." 

"I apologize for asking this but is that horn mean something bad?" 

The chief shook his head and put away the documents he was looking at. "Sigh* It isn't that it's bad. That horn…it's a newborn gift that I gave to the daughter of a chief from another tribe."

'Oh, so she was the daughter of a ch…..'

"However I was told that his daughter had died long ago when she was still very little?"

'Never mind.' 

Neil began thinking about the possible scenarios, "Is there any way that you might have made a mistake? Maybe the horn looks just like the one you gifted."

The chief shook, "No it has my seal on it, that is the very one I gave her." 

"Then is it possible that she is the daughter? I don't see a parent giving away something like that so I guess that if she isn't she might have stolen it. That's hard to believe though, I mean it's not like the horn was something valuable at least money-wise."

The chief nodded, "That might be true but the possibility is still there. I'm tempted to tell him the news but if she took it he will for sure make her pay dearly. I don't know the specifics of his daughter's death so I don't know if he saw a body. If he didn't and I get his hopes up and it turns out to be false I would have to bare his anger. Berzerkers are a hard tribe to handle."

'Berzerkers? That sounds like an interesting tribe'

"Well our yearly meeting will happen in about two months i'll try to bring it up then. If there is no possibility it's her, I'll keep quiet for her own safety."

Neil looked at the chief in confusion, "Why wait two months? Can't you quickly fly over and pay them a visit? That way we don't have to keep her in the dark for so long."

Stoick rubbed his beard and shook his head, "They don't know about us training dragons. The peace that we have is very fragile if they learn about the dragons the first thing they will think about is how they could be used against them. They are also not very thrilled about having people over. For now, I'll simply have her stay with Astrid. Both of them are around the same age and she pretty much is the only person I can trust with her. I would also like you to spend time with her since you are the one that saved her. She is bound to feel more comfortable with you." 

Neil stopped leaning on the table and shook his head, "I don't think that's necessary, if Astrid is going to be with her then so will the other dragon riders."

Stoick began laughing, "That's exactly what I'm worried about. I have to say I didn't take you for the type of man that is shy when it comes to women haha."

Neil quickly shook his head, "No that's not why, it's just that if I spend too much time with her she might become dependent on me."

Stoick laughed after hearing him, "Is that so? Are you afraid the pretty lady will fall for you? I can think of things worse than that haha. Anyway, you doing this will put Hiccup's mind at ease. That loudmouth of Snotlout got him stressing about how you might...Mhm anyway, I ask you this as a favor, can I count on you?"

'How I might what? You can't just leave things at that?.... Well in the end it isn't something bad it'll help kill some time as I try to come up with new ideas on how to get home.'

He gave the chief a nod, "I'll check up on her every now and then."