
Meeting the Main Group 2/2

(Gotta warn you guys I just smoked like 2 blunts before writing this. Quality might be worse I can't tell really, when I was writing I made a lot of grammar errors and had to reread the chapter like 2 times to make sure it was straight. There might be some errors but just ignore it. Nevertheless enjoy the chapter.)

When they reached the roof they saw a white man singing while holding a rifle.

"Dixon what the hell man! Are you crazy?" Morales angrily barked

"Hey, y'all should be more polite to a man with a gun!" Merle Dixon laughed as he turned around.

"You are wasting bullets we don't even have man! You'll just bring more of 'em on our ass. Chill out homie." T-dog said displeased.

"Hey watch it boy! Bad enough I got this taco bender on my ass. Now I'm gonna take orders from you." Merle frowned.

"I don't think so bro. That'll be the day." He continued

"The day! Let me know about the 'Day'." T-dog's face scrunched up.

"It's the day I take orders from a Nigger." Merle approached T-dog .

T-dog immediately tried to punch Merle but got his ass-kicked. Some people tried to break it up while Jaden and his group just watched.

Rick thought that it was enough and wanted to play sheriff, too bad it backfired and he caught a right hook from Merle.

"Now, I think this is the time we should vote for a leader, I vote for me." Merle had his hands on his knees while catching his breath.

As he looked around he saw the butt of an assault rifle. They were stunned to see Rick standing over a groaning Merle.

Rick dragged and handcuffed Merle to the steel pipes so he wouldn't cause any more trouble.

"Listen up Merle, There are no niggers anymore, only white meat and dark meat. We only survive this by coming together as a group." Rick preached.

"Screw you man." Merle spit on the ground.

"You ought to be polite to a man with a gun. It's only common sense." Rick returned his line to him and pointed his gun to his head.

"You wouldn't do it, You're a cop." Merle frowned

"Not any more, All I am is a man looking for his family. Anyone who gets in the way of that will die." Rick got in his face and whispered.

Rick left after taking away Merle's drugs and throwing them off the building. He walked away with Glenn and Morales while Merle was screaming at him.

Rick saw a van they could use to getaway in a construction site 2 blocks away. After brainstorming they thought of going underground through the sewers.

"Hey sugar tits how bout you let me out of these handcuffs so we can have some fun."

Merle flirted with Chloe. Nobody could blame him, she was stunningly gorgeous. Jaden frowned while Chloe just walked over to Jaden and gave him a hot but sloppy kiss in front of everyone.

Merle was envious of the pretty boy and watched with jealousy as Jaden grabbed her ass and kissed her back passionately. The rest of the men who were single sighed as they knew the beautiful girl was taken already.

After the show of affection and coughing a couple times for them to stop the PSA, they all went inside and headed to the sub basement leaving Merle alone on the roof.

Seeing that the hole leading to the sewers was small everyone looked at Glenn to be the test dummy.

Glen reluctantly agreed but wanted Rick to come with him while Jaden and Alfred guarded their back.


Andrea followed Jaden and Alfred upstairs and was currently looking around with Jaden.

"I'm sorry about earlier. That wasn't nice of me to point a gun at you." Andrea apologized sincerely as she just acted in the moment

"It's okay no hard feelings, people do stupid things when they're afraid." Jaden replied nonchalantly

"Not that I wasn't entirely justified, you did get into this mess." She shot back wryly

"If I get us out of this mess will you forgive me?" Jaden questioned with a light smile

"Nope, but it'll be a start." Andrea walked over to the jewelry

"Next time take the safety off the gun pretty lady. It won't shoot otherwise." Jaden mocked

Jaden knew Andrea didn't know how to shoot a gun so he showed her. When he reached for the gun he intentionally touched her hand.

Jaden showed her to take the gun off safety. Andrea blushed as Jaden was super close and found him too attractive. Jaden smiled at this, Andrea noticed his smile and knew she was busted, she looked away to avoid the awkwardness.

Andrea was beautiful, she was literally a 30 year-old MILF. She had blond hair and green eyes. She had high cheekbones and had freckles on her face.

Although she lacked in the breasts department compared to Chloe, she had C-cup breasts but she had an ass that could rival hers.

When watching the show Jaden always had a crush on Andrea and Maggie, but she looked even better in person.

She went back to looking at the Jewelry and wanted to find something for her sister's birthday. She was hesitant because she didn't want to steal.

"Are you gonna take it or not, you've been staring at those necklaces for a minute." Jaden said amused by her morals

"Isn't your friend the cop?" Andrea joked

"He's not here, is he?" He whispered into her ear

Andrea felt Jaden hot breath on her neck and backed off.

"Isn't Chloe your girlfriend?"

Andrea was mad that Jaden was flirting with her while Chloe wasn't around.

"She knows that I want a harem and is ok with sharing me with other women." Jaden revealed

"Ummm.." Andrea was shocked and didn't know what to say or how to react to Jaden's advances

"You don't have to answer now and we can take it slow. But I like you and I think you're gorgeous." Jaden bluntly said

Andrea was attracted to Jaden but didn't know if she was willing to share her lover with other women. There was also the age gap as she was 11 years older than him.


Glen came back from the sewer with Rick and told everyone how they couldn't get through and needed another way out.

Chloe recommended that they used the walker's blood and gut to mask their scent. Everyone was stunned at her idea and quickly came up with a plan to make it to the trucks.

Rick, Glenn, Alfred and Jayden would do the operation while the others waited, Rick gave T-dog the key to the handcuffs and left.

They walked out into the street wearing lab coats that were smeared in blood and guts, they walked by the walkers and weren't attacked.

As they were walking they noticed it was about to rain and started walking faster. When they were almost at the gate the rain started pouring and wasted the scent off their body.

When they noticed the Walkers looking at them funny they made a run for it. Alfred started killing the walkers in their way while Jaden used his katana to kill the ones behind them.

Rick and Glenn handled the rest and they soon made it to the gate, once they jumped over Rick went for the van while Glenn, Alfred and Jaden covered him.

They lead the walkers away from the others so Rick would have time to get them safely, Rick dropped Jaden, Glenn and Alfred off at the 2 SUV's that were outside the city.

When Rick picked up the others he noticed Merle wasn't with them and asked what happened. T-dog told him he panicked and dropped the key down a drain.

Rick could only sigh before he drove off. Rick headed to the camp following behind the excited Glenn while Alfred and Jaden followed behind him.


An old white man was sitting on top of an RV while looking around with binoculars when he saw a black Cadillac coming towards them. Everyone heard the alarms of the car and was nervous about who it could be.

They saw a Korean man hop out and they sighed as it was just Glenn. They rushed towards Glenn and asked about the others. Glenn explained that they were all fine and should be coming soon.

As soon as he said that they saw another Cadillac and a U-Haul behind it. They saw their friends hop out and their worries were gone.

As they hugged their lovers and friends, Rick stepped out of the car and was noticed by Shane, Shane was stunned.

Carl looked over at the commotion and saw his presumed-to-be dead father staring at him with tears in his eyes.

"Carl?!" Rick mumbled hysterically

"Dad? Dad! You're okay." Carl ran towards his dad along with Lori his wife

"Lori? Lori! Carl!" Rick shouted as he ran towards them and hugged them.

Rick couldn't believe it, he had found his family and quickly at that. Even though Rick wasn't a believer he thanked God with all his heart.

I was so shitfaced I didn't know I was writing Jayden's name without the 'Y'. Maybe I should just keep spelling his name like that. Anyway, I'm a black dude and I don't understand how ppl can be racist. They bro I don't have the time to hate people just cuz of their skin. I got better shit to do. Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Floridaboytoniocreators' thoughts