

Days had passed since the attack on the camp and people weren't feeling safe. The camp was split between heading to the CDC or staying.

Rick was trying to be a leader but It wasn't as easy as he thought it would be since not that many people knew or trusted him.

In the end Jaden, Rick, Chloe, Alfred, Shane, Dale, Daryl, Glenn, T-dog, Lori, Carl, Andrea, Amy, Carol, Sophia and Jacqui decided to head to the CDC.

The journey was fairly easy, they had plenty of gas and when they ran out they just stole some from the cars and gas stations they passed by.

They still had the food from Jaden's bunker and had enough to last them another 3 months.

After a couple of days they had finally made It to the CDC building. It was starting to get dark and they were exhausted from traveling.

Inside the CDC building there was a man who was slowly losing his mind from depression and lack of communication with the outside world.

He was the last scientist from the CDC that was alive, his name is Edwin Jenner. Just as he was about to end his misery he noticed a group of people approaching the building.

"Let's go, we're almost there." Rick said

Rick walked up to the shutters on the door and rattled them but nothing happened, Shane banged on them but there was still no response.

"There's nobody here." T-dog told Rick

"Then why are these shutters down?" Rick questioned

Rick didn't want to be wrong, he wanted to believe that the CDC would be a safe place for him and his family.

"Walkers!" Daryl shouted

There were a small group of walkers that approached them after hearing them bang on the shutters.

The group was starting to panic, the women were nervous and the children scared. Doubt was slowly creeping in about Rick's decision to lead them here.

"You led us to a graveyard." Daryl was pissed at Rick

"He made a call." Shane defended Rick

"It was the wrong damn call!" Daryl scoffed

"Shut the hell up. You hear me, just shut up." Shane grabbed Daryl by his collar and pushed him

"Rick, this is a dead end." Shane approached Rick

"Do you hear me? No blame." Shane consoled

"We can't be this close to the city after dark, we need a plan." Lori said trying to persuade Rick

"We can go to Fort Benning, It's still an option." Shane said

"That's 100 miles from here." Andrea said

"More like 125 I checked the maps." Glenn corrected

"Forget Fort Benning, we need answers now." Lori pleaded

"Don't worry we'll think of something." Rick replied thinking how he could get out of this predicament

Just as the panic and despair was sinking in, they heard Jaden speak.

"Open the door, I know you're watching us. I saw the camera move." Jaden calmly said

"You're imagining things, Jaden let's go." Shane tried to convince Jaden

"I know what I saw, the camera moved and someone is watching us. Can you hear me?" Jaden looked at the camera

In the security room there was a Caucasian middle-aged man staring at them through the camera.

"No.. Just go away." He mumbled

"Turn around, leave, just leave." Edwin whispered

"I know you're in there. Please we're desperate."

"We have women and children, If you have any good in you you will let us in. Don't leave us out here to die." Rick pleaded hoping that Jaden was right

The group saw no response and started to leave, Jaden just stood there as he knew the doctor wouldn't let them die.

Rick kept begging until finally the door opened and they saw a white light. They were stunned, someone was here and was actually watching them.

(A/N: I don't know about you guys but this is one of my favorite scenes from the whole show. I love when we see Rick is super emotional and questioning his decisions as a leader.)

After they saw the light disappear they slowly moved into the building. They saw they building was clean and empty, their voices echoed loudly.

"Hello?" Rick shouted

"Anybody Infected?" They turned and saw a man with a gun at the top of the stairs looking at them with caution

"No." Rick answered

"Why are you here? What do you want?" Edwin asked

"A chance." Rick jokes

"That's asking a lot these days." Edwin slowly approached

"I know." Rick replied

Edwin looked around and hesitated before allowing them to stay. He needed a blood test from them to make sure they were safe.

They brought the supplies from the cars into the building and followed Edwin into the elevator.

"Are we underground?" Carol asked

"Are you claustrophobic?" He replied with a question

"A little." Carol said

"Then try not to think about it." Edwin laughed

"Welcome to zone 5." Edwin as they entered what looked like a control center

"Where are all the doctors and staff?" Rick asked

"All dead, It's just me here." Edwin responded

After everyone gave a blood test they had dinner together and enjoyed themselves. They were laughing and joking with each other.

While they were laughing and eating Rick noticed Edwin was quiet so he made a toast to thank him for his kindness and generosity.

"When are you gonna tell us what happened here Doc?" Shane asked killing the mood

"Shane, we don't have to do this right now." Rick said

"No, but this is why we came here, right? To find the answers to all our questions." Shane replied

"When everything happened most of the people here left to be with their families. When things got worse others just ran away, the rest couldn't deal with everything and just killed themselves." Edwin said solemnly

"But you stayed, Why?" Andrea asked puzzled

"Because I wanted to do some good and I had nowhere else to go." Edwin reminisced

Everyone was quiet and thought about what he said, Glenn tried to get rid of the tension by joking but he wasn't very good at it.

After dinner, Edwin showed them to their rooms and gave them some basic rules to follow while they were here.

"Alright everyone, Goodnight and enjoy your stay here." Edwin went to bed

Everyone went to their individual rooms and relaxed as they now had a roof over their head and a comfy bed to rest on.

As Jaden was about to go to sleep he heard a knock on his door he opened it and saw that it was Andrea.

"Andrea? What's up?" Jaden asked

"Ummm. Can I come in?" She asked nervously

"Yeah come in." Jaden replied

He led her to the bed and waited for her to tell him why she came to his room.

Andrea was nervous and had worked her courage to finally reply to his approaches.

I love being back home. The food is amazing and you're around people who genuinely care and love you. The next 2 chapters will be Smut. Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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