
Reborn In DxD As Rias Gremory With Rimuru’s Overpowered Powers

A degenerate reincarnated soul who isn’t new to the process of reincarnation was reincarnated once again. This time into the world of DxD as Rias Gremory with the soul, body and powers of Rimuru Tempest. A Devil/Slime/True Dragon hybrid AU, Yuri, Incest

StormWolf16 · 漫画同人
39 Chs


Following the Gremory heiress's reply was dead silence that lasted a brief moment.

Shirone rolled her eyes, Kuroka giggled as she's not surprised by Rias' answer. Shuri smiled imagining the future threesomes she will have with Rias and Yasaka. She knew there was no way Rias would pass up on an opportunity like that. Gabriel shook her head and smiled, somewhat expecting a response like that. Kunou looked at Rias with an expression filled with confusion and suspicion.

The Hero Faction stared at Rias with an odd look. It was rare to come across a woman as shameless as Rias.

Cao Cao began to chuckle. "I see, well it seems the rumors about you always being around women older than you is starting to make sense. My, oh my, it's not everyday that one comes across a young woman who wants a harem filled with older women. Should I be concerned about you making a move on Jeanne?"

Jeanne blushed.

"No, not interested, I'll admit she's certainly attractive but I already have a blonde human woman who I have my eye on." Rias replied. In her opinion, Jeanne has nothing on Asia.

Jeanne didn't know how to feel that she wasn't even considered an option for a second! Sure, she had no interest either but to be rejected so quickly…

"Ouch, well how about we get started?" Cao Cao said.

"Sure." Rias shrugged.

The Chaos Creators eyes became wide and glowed completely red as a huge red shockwave bursts from her glare. On top of her immense speed, Rias landed a flurry of blows so fast that they were invisible for anyone to follow. Her peerage could barely follow her attack pattern with their eyes and enhanced senses. Kunou couldn't see them at all.

Sadly, neither could the Hero Faction. Each member suffered the onslaught of Rias' blows with no hope of attempting any defense. Each blow carried just enough strength to not break their bones, though the Hero Faction could not tell the difference. It felt as if all of their bones were being shattered to pieces.

After about a solid 60 seconds Rias stopped her attack. Once the dust cleared in the area, not a single member of the enemies group could be seen. What was seen however was a large crater.

"Well that was anticlimactic." Kuroka said.

"What did you expect nee-san? Honestly, I'm surprised that they survived even with her going extremely soft on them." Shirone replied, feeling slight pity for the ignorant group of humans.

"Rias did show great mercy." Gabriel added.

Part of Gabriel felt bad for the Hero Faction, regardless of her knowing that they brought this on themselves. It was just her nature as a kind-hearted and innocent Holy Storm Seraph

Shuri felt herself becoming turned on watching her master and lover cause pain to their enemies.

"Hey," Rias called out to her peerage. "Do any of you want to get in on some action against these guys?"

"Not really, the only real threat is that Cao Cao guy and that's only because of his Sacred Gear carrying him." Shirone said.

"Nya~ what my dear Shirone said. Though you shouldn't let them get away scotch free if you're letting them live." Kuroka answered while hugging her little sister.

"Nee-san…you're too cuddly." Shirone sighed, she doesn't really mind. She loves her sister dearly after all. What's the harm in letting Kuroka indulge in her desires to always wanting to randomly cuddle her sister?

"I agree with Kuroka, maybe you should take away their Sacred Gears? This way they'll be even more of a non-factor." Shuri suggested.

"Not a bad idea." Truthfully Rias doesn't really care for the Sacred Gears. Why should she when she's infinitely more powerful than any Sacred Gear, and can basically do any abilities that every Sacred Gear wields if she chooses to? Kinda redundant right? She can help her peerage and family grow stronger than any Sacred Gear can possibly hope to make them.

Longinus? Irrelevant in her eyes.

Still, if she's going to take their Sacred Gears away then she may as well just kill them. Well everyone except Jeanne, no need to kill a pretty girl that Rias can easily turn into someone useful.

Sexist mindset? Definitely but Rias obviously doesn't care. She can just keep Jeanne unconscious and sealed inside her stomach until she's ready to deal with the blonde human.

"W-Wait!" Kunou spoke up, shock evident in her tone. "A-Are they actually unconscious? You said they weren't dead yet they still have not gotten up."

"Positive Kunou-chan, you may not be able to but we can all sense if a person is conscious or not by sensing their life force or energy signature. If you want we can show you how to do so later on, it should be fairly easy for you considering your usage of senjutsu and nature as Youkai." Shuri explained to the young 20 year old Kyuubi.

"U-Umm I would love to learn if you're willing to teach me." Kunou bowed politely.

She honestly cannot believe how quick everything went. Of course she knew Rias was very powerful, but to effortlessly take them out within seconds is ridiculous.

'This is insane…if our Youkai Faction were to ever become enemies of the Devil Faction we would be destroyed before we could realize what's going on. No…I cannot allow that to happen, we must somehow strengthen our relationship with the Devil Faction. Hopefully it won't be difficult with Rias being interested in my mother.' Kunou thought to herself.

"Ara~ no need to bow Kunou-chan. After all, we are friends right?" Shuri smiled.

"Right…we are friends." Kunou returned her smile with one of her own.

"Alright, well let's get this over with." Rias used telekinesis to levitate the members of the Hero Faction from under the ground. As stated earlier, all of them including Cao Cao were all unconscious.

With a snap of her fingers, Rias forcefully removed all of their Sacred Gears. Making all 5 Sacred Gears appear before her floating within 5 separate clear orbs of strong glass. She placed them all within her inventory.

Next she used her Unique Skill Gluttony to absorb Jeanne into her stomach. Then held out her left index finger towards the remaining unconscious group of 4

"Well, I'll grant you guys some more mercy and not erase your souls nor the heroic spirits that reside within you."

Rias shot four beams of her Power of Destruction from her finger, killing the group of 4 with a beam going through their heads.

She decided to let the Youkai Faction keep their corpses in case they wanted them as evidence or any other reason.

Kuroka, take care of Georg. I already have his Sacred Gear as well." Rias commanded her Bishop.

"Nya~ as you wish master~." Kuroka answered.

Georg, who had been watching from a distance and controlling Yasaka, was shocked by what he just witnessed. He couldn't believe it.

"No way….Cao Cao died…this…this wasn't supposed to go this way…!" Georg gritted his teeth in anger.

Luckily he already infused a lot of different variations of magic inside of Yasaka in order for her to act as a nexus of power to attract Great Red.

"Yeah…that's what they all say nya~" Kuroka said from behind Georg.

Georg's eyes widened in shock, he turned around to face Kuroka just in time to see a pink beam of Ki shoot straight through his neck, effectively killing him.

With his death, the Hero Faction has been officially put down.

None of them ever expected that this mission would result in their deaths or abduction in Jeanne's case.

Now all that's left is to deal with a raging Kyuubi milf.