
Reborn In DxD As Rias Gremory With Rimuru’s Overpowered Powers

A degenerate reincarnated soul who isn’t new to the process of reincarnation was reincarnated once again. This time into the world of DxD as Rias Gremory with the soul, body and powers of Rimuru Tempest. A Devil/Slime/True Dragon hybrid AU, Yuri, Incest

StormWolf16 · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs


'Ciel, keep the barrier around this place active. I'm about to show off.' Rias indicating the barrier created by Dimension Lost. She could do it herself but chose to let Ciel do it for her.

<<As you wish, Lady Rias.>> Ciel replied.

The Manas did as told and kept the barrier from disappearing now that Georg is dead.

"Mother!" Kunou called out to her mother who was still raging out.

"Don't worry Kunou-chan, I'll take care of it." Rias assured her. She looked over towards her peerage. "So, I'm about to show off a bit. Might as well raise my popularity in the Underworld to the younger Devil children while I have the opportunity. Shrione, you know what to do." She looked at her white-haired lover.

"On it." Shirone immediately took out a drone from her inventory. This drone had extreme high quality in photography and video recording. Rias had recreated several drones using rare top-quality materials in order for the drones to capture anything at peak levels of quality no matter the situation. The drones also have very high durability, speed and reaction speed.

It was mainly used as a way for Rias to record the powerful, high speed sparring matches between her and her peerage.

Shirone was in charge of controlling the drone, though if set under a specific command a drone can act on its own to do a specific task.

Also, it's possible to project a large virtual screen from the drone to show live-recording for those whose eyes or senses cannot keep up with a high-speed or aerial battle.

Kuroka had just appeared back next to her sister with Georg's corpse landed harshly on the ground.

Of course the Chaos Creator already had taken Dimension Lost before it left Georg's soul completely.

Rias jumped high into the air and landed in front of Yasaka. There was a fair distance between them.

"Yasaka-hime, sorry about this but this is too good of an opportunity to pass up. Plus I bet you'll love being dominated by a superior beast." Rias smirked.

No she wasn't referring to her True Dragon form, that's just way too much overkill no matter how much she's holding back.

A red thick cloak slowly began to seep out of Rias' body to cover her entirely.

Kunou's eyes widened in shock. "N-No way…i-is that..?!"

"Ufufufufu…yes Kunou-chan, that is chakra you're seeing our master exude." Shuri answered with a smile.

"B-But how?! Devils don't have access to chakra!" Kunou was utterly baffled.

Not to mention that the chakra coming from Rias feels so oppressive and…powerful.

"You're correct, normal Devils don't. However our master is not normal by any means in case you haven't noticed by now." Kuroka pointed out to the Kyuubi Youkai.

Kunou had to admit that she knew Rias wasn't normal but still. 'Isn't this a bit much?! I'm a freaking Youkai and a Kyuubi at that! But from what I can now sense…her chakra reserves far outclass mine and my mother's put together…'

Gabriel remembers the first time Rias showed her this, it made her grateful that the Heaven Faction of her former universe never had to deal with a Devil of Rias' caliber. Yet it also made her pray quite a lot that the Heaven Faction of this world do not make the mistake of foolishly becoming enemies of Rias.

That would only mark the end of one of the Three Powers.

She's more than certain that even if her father was still alive, the results would be the same.

Still, she oddly thought Rias is cuter than usual when using this power.

"Here it comes…" Shirone murmured, focusing on Rias and Yasaka.

The red cloak around Rias began to thicken more as claws formed from her finger and toenails. Her face gained 3 whisker marks of each cheek that quickly both widened and thickened. Her canine teeth grew longer and sharper. Next her eyes changed from her beautiful blue to red with her pupils now slit.

As for the shroud, it was translucent red with bubbles of chakra that's reminiscent of boiling liquid. A single tail of chakra slowly grew from the backside followed by fox-like ears and claws forming.

Once the first tail formed, a second, then a third tail came next at the same time.

Everyone could feel the chakra Rias is producing becoming a lot more oppressive and powerful.

"W-W-W-What g-going on??!!!?" Kunou felt very frightened. Never in her life has she felt such domineering, dark, strong chakra. It was insane.

Also is it just her or is Rias somehow becoming more fox-like?

"That's my dear Kunou is….the power of a Tailed Beast." Kuroka smirked as they all watched Rias form a 9 chakra tails.

She remembers the first time Rias introduced her and Shirone to the anime known as Naruto. It was mind boggling for her when the trio finally reached the Naruto vs Orochimaru fight. The reason is because afterwards Rias showed both Kuroka and Shirone that she can also use Tailed Beast chakra of the Naruto universe.

Sure the Sharingan was one thing, but it doesn't compare to experiencing the full front of Tailed Beast chakra coming from someone like Rias.

Imagine how terrified and turned on Kuroka was when Rias showed she can combine both her Power of Destruction and Tailed Beast chakra together?

It only re-established to Kuroka that Rias was truly her prime ideal mate that can give her powerful children.

"Tailed Beast chakra?" Kunou echoed in confusion.

Shirone had fist pumped the air for having the drone at a perfect angle when Rias exploded in a pillar of red chakra. The atmosphere became at least 20x more oppressive along with a huge shockwave spread across the area with the buildings and trees being torn apart.

Only Kunou needed to cover her face from the harsh winds.

Within a large cloud of dust, a large silhouette could be seen inside along with 9 tails swirling around. The sounds of the tails swishing around in the air loudly echoed.

Yasaka growled as her instincts screamed at her that her opponent was a powerful threat. If she was still in her right mind, she would understand that her best and only option should be to flee or submit immediately.

"A-A-Am I s-s-seeing things or d-did Rias just become a-a…." Kunou uttered completely dumbfounded as the dust finally cleared.

"Yep, our master is a.." Shuri said.

<< Ultimate Skill 'Tailed Beast: Nine Tailed Fox Kurama' has successfully activated.>> Ciel announced within Rias.

In front of Yasaka was Rias, in the form of the demon nine-tailed fox Kurama himself. Years ago she created skills that allowed her to use the abilities of Kurama. He is her favorite Tailed Beast in Naruto after all.

True, while she could easily mimic the body of Kurama, to Rias it wasn't the same without having the exact abilities and power of her favorite Tailed Beast.

Right now, she was the complete full-sized Kurama with her chakra being way more powerful than the original Kurama's by far. She could also increase her current size if she wanted to.

As it stands, she's definitely larger than Yasaka.

Opening her mouth, Rias unleashed a terrifying loud roar that caused shockwaves as her nine-tailed fox body exuded her red Tailed Beast chakra.

While watching and controlling the drone, Shirone said out loud.

"This is sooo going to break DevilTube."