
Reborn in Dragon Ball as Son Goten: Start Bonus Ultra Instinct-Sign

Disclaimer?: The purpose of author in this AU was to make it similar to Future Trunks timeline, where in this timeline only Goten was a survivor and the world was without hope. Since it's Goten's story, it starts with few years after Cell saga. If it was Trunks story, it would start with few years after Android saga. ........................... Synopsis: .......................... It has been three years since Jiang Hui transmigrated to the world of Dragon Ball. His soul merged and took over the body of a four year old Goten . After transmigrating, he realized that the timeline he was in was f*cked up. All the Z-fighters died at the hands of Cell in the Cell Games and now were refusing to be resurrected for some reason. He was the only warrior left to protect the earth if one ignored the dead beat old man Roshi and little bald head Krillin. In desperation, not wanting to die, he trained desperately for three years and mastered the full power of Super Saiyan transformation, but still struggled to break through to Super Saiyan II. Just when Goten feels extremely frustrated about not being able to break through to Super Saiyan II, and is ready to accept his grim fate, a system notification rings in his mind. His golden finger, a god-level attribute picking system, finally appeared after three years of transmigration. The system activates and issues a novice gift package Ultra Instinct - Sign. This newfound power might be the key to defeating Cell and protecting the Earth. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Guys, I have been working on this fanfic for a while and finally decided to share it with you guys. This is a translated work, but I have made sure to filter out all the kinks and unpleasant name mistakes and other errors from it. But since it's my first translation work, it might be a bit lacking. I will be uploading the whole work, at the moment of upload, I have around 50 chapters left which I need to work on, and then re-refine the previously done chapters before uploading. Basically I have to re-read 3 times before uploading to make sure there aren't some discrepancies. For the curious fellas out there wondering what's the chinese raws: Name: 我!孙悟天,开局奖励自在极意功 English translation would be: I! Son Goten, Starting With The Secret of the Self-centered Sign By author: 赛亚龙珠 English translation would be: Saiyan in Dragon Ball You don't have to worry about me dropping mid way. And once the final touches are done, I might speed up the upload rate to finish the work here. I am a student, so sometimes, my real life work might interfere with my upload rate. But dontchu worry :D I got you guys. Doing this work, I learned that translation was hard work. Took over an hour and half to refine a single chapter, that too when i was just refining the stuff, before uploading have to re-read it twice to make sure everything is in order... 0_0 Kudos to those kind strangers for giving us those gems. (GPT doesn't count, it fuc*s up the feel of the chapter that one would get by working on it himself.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you plan on negatively reviewing this book, please do so after reading till 50 or 60 chapters (You can skim read it). Because I know that some readers might have nothing but negative reviews due to early plot development lol. Those unpleasant developments get a closure around chapter 63 or 68 (I think).

Clay_Champion · 漫画同人
154 Chs

An Unexpected Arrival

 Videl was in a state of disbelief.

"This... is impossible."

"How could my father be such a person??" she questioned, her voice barely above a whisper.

Even though she wanted to believe Goten's words, the reality was hard to accept. The belief she had held onto for over a decade was now crumbling, leaving her in a state of disbelief.

Goten, noticing her struggle, decided to demonstrate his power. "Look carefully..." he said calmly, and an energy ball instantly condensed in the palm of his hand.

With a swift motion, he blasted it towards a mountain opposite them.


Accompanied by a violent explosion, the mountain peak immediately turned into dust, leaving Videl in awe.

"Do you think your father has this kind of power?" Goten asked. Videl was taken aback. She hadn't seen clearly how the mountain exploded.

Goten hadn't even touched the mountain. According to her father's words, this was definitely some kind of hoax.

"Did you use a trick just now?" she asked innocently, echoing her father's belief that anything unexplainable by science must be a trick.

Goten shook his head helplessly. Then, his body leaped lightly, and he disappeared directly into a stream of light. It seemed like introducing this kind of thing to Videl was simply like playing the flute to the cow!

[T/N: In eastern culture, flutes are used by snake charmers to charm snakes, it doesn't have any effect on cow. So, he's saying that it is basically pointless.]

[P.S. A random thought: she doesn't even have those Moooos :3 how is she a cow?]

"Ah!!" Videl was left dumbfounded! 'That Goten, he can fly?'

He disappeared in front of her in an instant.

'Is this also a trick? No, absolutely impossible! This shouldn't be a trick.'

"Darn it... I must find you and see what mysteries you have!" Videl clenched her fists tightly and said though gritted teeth.

Goten had sparkled a curiosity in Videl that she couldn't ignore. She was determined to understand him better, but for now, he had disappeared from her sight.

With no other option, she left Mount Paozu in her helicopter, vowing to find Goten again one day and unravel the mystery surrounding him.


As days turned into weeks, Goten found himself in a rare state of tranquility. Videl didn't pursue him, and even Krillin did not visit.

During this time, Goten's strength stabilized, reaching the mid-term level of a Super Saiyan II.

He was confident that if he were to face full powered Cell now, he could easily defeat him without resorting to Ultra Instinct.

While engrossed in training, Goten suddenly sensed unfamiliar ki signatures approaching Earth. These ki signatures were stronger than those of ordinary earthlings and were closing in rapidly.

"Who could it be?" Goten wondered aloud. The ki signatures weren't particularly strong, but they felt oddly familiar. Sensing their approach, Goten halted his training.

He felt these ki signatures were approaching his location quickly. Was their target perhaps himself? Sensing their approach, Goten decided to stand still and wait, after few seconds, he confirmed that these people were obviously here for him.

Ten minutes later, a massive shadow appeared in the sky, accompanied by a deafening sound that was unlike anything Videl's helicopter could produce.

The shadow engulfed the sky and within seconds, landed in front on Goten. It was a galactic spaceship, strikingly similar to those spaceships of Frieza Legion.

"Could it be the Frieza Legion's spaceship?" Goten mused. But he quickly dismissed the idea. "The power of these guys is very weak." The power of these newcomers was too weak to be Frieza's, and besides, Frieza had been defeated by Future Trunks. Moreover, Frieza's fighting power was at least 100 million, a level these newcomers couldn't possibly reach.

Just when Goten was wondering, the hatch of the galactic spaceship opened, and a group of people emerged, lining up neatly in two rows. They fellows were clearly galactic soldiers. An elderly man with gray hair, and a single eye, wearing the old combat uniform of the Frieza Legion, slowly walked out of spaceship. Goten recognized him immediately.

"Paragus?" he muttered to himself in surprise. It was Broly's father, Paragus.

Paragus approached Goten and placed his right hand on his chest in a gesture of respect, a traditional Saiyan salute to the strong!

"Hello, Son Goten-san, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Paragus." he greeted politely. Yet his eyes held a ruthless and gloomy look. It was a stark reminder of the ferocity inherent in a pure Saiyan.

'This guy, how did he find me? Scratch that, how the hell does he know me?!' Goten thought, puzzled. He had been relatively unknown on Earth until his battle with Cell two month ago.

It was also because of that battle with Cell that he was known to all people on Earth. And as far as he knew, Paragus and Broly resided in the southern galaxy. The Northern and Southern Galaxy were at two extremes. It was surprising that Paragus had managed to locate him on Earth in the northern galaxy in such a short time. Furthermore, he didn't expect him to be quite well-informed, and find him in just two months after the battle with Cell.

Goten responded with a nonchalant air, "Your identity doesn't concern me. What I want to know is why you're here on Earth. What business do you have with me?" He paused for a moment before adding, "If your reasons aren't satisfactory, I won't hesitate to make you leave."

Goten's interest in Paragus was minimal. However, when it came to Paragus's son, Broly, Goten's curiosity was piqued. Broly was a pure Legendary Saiyan, and that fact alone was enough to intrigue Goten.

Hoh, a Wild Paragus appeared! How did he find him? How does he know his name? It seems that he did his research before coming here.

Plus, it seems that the author took various settings to make his AU. This paragus, in appearance is similar to DBS one. But the setting on how he illogically appeared is the one in old Broly movie.

This sort of thing is going to happen a lot in later parts. This Fanfic is a mishmash of various stuff, and as I said in starting chapters, this is a fanfic, so fanon knowledge is used here. Don't get triggered due to not following canon and start hitting me XD.


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