
reborn as the perfect original, with some tricks

warning 2-7 my mc stays out of the way for the most part and changes small things 8 on is when there will be bigger changes. Chapter 13 is the start of marvel I've never written anything before, so it'd be nice to have some slack. —————————— I had a strange dream that I died and got reborn in a mixture of The Originals and Marvel as an original. I thought that it would be an interesting topic to run with. Ethan was just your average person, He had a trucking job and when he drove, he loved listening to fanfictions. mainly about The Originals and the MCU. He always wished he had powers and was in these worlds but don't we all, but it's all in our head, that was until God made a mistake and threw a bolt of lightning on him. ————————— This will be a mixture of two different worlds, but it won't follow the story completely unlike the show it will follow the story's rules like it should, until I add my own twist and rules. "Like the older the vampire the stronger they are, not until the plot needs it to change." all credit goes to the writers of The Originals and the MCU. I only own my thoughts and character. I didn't make the cover picture and if the owner wishes for it to be change plz contact me and we can talk.

Busy_Driver · 电影同人
41 Chs

I hate witches

The next morning me and Rebekah was sitting in the sitting room waiting on Nick, he's currently waiting on Sophie to come into the bar she works at to grab her and bring her to us.

While I was waiting on the two to show up I heard a voice I didn't expect to hear for a while.

I heard Elijah in a attic at the church in town.

I looked at Rebekah. "Brother had woken up."

"How do you know?"

"My hearing is better then yours, I heard his voice, he's talking to the witch."

"That's amazing we can leave after he comes home."

"Talking about leaving I have a question for you?"

"What would you like me to do?"

"Well as your favorite brother I always have you in mind when I plan things, and I know how you are getting bored as time goes on so I was wondering if you'd like to play as something else for a change?"

"Just spill it all ready."

"Jeez so pushy, you like playing high school student, I was wandering if you would like to play superhero."

"Me? A bloody hero, you have to be joking?"

"What I do it all the time, it's more fun then you'd think."

"I don't know what to say, can I think about it?"

"I'm not going to force you to do, I just know you only came back to help Elijah and see if there really was a baby, you got your freedom and don't want to lose it again so when you want to leave to either join me or go back to whatever you were doing before I'll make a portal to the place of your choice."

She got up and hugged me. "Thanks, I knew you were the best brother a girl could ask for."

"I try….. Nick is coming."

He ran in and put her in a chair.

"We had a deal, you protected my child from the witches while I unraveled Marcels army, while I held up my end of the deal a group of witches tried to hurt and kill Haley."

"I had nothing to do with that, I swear, we are linked remember if she dies I die."

I chimed in. "Might want to tell us so we know who to kill before I just go after your love ones."

"There is no need for that, they are a faction of extremest, Sabine stupidity told them about a vision she had about the baby."

Nick asked. "And what might this vision about my baby be about?"

"Please tell me she will kill you all?"

"She said it would be the end of the witches."

Nick smiled. "I grow founder of this child by the second."

"I couldn't be prouder of my niece."

Rebekah sat down. "Look I promised Elijah I'd help protect this miracle baby, so could you please tell me how extreme they truly are?"

"Elijah is talking to Divina?"

"At this second I imagine."

"She probably has a lot to say about that crowd."

Nick leaned back in the chair. "Go on we love a good story."

"I wasn't always a advocate for the witches, my sister was very devoted like our parents and our parents were very strict.

So when I turned 21 I left to travel and play, but I wanted to be a chef so I came back.

When I came back my sister told me that the elders moved the Harvest forward."

Rebekah looked confused. "What the bloody hell is the Harvest."

I looked a little shocked. "They still do that cruel ritual?"

"It's a ritual our coven does every three centuries to appease our ancestors and strengthen our ties to the ancestors."

"And why haven't I heard of this?" Nick asked.

I looked at him. "That's because you thought I just had a grudge against the witches when I was dealing with it the last time."

"What happens?"

"Oh, it makes us look like saints.

They take four innocent girls and make them think they are doing a great charity to the witches and that they are just going to sleep but they aren't.

They kill the four girls and send them to the ancestors, yes they do come back to life but they are never the same they die and talk to the past witches and the past twist and shape they young girl to do what they wish to happen, but if the ancestors don't like who they got it's almost worse then your worse nightmare."

As I was trying to finish my story Nick's phone went off, and it was Marcel.

He asked Nick if he wanted to come to look at the dead witches they found.

Sophie spoke. "You can't go out there I need to gather and cremate the witches remains by midnight to not lose the link to there magic."

Nick didn't look like he cared. "Those witches tried to kill Haley, and I'd like Marcels informant to not find anything to link back to me or, {points at Haley's stomach, as she walks in the room.} to that."

Haley takes a sip of coffee. "Your all class."

"He's perfected it after all these years, I wouldn't tell him it was for not, at least not to his face."

I pointed to Sophie. "And your problem, I'd love for those remains to get destroyed and you lose the link, less magic for the witches is amazing in my book."

Nick points to Sophie. "You stay put we aren't done just yet."

I yelled. "Have fun, don't get fooled I know you have a soft spot for him."

I listen into the church and laugh, Divina is telling Elijah about the ritual.

That's almost to perfect.

I look at the ladies in the room. "You ladies have fun, don't die."

I unfortunately had another meeting to set up my organization so I portaled out, I knew nothing happeneds today, I know that the girls will travel to the dead witches and Marcels consultant will see them Rebekah will tell Nick and Nick will distract Marcel until Rebekah comes and the two switch them Nick finds and kill the consultant, but turns out that Marcel is playing the two the whole time.

After another day of talking to a government I make it back to see Haley and Rebekah talking, but before I talk Nick comes in with Elijah not to far behind.

Rebekah runs up and hugs him.

I come in behind her. "Good to see you awake, are you going to help or get in our way?"

He ignores me and walks outside where Haley just went.

I stood next to Nick. "Please tell me it's not going to happen again?"

"I sadly think it is."

Rebekah joins. "That bloody idiot, I don't know how Katharina can stand being with him."

"Sadly love can make many things go away."

After a while we all gather and Elijah told us what he found out and it can be summed into, Sophie can't be trusted because she tricked my brothers so she can get her family back, so that makes her very dangerous.

It's been a few months since we have got Elijah back and Haley is definitely showing now.

Nick keeps trying to ask for Elijah for forgiveness for the whole stabbing and giving him to the enemy thing, nothing big, but so far Elijah hasn't given him the pleasure of excepting it.

I also finally set up a small lab in the house so I can keep watch on them and work on my projects.

One thing that happened that I wasn't happy about is that Elijah agreed to give the teen witch our mothers grimoire which I've had in my possession since we became vampires.

I agreed to give him one spell to give to her and it was the unlinking spell.

I walked into the kitchen from my lab to see Rebekah dragging a dead girl outside and Haley and Elijah talking.

"Yes, I think it's time to get you unlinked."

Rebekah asked. "Who do we have to kill?"

"No one…. Alright potentially everyone."

I cheerfully added. "If we are planning a cleansing of the witches I'm in, I'll actually do it all by myself."

"There's no need for that."

"You will see that it is."

I handed him a page. "Here's your page, I won't be giving any more, this is my book way longer then it's mothers.

When Elijah and Nick left I decided to work more on my nano tech, I wish for them to be operational as soon as possible.

They can be very handy.

A few hours later I heard Haley yelp and say she felt like she got pricked, I then tried to find my brothers with my hearing and heard that they found a knocked out witch.

I smiled, this is going to be a fun day.

I made a portal to the room next to my brothers and walked into the room.

As I walked in Elijah was helping Sabine up off the ground.

"It was Agnes her men took Sophie."

"Day one of you being in charge and people are already being abducted." Nick said sarcastically.

"Where is she?"

"If I tell you you'll just kill her."

I chimed in. "That's my plan from the beginning yes."

Sabine looked at Elijah. "Look she might be a little crazy but she's our last living elder, we need her to do rituals."

"Like the harvest ritual."

"You know about that?"

I looked at her with a knowing smile. "Little girl I know many things that you would die for."

Nick walks up to us. "Let me inform you the list of my priorities for the day.

One, Unlink your friend from the woman who carrying my child.

Two, get my brother to forgive me for some I can say dodgy things of late.

Three, there is no three."

Elijah joins back in. "I think what my brother is trying to say in his own way is, the life of your elder and the ritual has nothing to do with us and we don't care so talk."

I add. "But if you don't, I will put a hex on you that will make you wish you were dead, but you won't be able to die you will live for as long as I wish experiencing something that I wouldn't even wish to experience, and I've experienced a lot."

We found Sophie chained up in the cemetery.

She got stabbed my a cursed object that would raise the blood temperature of the person, which would cause a miscarriage of any pregnant women.

We told Sophie that we have to unlink her and she disagreed but we didn't care and informed her that the agreement was voided.

We asked were Agnes was and she said she couldn't be found.

I could use my satellites to find her but I want to humans of the town to know who's actually running things, I know since we left this town they got a big head and I feel like having fun and put them down a peg or two and try some new tricks.

Me and Nick went to the human meeting to get them to find her.

I sat in the back in the shadows while Nick talked to them first.

The priest was talking. "Marcel over stepped and I will handle it."

Nick walked down the aisle and talked. "Easier said then done, he's quite a little warrior."

Random person. "Who are you?"

"My name is Klaus, and you are the faction a group who runs the humans and keeps the supernatural out of the public eye, I'd know because I'm one of the people who made it, but when I was here it was full of pirates and greedy politicians. {he looked around.} nothing much has changed."

The priest spoke. "One thing has, it's only for human no vampires allowed especially Originals."

Nick laughed. "I haven't came to Join I came to ask you all to use your resources to find a certain witch named Agnes."

"Why would we help you?"

"Let's say she is the key to a certain question you've been having."

"We need some time."

"WE DONT HAVE TIME, and I don't like to be asked to wait."

"You may have the vampires scared of you but unless you plan on killing all of us I'd advise you to wait."

I finally join. "Now father he doesn't like to be told to wait but I don't like the hint of a threat in your voice and I'm really someone to be scared of, let's give you an example of why shall we."

I ran right up to his face and looked him in his eyes.

"Take out any weapon you have and put it against you neck."

"I'm on vervain that trick won't work on me."

I grin and laugh. "It wouldn't matter but I'm not talking to you."

I move out of his way so he can see the others in the room, they all have a knife or a gun against there neck.

"Will you work quickly now?"

I can see sweat on his face. "Yes, we will have it within a few hours."


I look at Nick. "A hour sounds like enough time?"

"More then enough."

We start to walk out the building. "If we don't have the information we want in a hour all of you except the pastor will kill themself, have a nice hunt your lives depend on it."

When we walked on the street I looked at Nick. "That was fun we should do that more often."

"You have to show me that trick."

"Can't you don't have the ability to, I might show your daughter tho."

"Not cool."

"Maybe but it's still fun for me."

I kept Nick at the church to keep watch.

I decided to go home to make sure things go as plan.

When I got back everyone was in the back yard next to the pool.

Haley was burning up from the faint link I added back.

I have no clue what they were trying to get Sophie to do but I walked into the pool and but my hand on her and released the link almost all the way so she feels almost nothing until the teen witch broke it completely.

Once Haley told Elijah she felt nothing he started to walk out of the pool.

Sophie stepped in front of him. "I know you don't owe me anything but please don't let him kill her."

I internally shook my head, you should watch how you word your sentence when you ask for something.

He ran to his phone and called Nick and told him not to harm her.

We both dried off and changed our clothes and left toward the church.

When we walked in Nick had his hand around Agnes's throat. "Don't touch her, I gave my word."

"You tend to do that at inconvenient times."

"Niklaus, don't do this, you've been asking for my forgiveness, If you step away I'll grant it, but don't make me a liar."

He stepped back. "How's that, but it is like you to spoil my fun."

I grinned and Elijah spoke. "Not necessarily."

In a split second the three witches besides Agnes had there hearts ripped out and thrown into the air.

"I swore you would not die by klaus's hand, I said nothing of another's."

He ran up and grabbed her neck and looked in her eyes, then let go.

I reached out my hand and pulled her toward me but stepped out of the way and made her fly through a wall then actually pulled her into my hand this time.

"I've wanted you witches dead for a very long time, with your suffering then eventual death, it will be me declaring that all witches will dead or at least suffer before I leave."

I put my thumb on her forehead and make her feel all the pain and suffering of all the people she's cursed and killed, then I made a portal to a cell of mine then dropped her through.

"She will died by herself by the nights end."

I looked at the priest who watched all of this.

"I'd clean this up, you don't people asking questions."

Then I quickly made a portal to my house.

Only seconds after I walked through someone knocked on the door, I ran to grab it and told Haley to go upstairs.

I opened it to see Marcel with a smile on his face that quickly disappeared when he seen me.

"What are you doing here?"

"What surprised to see ghost of your past?"

"No, I, how long have you been here?"

"Long enough, come by to see the home you were a slave in?"

He turned and I caught the smell of Rebekah on him.

I grabbed him by his neck and hovered in the air.

"I told you if I ever caught you with Rebekah again I'd kill you, and you know I don't go back on a promise."

I slammed him so hard on the ground I heard bones break.

"Now tell me why I shouldn't rip your heart out right now?"

Through troubled breath. "Rebekah would hate you."

"Your not making your words count, your only pissing me off."

I took a deep breath. "I'm going to talk to her and depending on her words you might live, but never mind you know what I'd say.

I run back a yard then run and kick him toward the town.

"Hopefully he lives through that."