
Reborn as supreme sign-in system wielder

Haruto Sato was an ordinary manager in a mundane world, his life defined by the monotonous grind of work and a growing sense of emptiness. But everything changes when he is suddenly struck by a speeding truck—Truck-kun. In the void between life and death, Haruto meets the Supreme God of the Omniverse, who reveals that Haruto's death was a cosmic mistake. The truck was meant to eliminate a future threat to Earth, but Haruto was accidentally caught in the crossfire. To atone for this error, the Supreme God offers Haruto a second chance: a new life in a fantastical world of magic, dragons, and demons. Reborn as the son of a powerful union—his mother, the sister of the Demon Emperor, and his father, a mighty dragon—Haruto inherits both a demonic and draconic bloodline. But his extraordinary rebirth doesn’t stop there. As a final gift, Haruto is granted a powerful "Sign-In System," which will bestow upon him incredible abilities as he grows. On his first sign-in, Haruto receives the strongest body in the world, perfectly attuned to his unique bloodline, and a rare potion that strengthens and harmonizes his demonic and draconic heritage. Now, in a world where power is everything, Haruto must navigate his new life, unlocking the potential of his dual bloodlines and rising to become a force to be reckoned with. But as he grows stronger, he will discover that his new world harbors ancient secrets and formidable enemies that could threaten not only his life but the balance of the entire multiverse.

MuhammadZain · 奇幻
44 Chs

Chapter 42: The Final Confrontation with Ashborn

Aldric's heart pounded in his chest as he stood in the darkened throne room of the Dungeon of Ashborn. The air was thick with tension, the weight of ancient power pressing down on him like a suffocating cloak. Before him, the figure of Ashborn, the First Shadow Monarch, loomed large, his ethereal armor gleaming with shadowy light. Ashborn sat upon his dark throne, his glowing red eyes fixated on Aldric, assessing the young monarch who had come to claim his mantle.

Aldric had fought his way through countless trials to reach this point—the shadow warriors, the abyssal beasts, and the memories of Ashborn's fallen knights had tested his every limit. But now, standing before the original Shadow Monarch himself, Aldric felt the true weight of the challenge he was about to face.

Ashborn's presence radiated ancient, overwhelming power. He was not just a shadow; he was the embodiment of death and darkness, a force of nature that had once ruled over the shadows with unmatched mastery. Even with all the strength Aldric had gained over the past year, he knew that this would be the most difficult battle of his life.

Ashborn's voice echoed through the chamber, deep and resonant, as though it came from the very walls themselves.

"You have come far, Aldric," Ashborn said, his tone a mixture of curiosity and amusement. "But to claim my power, to inherit the full legacy of the Shadow Monarch, you must prove yourself worthy. The shadows are not merely a tool to wield—they are a force that consumes, shapes, and defines. Show me, Aldric, what you have learned."

Without another word, Ashborn rose from his throne, his dark armor shimmering as he summoned a massive blade forged from pure shadow. The sword radiated malevolent energy, crackling with the essence of darkness itself. With a single motion, Ashborn pointed the blade at Aldric, and the room around them seemed to warp and twist under his command.

Aldric steeled himself. He had come too far to falter now. His Great Divine Eyes flared to life, granting him a full view of Ashborn's immense power, the flow of shadowy mana swirling around him like a maelstrom. Every muscle in Aldric's body tensed, his mind racing through strategies and possibilities. His Shadow Monarch powers, his Devil Fruits, his mastery of the Three Sword Style—he would need everything at his disposal.


The Battle Begins

Ashborn moved first, his figure vanishing in a blur of shadow. Aldric barely had time to react before the First Monarch's sword came crashing down toward him, cutting through the air with a force that distorted the very space around it. Instinctively, Aldric activated Armament Haki, coating his body and swords in a layer of near-impenetrable energy. He drew his three swords in a fluid motion, blocking Ashborn's strike with all his strength.

The impact sent a shockwave through the chamber, the ground cracking beneath their feet. Aldric gritted his teeth, pushing back against Ashborn's overwhelming power. But the First Monarch was relentless. He followed up with a series of rapid, devastating strikes, each one faster and more precise than the last. Aldric parried and dodged, using his enhanced speed from the Speed Force to keep up with the onslaught.

But Ashborn was not just fast—he was everywhere. His mastery over shadows allowed him to teleport instantly, disappearing and reappearing in the blink of an eye, striking from every angle. Aldric struggled to keep up, his Observation Haki helping him anticipate Ashborn's movements, but even with this, it was clear that Ashborn was far beyond any opponent he had faced before.

Aldric knew he had to change tactics. He couldn't win in a straight-up swordfight with Ashborn—not like this.

He concentrated, activating the Op Op No Mi, creating a large Room around them. Inside this spatial domain, Aldric had complete control. He shifted positions instantly, swapping places with Ashborn's blade mid-strike, forcing the First Monarch off balance. With a swift motion, Aldric unleashed a flurry of blows with his three swords, each strike infused with Armament Haki, aiming for Ashborn's weak points.

For a moment, it seemed like Aldric had gained the upper hand. His strikes landed, the clang of metal ringing through the chamber as Ashborn was forced to block and defend. But Ashborn's expression remained calm, his red eyes glowing with unshaken confidence.

"You think you can control the shadows, Aldric," Ashborn said, his voice filled with a quiet menace. "But you have yet to understand their true nature."

With a single motion, Ashborn summoned the full power of the shadows. The entire room darkened as tendrils of shadow erupted from the ground, lashing out at Aldric from every direction. Aldric leaped back, but the shadows followed him, growing in size and intensity with every passing second. They wrapped around his limbs, constricting him like the coils of a great serpent, threatening to pull him into the abyss.

Aldric grunted in pain, feeling the cold, oppressive weight of the shadows dragging him down. But he wasn't done yet. Summoning all his willpower, he activated Conqueror's Haki, unleashing a wave of pure, unrelenting force. The shadows shuddered under the weight of his will, loosening their grip as Aldric broke free.

Now was his chance. With the shadows momentarily weakened, Aldric called upon the full strength of his Void Dragon abilities. Time seemed to slow as he tapped into the chaotic energy of the void, warping the space around him. A swirling vortex of void energy formed in his hand, crackling with raw destructive power.

"Ashborn!" Aldric roared, his voice echoing through the chamber. "Let me show you the true power of the Void Dragon!"

With a mighty swing, Aldric unleashed the vortex, sending a devastating wave of void energy hurtling toward Ashborn. The attack tore through the air, distorting reality itself as it flew toward its target. For the first time, Ashborn's eyes widened in surprise. He raised his sword to block, but the sheer force of the attack was too much.

The vortex struck Ashborn head-on, the impact shaking the entire dungeon. Ashborn was thrown back, his form flickering as the void energy ripped through his defenses.


The Final Phase

Aldric stood, breathing heavily as the dust settled. His body ached from the strain of the battle, but he could feel the energy surging through him. He had landed a significant blow, but the battle was far from over.

Ashborn slowly rose to his feet, his armor cracked and damaged, but his eyes burned brighter than ever. The shadows around him coalesced, forming a massive, dark aura that radiated raw power.

"Impressive," Ashborn said, his voice steady despite the damage he had taken. "You are indeed worthy of the Shadow Monarch's power. But let me show you... what it truly means to be one with the shadows."

With a single motion, Ashborn raised his sword high, and the shadows surged around him, merging with his very being. His form began to change, growing larger and more menacing. The darkness wrapped around him like a cocoon, and when it dissipated, Ashborn stood before Aldric in his true form—a towering figure of pure shadow, his red eyes glowing like burning stars.

This was Ashborn at his full power, the true form of the First Shadow Monarch.

Aldric felt a shiver of fear run down his spine, but he quickly pushed it aside. He couldn't back down now. He was the Void Dragon-Demon Prince, the one destined to surpass even the greatest of monarchs.

He took a deep breath, gathering his strength for the final phase of the battle.

With a flick of his wrist, Aldric summoned his Shadow Army, calling forth the countless warriors he had raised throughout his journey. Igris appeared at his side, his dark armor gleaming with shadowy energy, ready to face his former master. The shadow warriors formed ranks behind Aldric, their swords and spears at the ready.

"I am not alone in this battle," Aldric said, his voice calm and determined. "I carry the strength of the shadows with me, just as you did. And now, I will show you what it means to be their king."

With a roar, Aldric charged at Ashborn, his shadow army following close behind. The two forces collided in a massive explosion of shadow and steel, the sound of battle echoing through the chamber.

Aldric and Ashborn clashed once more, their swords meeting with a thunderous crash. But this time, Aldric fought not just with his own strength, but with the power of the shadows behind him. His strikes were faster, stronger, more precise, as he tapped into the full potential of his Shadow Monarch abilities.

The battle raged on, but slowly, Aldric began to gain the upper hand. He could feel Ashborn weakening, his once-unbreakable defense starting to falter.

And then, with one final, decisive strike, Aldric's sword pierced through Ashborn's armor, plunging deep into his chest.

Ashborn gasped, his red eyes dimming as the shadows around him began to dissipate. Slowly, he fell to his knees, his sword slipping from his grasp.

"You... have proven yourself," Ashborn said, his voice weak but filled with respect. "The shadows... are yours."

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