
Reborn as strongest In Naruto world

God took pity on a boy seeing his selfless attitude and gave him 5 wishes. He got reincarnated in his favourite Naruto world with Over powered wishes. This is a very OP MC fanfic. I will also change timelines and characters. So don’t complain about someone being born early and the age of certain characters as I’ve made changes from the original. IDONOT OWN NARUTO ANY CHARACTERS OR JUTSUS. This is my second attempt on a Fanfic. I will start it after I finish my first NARUTO fanfic, or atleast reach a good point in that. Thanks for your support.

Crook_Shank · 漫画同人
43 Chs

Wave Country

The 3rd decided to choose Ryu as the one to be sent to the Wave Country. Ryu had the potential, as long as he grew up safely, to become one of the pillars of Konoha's future. After deciding the one to go to the Water country as support, the next thing to consider was his position on that battlefield. The 3rd ultimately decided to consult with his 3 old comrades. Having a unified front in the following meeting should be beneficial. "Shi, tell Danzo, Homura, and Koharu to come to my office."

The Anbu received his orders and immediately invited the three. They arrived to the office almost at the same time. The 3rd cut straight to the chase, telling him about his problem. "I suggest that we should send Ryu Senju to the wave country and he should be an advisor to the leader of the battlefield." The first one to answer was Koharu. After listening to her answer, Homura's face changed. In the world of Naruto, strength is most respected. The Water Country battlefield had no Kage tier Ninjas. The strongest Ninjas there were Quasi Kage tier. Having a Kage Tier ninja taking orders from a Qasi Kage Ninja sounded ridiculous to him.

"I don't feel like that's right. Ryu Senju is Kage tier. There is no reason for him to obey a Quasi Kage's orders. I suggest that he should be the Chief Commander on that battlefield. "Homura, Ryu Senju is only 11 years old! Such a position is not suitable for him!" Said Danzo. "It's not appropriate to get a Kage tier to follow the orders of a Quasi Kage!" Homura insisted on his opinion "In fact, it is not impossible to give the position of Chief Commander!" After listening to the opinions of the three, the 3rd gave it a little thought then said what he saw.

"Saru, Ryu Senju is still too young. I fear that he would not fit in that position!" Seeing that the 3rd was leaning towards Homura's side, Koharu jumped to object. "I agree with Koharu!" Danzo also stood by her side. He was the one who liked the idea the least. "Koharu, Danzo, think about it. Do you think Ryu will take orders from anyone? I have seen his power and He has been to two battlefields already and finished the fights in hours and made the enemies retreat. Even the Tsuchikage was no match for him. If we want him to go, we need to give him a position or else, he will refuse. I don't want him or Tsunade to abandon us".

Danzo got pissed off and spoke "How do you say that he will refuse? That kid is getting too confident lately after he beat the Tsuchikage. We should not yield to his demands. He is a ninja of the village and you as t he Hokage just order him to go." Hiruzen shook his head and spoke "You know Danzo, This kid you speak of is the grandson of the first Hokage and inherited his kekkei genkai. At such a young age, he is stronger than me. If he grows up, he might surpass the first. I also warn you Danzo. He is already slightly pissed off by me helping you in Sakumo's case. So be careful around him. I can't help you if you do something and he takes action against you. And I will support him rather than you because the village needs him more".

Danzo got pissed off then stood up and left saying "Do what you wish". Hiruzen shook his head and thought 'Danzo my friend, why wouldn't you change? Why are you making things difficult for yourself?' The advisors were waiting for Hiruzen to do his contemplating and then the meeting continued. "Hiruzen, since Ryu Senju is going to the Wave Country, you should send your son to the Lighting Country. There, Minato Namikaze could benefit from some assistance." Added Homura "Indeed, Minato is getting some problems there on his own." The 3rd agreed with Homura's suggestion.

After the four reached a consensus, Konoha held another high level meeting at night. The 3rd did not discuss the matter during the meeting, and immediately announced his decision. In the conference room, everyone looked at each other, but couldn't raise any objections since Hiruzen, Homura and Koharu all seemed to be on board. This way, Ryu was officially appointed as the Chief Commander of the Wave Country battlefield. On that night, an Anbu left the 3rd's office with an appointment letter and came down to the Senju compound and handed it to Tsunade who happened to be at home.

In the wave country, The Mist Ninjas had made a great plan of attacking with regular Ninjas, and then dispatching the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist to hunt down the young talents among Konoha's ranks. Their plans were long figured out by Shikaku Nara, but there was too much difference in high-end combat power. No side had a Kage-tier Ninja. The heads of the Yuki and Hozuki Clans and the personal guard of the Mizukage were all Quasi Kage tier; while the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist with their Swords were all above the average Jonin tier.

The heads of the Ino-Shika-Cho alliance could block the Hozuki clan head. The 3rd's Quasi Kage Anbu could deal with the Mizukage's bodyguard. Since the 3rd's son was dispatched to the Lightning Country, the remaining 5 Jonins had to gather in order to face the head of the Yuki clan.

With that, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist found themselves free to do whatever they wanted. In order to keep the worst from happening, Shikaku Nara took the opportunity and made all the young Ninjas in the camp run away. The seven of them, even with ordinary swords, were Jonin level. With the power of the Seven Legendary Swords however, they become even more terrifying. They went in like tigers into a herd of gazelles, ravaging through Konoha's Genins and Chunin. In no time, corpses were everywhere. After killing no less of 500 Konoha Ninjas, they started searching for the younger ones to kill.