
Lightning Style : Kirin

(A/N: one more episode for you guys as thanks for the reviews. Hope you enjoy reading).


On the other side, I was long awaiting for the Explosion Squad's attack. Most of them mainly relied on their long-Range attacks to place Explosive Clay at a distance. I 1st started by sending out "Lightning style Lightning Hounds" to destroy the clay explosives. Then, because Konoha's men were up hill, I used this geographical advantage, and used "Water style Water Fountain jutsu" and made the land wet to further increase the scope of my Lightning Release attack, causing the 1st wave of Explosive Clay to misfire.

"Captain, there seems to be something wrong their on Konoha's side!" Said a member of the Explosion Squad. "They are on high ground, it's normal for the 1st wave to misfire, carry on!" The members of the Explosion Squad trusted their captain and were convinced by his words. They proceeded immediately for the second round of explosions. While they were on to that, I was preparing for my own jutsu. I said "Fire style Great fireball jutsu barrage" which I created some time back and fired it towards the sky.

When the fireballs reached the sky, they exploded and dark clouds started appearing one by one and the sky was filled with dark clouds and lightning. I then did some handsigns and formed a chidori in my hands coating my palm in lightning. Then I yelled "Everyone get back". Hearing my words and seeing the sky, all the leaf ninja started to retreat. As the ninjas retreated, a second wave of explosive clays came. I smiled and Raised my hand covered in lightning and looking at the explosion squad, I lowered my hand saying "Lightning Style : Kirin" And Suddenly a Dragon made of lightning came down from the sky towards the Explosion squad instantly turning them to ash and creating a massive crater.

On the other side, Onoki also heard the massive thundering sound of the technique. He did not expect Konoha's Ninjas to have such a strong Lightning user on the battlefield. "Orochimaru, is this your trump card? Who is this Ninja?" Asked Ohnoki. "A ninja of the leaf." Orochimaru didn't ignore Onoki this time, and slowly answered him. "Orochimaru, Who is he?" Asked Ohnoki again. This time around, Orochimaru ignored Onoki's question. Any answer would be leaking information to the enemy, even though the Rock Ninjas are to find out My identity sooner or later anyway.

On the other side, after I stopped the Explosion Squad, the two armies rushed in from both sides, and they collided into a massive Melee battle. I wasn't about to participate in this battle, so I just stood there and watched. As I was watching, I heard a loud roar and saw a Giant ape running towards the battlefield. I smiled seeing it and thought 'Well, Roshi is here. Time for me to Interfere. Then I did some handsigns and said "Wood release : Wood Golem jutsu". Seeing the four tails nearing them, the Konoha ninjas morale started to come down, but soon they felt the earth shaking and a giant wood golem with a snake wrapped around it appeared behind them.

Some Konoha ninjas recognised the golem and shouted "Its Ryu Senju". Hearing them and seeing a giant golem as big as the ape, the ninjas started to cheer. The golem ran towards the four tails and swung the snake that was wrapped around it making the four tails fly back. Then the golem and four tails engaged in a Heated combat. Seeing the golem engage the four tails, Ohnoki frowned. He recognised the jutsu and the person as Ryu Senju now, but it was too late and he only cursed in his mind and continued to fight Orochimaru.

On Orochimaru's side, Onoki was too strong. Konoha's powerful Sannin could only hold him off, sending his wrath away from Konoha's common Ninjas. However, Onoki was being pressured by the situation on the battlefield, and Orochimaru was for once able to gain great pressure over him. "This time Onoki, you've lost!" Said Orochimaru. "Even if we lost, this old man is going to kill you! [Earth release: Stone Golem]!" Onoki was enraged and covered himself with the Golem, becoming a Stone Giant.

At the same time I teleported near Orochimaru and asked "Do you need a hand uncle Orochi?" Orochimaru smiled and said "Be careful this old guy is very strong". I nodded and used the 3rd Raikage's lightning cloak. And suddenly disappeared and appeared above the Golem. Then I gathered chakra in my arm like Tsunade. I even used some of Sora's chakra to make it strong and punched hard on the stone Golem. Not being able to bear the strength, the golem shattered leaving an injured and bleeding Tsuchikage laying on the floor. Orochimaru just mumbled a three words "Oh my god".

The Tsuchikage Ohnoki struggled getting up and finally floated and said "Alright Konoha, you've won this one!" Right after, he issued a retreat order, and left with a gloomy face. Seeing him leave I yelled "You old stuck up Bastard, you think you are great, It only took me one punch to bring you down. Next time if you don't surrender, I'll visit your village and punch you again". Ohnoki just said "Ryu Senju, I'll remember this" and floated off. Even in the anime, I hated this old man's attitude the most. So I took him down a peg. He deserves it.

After the Rock ninjas retreated, The Konoha ninjas started cheering. And we headed back to the camp. Like this, we won the battle on the Earth country. As we reached camp, Tsunade was finished treating all the injured ninjas and waiting or us. As we got closer she asked "Back so soon, How did it go?" Orochimaru just shook his head and said "Your son is a monster". Tsunade frowned and shouted angrily "Orochimaru, WHAT DID YOU SAY MY SON WAS?" Orochimaru started sweating. I went in between them and said "Mom, we're done here. Let's go back to the village". Tsunade nodded and I looked at Orochimaru and said "Bye uncle Orochi" and we disappeared with a yellow flash.

Next chapter