
Reborn as Luffy : I am the Sun God Nika

Transmigrating as Luffy in the world of One piece knowing that I am the SUN GOD. With the help of a great system, there are many things I would like to change. Let's go through the events in One piece with a Stronger Luffy and future knowledge. I stand for One Man, One Heart, One Love. There will be no harem. Luffy will be a walking disaster.

Emojin_Zadeng · 漫画同人
9 Chs

Chapter 2: Leaving the village

In front of me, was the real deal. The hero of the Marines, the real legend 'Monkey D. Garp' . I was so excited to meet him that I couldn't properly slept the last night.

As soon as I saw him, I ran towards him shouting Grandpa with the top of my lungs. Since I had all of the real Luffy's memories, I don't have any trouble acting like him. In fact It was like I am still the real him. With both our memories and personalities being merge, I was easily able to switch my characters however I feel like it. I could act all mature and mysterious and the next moment act as the worlds most stupid child.

When Garp saw me running towards him and shouting, he had a huge grin and walk towards me. I jump at him and hug him which he was really surprised with. He just thought that I was simply missing him and hug me.

While maintaining his huge smile, he carried me inside Makino's bar and sat there with me telling me certain things. And among the many things that he told me, he also told me that he was going to let me stay with Dadan, the mountain bandit.

He saw that I have no problem with his decision and he was pleased with it.

Once we ate our fill at Makino's, we prepared to set out towards the mountain where Dadan, Ace and the mountain bandits reside.

While I thought everything was going smoothly according to my plan, One villager came up to us and said " Oyy, Luffy, what happened to all your shouting about becoming the pirate king. You should say that to your grandpa because he is the hero of the marines and also he used to fight with the Pirate king before he died. If you really have the guts to become the pirate king, don't you think you have to say it to your Grandpa too. Hehehe"

This guy was really trying to get me into trouble. As I tried to shrug it off, I have a premonition.

I felt a huge threat looming towards me. When I tried looking around, I found Grandpa twitching his brows, veins popped on his forhead and his fists high up in the air.

I almost panic and tried explaining my way out of it. I certainly do not want to get the fist of love. Even though I would like to become the pirate king, I had seen Garp's Galaxy Impact fist from the Manga just before the day I transmigrate and I certainly don't want to be on the receiving end of it.

I racked my brain hard thinking how I could talk my way out of the situation.

"Grandpa wait, let me tell you something" was all that I manage to say.

It felt like I was hit by a huge truck and all I remember was seeing stars dancing around me.

The fist of love is really not a joke.

I slowly stand from my feet and I could felt a huge bump on my head where grandpa punch me. He was clearly angered by the statement made by that random dude.

He was looking at me with a red face and scold me" Listen here Luffy , you will not become any damn filthy pirates. You will be a strong marine of justice. Do you understand"

Before I could reply him, he grab me by the collar and take me towards The mountain where Dadan and the bandits were residing.

On the way he was bragging a lot about how he used to catch pirates and about the marines justice but I don't pay any attention to the words he was saying.

I was so eager to meet Ace that there was nothing else in my mind.

After walking for about an hour in mountains. We finally reach the bandits hideout.

The scene progress almost as the original but what what didn't happen was that I elegantly evades Ace spit. I have a lot of progress regarding my hakis as fighting with animals near the village everyday was quite a good way to learn fighting.

I even beat up Ace which to everyone present was a weird scene because all of them knew that Ace was clearly older than me and to them, he should be stronger than me with a huge margin.

The bandits look at me with a weird face and their jaws dropped wide.

They knew that ace was strong because he used to bring them food by fighting the animals in the mountains which are huge and strong.

So when they saw that I beat up Ace easily and had him pinned to the ground, they look at me as if I was a monster.

While all of them were looking at me with a lot of weird feelings, I had another thought running inside my mind.

Here I was, standing atop one of my favourite character in the entire one piece world. I was thinking ' Ace, we would soon be brothers. There is no way I am going to let you die like the manga. I would do anything in my power to let you stay alive. Believe it'

While I was deep in my thought, Grandpa walk towards me at grab me by the collar again. He hit me in my head once and scold me more. The bandits were looking at us as if we were a family of monsters.

From this moment on, things progress smoothly. Grandpa left us at the care of Dadan. Ace wasn't as cruel as the first time we met but he was still holding a grudge towards me.

Apart from making Sabo and Ace stronger, I want something that I want to do for Dadan.

I felt like Oda wasn't doing any justice for Dadan.

So I thought to myself 'Fine, I'll do it myself'

I wasn't going to be the problem child that Luffy originally was. In fact I would do a complete 360. I will be their adorable boy that they cherish so much. I would bring them food everyday and with the help of the system, I would provide them with many kinds of things that even they don't know that they need it.

For Starter, I would wake early in the morning. Prepare them a good breakfast that would be good for their everyday hangover and nutrition. I would buy various items from the system that would enhance their strength and body. I would also buy things that can make a lady beautiful and would often mix with Dadan's drink.

After a few months passed, they started to notice the changes that happened to them. Even Dadan was nothing like the monstrosity in the original. She had more well curved out structure, and walk the path to become a beauty. She herself didn't know how to explain what happened to them.

Every time they bought up the changes in the bandits hideout, I would always credit myself and told them that my cooking is what made them like this. Since they don't have any other reason to say, they just accepted what I said and all of them was thankful to me.

I was glad that I could help them even though how little it was.

I soon became the Golden boy of the Bandits, all of them were doting on me so much that it almost turns out to be annoying.

On the part with Ace and Sabo, even though I hadn't teach them about haki. I teach them lots of other techniques like shadow clone, transformation jutsu and many taijutsus which could be of importance to them in the future. For them to learn this technique, I secretly made them eat things that could enable to perform these things. They were greatly thankful to me.

Our three brothership was also soon formed like the original. But unlike the original, we named ourselves The three Ninjas because most of the techniques I taught them were from Naruto's ninja technique.

When they asked me where I knew all these things, I just said that I had a mysterious master that passed all his technique before I came to live with the Bandits which they quikly bought as there are no other explanations for it.

Time passes and our life were smooth, but Sabo still went missing like the original but I'm not worried about it because I knew where he would be. I just thought to myself that some fates are hard to change.

All these time, I got lots of fate points the bandits as my involvement with them change their fate so much.

Even Dadan had became a beauty that many would kill for. On a scale of 100, she could be rated as 86.

All The bandits had become stronger courtesy to medicines and pills I secretly feed them and there are no other bandits that could compete with them near the entire village and it's neighborhood.

They live a good life and was always cheering for me. Since I had shown them many things that they don't think to be possible, they started to believe that I was a miracle child and would really be the Pirate king in no time.

Every time Grandpa visit us, he could clearly felt that we were getting so much stronger than his previous visit which made him wonder what we used to do.

Before Ace was 17, Grandpa visit again. But this time, I clearly told him that I want to become the king of the pirates which angered him a lot and a fight broke out.

Even though I hadn't train seriously as I should because of Ace. I want to save Ace from dying but I still war the Marineford war to happen so I couldn't teach him strong and overpowered techniques.But I am still going to save him.

My fight with grandpa almost ended in a draw as I wasn't still as strong as him. But nonetheless, he was surprised at my strength. The only people that could make him serious were old monsters from his era like Roger and Whitebeard. So to him, me fighting him almost equally was a surprised. He even use many of his strong techniques.

When he asked me how I became so strong at such a young age, I just told him that I had a mysterious teacher. Although he was sceptical with it, he just have to believe it as there were no other possible explanations.

Our fight destroyed three mountains and all the spectators were thinking' Truly a family of Monsters'

A month pass after my fight with Grandpa and Ace had just turned 17 so he was about to left the village to become a pirate.

Along with the bandits, I came to see him off.

After he left, I was thinking what I should do before I also set off. I remember that I tried to be stronger than whitebeard when I left so I trained like crazy the following years. I trained all of my hakis so much that they could be counted as one of the greatest in the world.

My armament were at level 12 and I could do internal destruction at ease. I learned how to coat myself with Conquerors haki and I even got future sight which could let me see upto 10 seconds in the future.

With the help of the system shop, turning into a monster wasn't that hard. I could easily say that in terms of strength, Even prime whitebeard and Roger will be defeated by me.

The day before I turned 17, I look at my status with a wide grin as it shows

Name: Monkey D. Luffy




Agility :35063

Vitality: 50765

Haki: Armament 12, Observation 14, Conquerors 19

Abilities: 300+

Fate points:1,107,881.

I was satisfied with my status. I possessed every possible abilities I think I would need. I even have overpowered abilities like the rinnegan so I feared nothing.

Even If I fight with Im, the one at the empty throne of the world the government, I don't feel like I would lose.

Before I left the village to become a pirate, I felt like doing something for the entire village so I decided to make a movie theater. I buy the theater from the system shop with 100 fate points.

The villagers were puzzled by it and wondered how a large building popped out of nowhere. I hired a few employees to work at the theater and told them how to manage it. I also bought a lot of movies from the system so that even if they watch a different movie everyday for 10 years, they wont run out new movies.

After the villagers know how it worked , they thanked me a lot and they were enjoying it since the world of one piece world doesn't have many entertainment.

And finally, The day had arrived.

I thought to myself 'It is time for the world to know its king'


(N/A: I would really appreciate any form of support)