
Reborn as an op kitten

I was just an ordinary guy walking home from work when all of a sudden. "beeeeeb" "Crash" And all I saw was black. I woke up some time later to a strange screen floating before my eyes. | ~Evolution System~ | | Name: Entity 196784 | | Race: Common house cat(Kitten) | | Magical Affinities: None | | Gender: Female | | Level: 0/30 | | Exp: 0/100 | | Health: 100 Stamina: 100 Mana: 100 | | Stats: | | Strength: 8 Agility: 14 Dexterity: 10 | | Endurance: 10 Vitality: 10 Intelligence: 23 | | Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 20 Luck: 14 | | Unique abilities: | | ◇Evolution System◇ | | ◇Appraisal◇ | | ◇Inventory◇ | | ◇Natural Magic◇ | | ◇Double Exp◇ | | skills: None | | Racial skills: Claw lvl 1, Bite lvl 1 | [Welcome to your new life] "Wait why the hell am I a cat and a female one at that!!!!!"

Set63773628 · 奇幻
23 Chs

World and reincarnation

"World Type"


| ~World Type~ |

| ~Scifi~ |

| ~Scifi fantasy~ |

| ~Modern~ |

| ~Modern Fantasy~ |

| ~Medieval~ |

| ~Medieval Fantasy~ |

'Okay let's think about this for a while. Scifi just plain sucks as my abilities and strength will have to compete with futuristic weapons so both of them is off.'

'Modern wouldn't be too bad except for the fact that I will still have to compete with modern weapons. But thinking about it for a while I am definitely not going to choose it as I just lived a life in one of those worlds.'

'So that just leaves medieval and out of the two you can happily bet on the fact that I am going to pick the fantasy version.'

"I choose medieval Fantasy."

[Confirming Selection]





| ~Entity 196784~ |

| ~Karma: 0~ |

| ~Race: Cat~ |

| ~Abilities: 5~ |

| ~World Type: Medieval Fantasy~ |

| ~Reincarnation Type~ |

| ~Start new life~ |

'Now all that is left is Reincarnation Type so.'

"Reincarnation Type."


| ~Reincarnation Type~ |

| ~take over a dead body~ |

| ~born naturally~ |

| ~appear in a fully grown body~ |

'so for this one it looks like the decision will be pretty easy as taking over a dead body will bring with it the old owners problems. while as being born again will take me ages to fully grow up.'

'therefore this leaves me the choice of just appearing as if by magic. which I personally think is the best choice in this case.'

"I choose to appear in a fully grown body"

[Confirming Selection]





| ~Entity 196784~ |

| ~Karma: 0~ |

| ~Race: Cat~ |

| ~Abilities: 5~ |

| ~World Type: Medieval Fantasy~ |

| ~Reincarnation Type: Appear magically~ |

| ~Start new life~ |

'Now all that is left for me to do is to start my new life which is hella stressful.'

"Oh well here goes nothing. Start new life"

[Confirming Selected choices]





[Starting new life]








[Congratulations Entity 196784 on your new life]

The last thing I saw was these words appearing in front of me before my vision slowly faded to black.

I slowly opened my eyes to see a vibrant majestic forest surrounding me. With the chirping of birds sounding from all around me.

'okay Luke let's take stock of our situation. I am now in a fantasy forest as what seems to be a black cat based on the colour of my paws.'

After thinking about my situation for a while I decided to try and stand up so that I can get used to my body.

I shakily stood up on my paws, trying to get used to the feeling of being on all fours. As I got used to my new body I started to try and walk around to get a feel for the place.

'Okay now that I have a basic understanding of how to move around let's see if I really did get a system.'


[Evolution System starting up]




| ~Evolution System~ |

| Name: Entity 196784 |

| Race: Common house cat(Kitten) |

| Magical Affinities: None |

| Gender: Female |

| Titles: NA |

| Level: 0/30 |

| Exp: 0/100 |

| Health: 100/100 Stamina: 100/100 |

| Mana: 100/100 |

| Stats: |

| Strength: 8 Agility: 14 Dexterity: 10 |

| Endurance: 10 Vitality: 10 Intelligence: 23 |

| Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 20 Luck: 14 |

| Unique abilities: |

| ◇Evolution System◇ |

| ◇Appraisal◇ |

| ◇Inventory◇ |

| ◇Natural Magic◇ |

| ◇Double Exp◇ |

| skills: None |

| Racial skills: Claw lvl 1, Bite lvl 1 |

Looking at the window caused me to jump up in fright as I realized something.

"Nooooooo! I am no longer a guy how did this happen."

After a while of just standing and screaming my rage to the heavens I eventually managed to calm dow and assess the rest of my Status.

It seems as though I have started of as a normal house cat and as a kitten at that. Looking at how the level is 0 out of 30 I can assume that one I reach level 30 I will evolve.

Other than that just looking at my stats it would seem that being a kitten has reduced my strength but at the same time given me more agility. My dexterity, endurance and vitality all seem to have stayed at the base average of 10.

What is very cool though is that it seems that my natural magic ability has increased my intelligence to a whopping 23 which is awesome, the only part that sucks is that I have no magic affinities yet as I am a house cat.

Though saying that it would seem that being a kitten makes me adorable as my charisma is also very high at 20.

Anyway now that I have seen my status I think it is definitely time to go looking for some of that sweet sweet experience.