
Reborn as an op kitten

I was just an ordinary guy walking home from work when all of a sudden. "beeeeeb" "Crash" And all I saw was black. I woke up some time later to a strange screen floating before my eyes. | ~Evolution System~ | | Name: Entity 196784 | | Race: Common house cat(Kitten) | | Magical Affinities: None | | Gender: Female | | Level: 0/30 | | Exp: 0/100 | | Health: 100 Stamina: 100 Mana: 100 | | Stats: | | Strength: 8 Agility: 14 Dexterity: 10 | | Endurance: 10 Vitality: 10 Intelligence: 23 | | Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 20 Luck: 14 | | Unique abilities: | | ◇Evolution System◇ | | ◇Appraisal◇ | | ◇Inventory◇ | | ◇Natural Magic◇ | | ◇Double Exp◇ | | skills: None | | Racial skills: Claw lvl 1, Bite lvl 1 | [Welcome to your new life] "Wait why the hell am I a cat and a female one at that!!!!!"

Set63773628 · 奇幻
23 Chs

Affinities and stat distribution

Slowly coming back from the dark abyss of unconsciousness I feel my head pounding in the worst headache I have ever had.

For a while I just lay there on the cold cave floor waiting for my headache to dissipate. When my headache had finally disappeared I decided to look down at my body to see if anything was wrong with me.

Seeing that I was in the clear I finally allowed myself to sigh in relief that I was not dead. Opening up my status now that I am definitely not dead showed me something that I was definitely not expecting.

| ~Evolution System~ |

| Name: Ciara |

| Race: Common house cat(Kitten) |

| Magical Affinities: Space |

| Gender: Female |

| Titles: Born Assassin, Named beast |

| Level: 17/30 |

| Exp: 560/1700 |

| Health: 13/140 Stamina: 60/140 |

| Mana: 100/100 |

| Stats: |

| Strength: 10 Agility: 14(28) Dexterity: 10 |

| Endurance: 14 Vitality: 14 Intelligence: 23 |

| Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 20(32) Luck: 14 |

| Free stat points: 150 |

| Unique abilities: Hidden |

| skills: ☆Stealth lvl 8, ☆Sneak attack lvl 5 |

| Racial skills: Claw lvl 5, Bite lvl 1 |

A/N The bracketed numbers are after the title bonuses have been added.

My heart races again as I realise how close I was to death As I only have 13 health left. This is especially made more concerning by the fact that I was lying on the floor for a while so my health must have already regenerated by a bit.

After I eventually manage to calm down again from the panic of realizing I nearly died. I notice the other really big change. Which is that I finally have an affinity and it is a space one at that. This is especially amazing if I think about how strong the space element is in the books I have read.

I am really excited to try and use magic now that I have an affinity but before I can do that I notice something. I look at my free attribute point as I shamefully remember that I have yet to apply them and how I might have even been able to defeat the glacial wolf if I had used them.

now that I have an affinity I straight away decide to put 50 into wisdom. This is so that I can have a massive mana pool to play with when I try and use my space affinity.

I then decide to put 20 each into Strength, Agility, Endurance and Vitality so that I dont lag to badly behind in anything. My last 20 points I decide to split evenly with 10 points going to both dexterity and intelligence.

Once I had finished distributing my attribute points I decided to look over it to see if I was happy with everything.

| Health: 213/340 Stamina: 260/340 |

| Mana: 600/600 |

| Stats: |

| Strength: 30 Agility: 34(68) Dexterity: 20 |

| Endurance: 34 Vitality: 34 Intelligence: 33 |

| Wisdom: 60 Charisma: 20(32) Luck: 14 |

| Free stat points: 0 |

Seeing my stats makes me happy I that my strength is improving rapidly and that soon I might even be able to get my revenge on the glacial wolf. Though I suppose I should also be thankful to it as if it hadn't chased me I would have never found these crystals.

Standing up I proceed to walk towards on of the metallic earth Crystal's. Whereupon I decide to eat it as it could very well give me another affinity.

I steel myself for the pain I will have to go through again as I arrive in front of the crystal. Once I think that I am as ready as I will ever be I swallow the crystal quickly to try and get it done quickly. Only to roar loudly in pain before passing out for the second time in a row.

When I come to I ignore the pounding headache and open my status as I am to excited to see if I managed to get another affinity.

[Magical Affinities: Space, Metallic earth]

I almost start purring in happiness as I realise that I managed to get another affinity. I eventually calm down as I begin to wonder what this affinity even encompasses. After a bit of contemplating I decide that it will most likely be an affinity for all rocks, minerals and metals.

Finally done with all the boring painful stuff I decide that it is time to start trying to use magic.