
You're Definitely Catching A Case

For the male Worka, the way Rea had touched the Paru was a definite case of sexual assault. Let alone dragging her butt against his body, her butt touching him was enough to qualify as assault. 

Roka, took, had reacted to that, finding that it was too much. 

A female Worka touching a male Worka with her butt or crotch was assault, even if done accidentally, which Rea obviously hadn't.

Still, there was something worse than being touched by a woman's ass for the male Worka. Worse than being touched by her crotch. 

Because the male Worka were shorter than the female Worka, it, unfortunately for them, happened rather often, and was seen by all as the most predatory way a female Worka could touch a male.

"Is there some space left for a fourth?" 

The familiar voice resonated from behind the Paru, and as she approached, the facial expressions of Roka, Liz, Kris, Bak, Al, and Jay changed.