
rebirth of beast kingdom

JACK_Lucifer · 现实
48 Chs

Chapter 27: The Edifice of Innovation

The village of Ebonwood, once hidden within the embrace of ancient trees, was on the cusp of a transformation that would etch its name in the annals of history. Satoru, the beast prince with a vision that transcended the ages, stood before the village parliamentary council, a gathering that held the future of Ebonwood in their paws and claws.

**The Proposal**

"With cement and burnt brick," Satoru declared, "we will not only fortify our beloved Ebonwood but also ensure it stands resilient against the tides of time and conflict."

The council chamber buzzed with whispers. The advancements in local products, bolstered by the ingenuity of factories, had indeed brought prosperity and trade. But the proposal laid before them was unprecedented.

**The Financial Conundrum**

The modern salary system, a brainchild of Satoru's past life knowledge, ensured fair wages for all. Yet, it also meant that the treasury's coffers were allocated with precision, leaving little room for ambitious projects without significant financial planning.

"The cost of raw materials, the labor—this endeavor requires funds that our current reserves cannot sustain," voiced an elder, his concern echoing off the chamber walls.

**The Consultant's Insight**

Satoru, ever the strategist, had anticipated this hurdle. He called upon the wisdom of a consultant, a lynx with a mind as sharp as her claws, renowned for her economic prowess.

Together, they presented a solution that would not burden the villagers but instead capitalize on Ebonwood's flourishing trade. A slight increase in tariffs on exported goods, a temporary levy that would harness the kingdom's economic boom to fund the fortifications.

**The Debate**

Debate ensued, a dance of words and wisdom, as the council weighed the benefits against the potential risks. The lynx consultant addressed each concern with poise, her arguments as solid as the bricks they proposed to make.

**The Vote**

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the chamber, the council cast their votes. One by one, the stones of decision were placed, until a majority emerged in favor of Satoru's plan.

**The Dawn of Construction**

With the bill passed, Ebonwood stirred with a new energy. Beasts of all trades came together, their skills merging to create the cement and bricks that would shield their home. The air was thick with the scent of progress, and the sound of construction became the kingdom's heartbeat.

**The Legacy**

Satoru watched as the first wall rose, a testament to innovation and unity. This was more than just a barrier against threats; it was a symbol of a kingdom that dared to dream, to build, to advance beyond the limitations of their past.

Ebonwood was no longer just a village; it was a beacon of progress, a kingdom fortified not just by stone, but by the spirit of its people.