

Terra regained consciousness. She saw the top of a cave. With the faint light of early morning beaming in.

Cean: Ah! You have awakened!

Terra sat down against the cave and buried her head in her knees.

Terra: What was I thinking?! I should've ran! If it wasn't for you I would've died. My mission would've ended there. The same way my grandparents' lives ended. I'm way too weak to fight Beck. He's too strong.

Cean: Beep boop. What is this thing?

Terra: That's my flip phone. Don't mess with it please.

Cean: Ohhh.

Cean dropped it on the ground and went outside the cave.

Terra: Cean, you are some sort of genius!

Cean: Does that mean dumb?

Terra: I could call the people I met along the way and have a real chance against Beck!

Cean: Like me?

Terra: Aren't you a god?

Cean: Yep.

Terra: So you could just easily take down Beck all by yourself!

Cean: No, I couldn't do such a thing.

Terra: Why not?

Cean: He basically me proofed the entire place. Using a special magic called sigil magic. A magic made to keep gods like me and you away.

Terra: What? Me and you?

Cean: Yeah. You're Artemis, right?

Terra: Haha, no I'm just a regular girl.

Cean: LIES!

Terra: But I'm no god.

Cean: Then why do you wear the armor of Artemis?

Terra: You saw me come in and try the armor.

Cean: Yes. Artemis returned to reclaim her old armor!

Terra: No. That's not the case.

Cean: You are way weaker than Artemis on second thought. And a lot more tolerable.

Terra: Am I a god then.

Cean: Not yet.

Terra: Yet?

Cean snapped his fingers and a giant cake appeared next to him.

Cean: Is. That. Cake?

Terra looked back and forth between Cean and the giant cake.

Cean: I have an idea! So you want to see your friends right? I could teleport you to them!

Terra: Are you sure that's safe?

Cean: Well it was safe when you died.

Terra: ...Let's do it.

Cean: Sure. Let's go with that. Where do you want to go?

Terra: I should call Matt. He would let us go there.

Cean: Matt who?

Terra: Matt Murdock.

Cean: Alright let's go!

Terra: Hey I di-

- - - - - - - -

Beck stormed into his security room. Jilaya had left. He sat down on a chair.

Beck: That girl…

Beck thought backwards in time. He was in his own living quarters. The base he was in during the present was being built around him. Beck was smiling seeing all the progress. He got up and turned around. Someone jumped down at him from a support beam. Beck reacted quickly and moved out of the way. But it was made apparent that he wasn't fast enough. His right arm had been separated from his body. Beck fell to the ground from the shock. He looked up and saw a girl with a brown poncho on. Krilla. Beck brought himself back to the present.

Beck: They really are similar. The only difference is this time I'm going to win.

Jilaya: Hey Robertson. The sites are booming now. I've never had this much business!

Jilaya showed Beck a diagram on her phone. "Sites 1-10: 164 FULL."

Beck: Well, your welcome.

Jilaya: You really aren't any fun, huh?

Beck: Do you not understand that your sites that are booming are all in jeopardy?!

Jilaya: You know, you never really explained to me what happened.

Beck: That bastard Cean made a fail-safe for me. If that book is inserted into a slot this whole place goes down! My life's work is taken down!

Jilaya: That's really stupid. Why don't you Just get rid of it.

Beck: Do you think I haven't tried that?! I destroyed it multiple times and it comes back no matter what! Some sort of god magic.

Jilaya: Just seal it off.

Beck: Look.

Beck gestured towards a door with a code on it.

Beck: Not even a torpedo could destroy that bunker. There is some sort of barrier that makes it so normal people can't enter. Eventually it got so large that I couldn't even get close to that thing. She has to get past me if she really wants to destroy this place. And as you could tell. She won't

Jilaya: Don't underestimate her.

Beck: She only caught me off guard. I'm not scared, She could even bring an army. You have your forces.

- - - - - - - -

Matt sat down in his living room. He had a nice cup of tea. Cean and Terra appeared next to Matt. He spit out his coffee.

Terra: -didn't say now!

Matt: Terra?

Terra: H-hey Matt.

Matt: Who is that?

Cean: Me? I'm Cean. Your local cool dude.

Terra: Says he's a god.

Matt: God? I've seen things like this before. What are you doing here?

Terra: I know you've settled down. But I need your help!

Matt: What kind of help?

Terra: There is a man named Beck Robertson. He is-

Matt: I'll help.

Terra: I didn't even tell you anything.

Matt: I know about Beck. He is let off with no trouble. Just because he threatens everyone who tries to get in the way of his rule. There's no better time than this to take out the suit again.

Terra: Are you sure? Beck completely dominated me in a fight.

Matt: You think you're as good as me?

Matt smiled at Terra and got up. He walked over to his closet and opened up the case with his daredevil gear in it.

Matt: Make sure to call Krilla. She'll help us.

Terra: Alright.

Terra made the call on the flip phone.

Krilla: Hello?

Terra: Hi Krilla, it's Terra. Can you meet us at Matt's apartment? We need your help.

Krilla: With what?

Terra: It's about Beck. He's too powerful for me. We ne-

Krilla: I'll be there shortly.

Terra: O-okay.

Terra: Do you even think we'll be enough?

Matt: I don't like to think about it like that.

Terra looked up at Matt. Who was in his Daredevil suit.

Terra: Wow. The devil of hell's kitchen...

Krilla: You look uncomfortable in that thing.

Matt: It fits me well. Why would I wear something uncomfortable? It's like I'm back in my own skin.

Terra: Wait. When did you get here?

Krilla: Just a few seconds ago. When I walked in the door.

Matt: Your soul blade will be useful.

Terra: Oh yeah, I have another friend who has a soul blade. We need to find her too.

Matt: Perfect. We will have a group of 4. Gives me flashbacks to the days of the Defenders.

Terra: Defenders?

Matt: We were a team of 4. Danny Rand was one of us. We also had two others. Jessica Jones and Luke Cage.

Krilla: So your friend has a soul blade as well?

Terra: Yeah. I hope she's okay.

Matt: Try calling her.

Terra took out her phone and called Amala's number. She waited and waited. Nobody answered.

Terra: Nobody answered.

Matt: Well maybe we'll just have to do this with just us three. We should go before someone walks in.

Krilla: Why would that happen?

Matt: Trust me, it happens. Even if the door is locked.

Terra: Hey, guys. She's calling back.

Krilla: We're in luck!

Amala: Hey Terra. Listen. I'm in a bad situation. You need to come to one of Beck's slave camps. I got roped up in there. I only have 30 seconds. You'll find the place at -

Terra put down her phone.

Matt: She seemed stressed. We have to help her.

Krilla: What happened?

Terra: She was locked in one of Beck's slave sites. We have to get her out. Including anyone else who might be there.

Matt: I knew you were special.

Cean: Does that mean I can teleport us back?

Terra: You guys ready?

Matt grabbed two billy clubs from his closet.

Matt: Yeah.

Krilla: Lets go.

Cean teleported all of them back into the woods of the white mountains.

Krilla: Did you ever get in trouble with Stick, Terra?

Terra: No actually. It seems like he left. Or he doesn't care enough about me.

Krilla: Both of those options are viable.

Terra: Amala told me about the site.

Matt: Hey, where did Cean go?

Terra: He likes to disappear like that. I'm pretty sure he can't get into most of Beck's sites anyway.

Matt: We have to be stealthy.

Krilla: In that case, you lead the way.

Matt: There's a control tower around the site.

Everyone looked down the hill they were atop. There was a huge part of land filled with caged in fences that were made into cells with barbed wire atop all of them. There was a big building farthest away from all of them.

Matt: We're going to go the long way. We'll go right from here and then hug the fences and stay low. Follow my lead.

All three of them did as Matt instructed. They went down the hill quietly and took a left towards the fences. They stayed low. Terra kept her eye on Matt's posture and tried to emulate it. Terra heard yelling from enraged metas. She heard the baby metas crying. Terra felt a shiver go down her spine. She was disgusted. They took another left and saw a big building. There were signs on it. Lunch Area ↓. Employees ↑.

Krilla: Looks like we're going up.

They got to the building and hid out of the way of the door ahead of them.

Matt: We'll see stairs in there. Seems like we'll have to go up. We'll make it to the control room and from there we'll be starting a prison riot.

Krilla: Isn't that pretty much the most violent way to go about this?

Matt: If we go in there we are going to get spotted. This is our best way.

Terra: Should we go now?

Matt: Come on.

Matt tried to open the door but it was locked.

Matt: Damn. I guess I wasn't as smart as I thought. Anyone got any ideas?

Krilla: Bust in?

Matt: What happened to stealth?

Terra: I've got an idea.

Terra: Since I last met you two I've gotten stronger. Watch this.

Terra summoned the power of acid. A ball of acid appeared in Terra's hand.

Terra: I wouldn't touch this.

Terra pushed the ball into the key-hole in the door. The entire doorknob was burnt off.

Matt: That's a new one kid. Nice job.

Terra pulled on the door and it opened.

Matt: Everyone. Hide.

Everyone hid behind the stairs. They heard steps from afar. A soldier came down the stairs. He saw the wide open door and examined it. He took out his walkie-talkie. Krilla snuck up behind the man. She got him in a chokehold.

Krilla: Scream, and that'll be the last sound you ever say.

Krilla knocked the man out and dragged him under the stairs

Terra; Anyone else?

Matt: No. We need to be quick. Grab his walkie-talkie too.

Terra grabbed the man's walkie-talkie and they went up the stairs. They got up the stairs and there was a door. There was one flight of stairs left.

Krilla: Wait. Let me see the walkie-talkie.

Terra gave it to her

Krilla: What's your friend's name?

Terra: Amala.

Krilla: full name.

Terra: Amala Ayo. I think.

Krilla: Escort Amala Ayo to the destabilization room.

???: Affirmative.

Matt: Their that quick to respond and just let a murder happen. We won't standby and let this happen.

Terra: Wait, they're going to kill Amala?

Krilla: Let's continue.

Matt ran up the stairs and kicked the door right down. The man in the room ran up to Matt and tried to tackle him. Matt did a hook kick and knocked the man to the ground and left him unconscious.

???: We have Amala in the destabilization room. Awaiting further orders.

Terra: Hey look.

There was a line of weapons against the wall. Amala���s soul blade was one of them. Terra grabbed it.

Matt: Let's do this. Krilla. Do what you have to.

Krilla broke open the control panel. She took out a bunch of wires and started putting different ones together. Terra peered out the window at all the cells. Disgusted.

Terra: All those people are put in cells with no roofs? There's kids down there!

Terra saw a patrol abusing a couple of metas. They were helpless. \

Terra: He's abusing those two.

Terra saw a stack of papers with names on them. There were two names that proved Terra right. "Amelia Ashi, Donny Ashi: Siblings taken into custody. Metahumans. Reason: overpopulation in one area."

Terra: Some of these people were taken out because there were too many metas in one spot?

Matt: It's unfair. I know.

Krilla sparkled two wires into each other.

Krilla: Here we go,

They instantly heard yelling. They looked down into the cells. there were blasts of all elements being shot all around.

Matt: This might've been a bad way to go about this,

Krilla: It's the only way!

Matt: Company. Get ready.

Soldiers came running up the stairs. Matt ran out and jumped down a full flight of stairs and kicked down 3 soldiers. Him landing on one was enough to knock him out, Matt did a superman punch on the soldier next to him. Sending him down the stairs and knocking the one behind him into the wall. Terra and Krilla traveled down. Krilla vaulted herself to another flight and took out a soldier with the hilt of her sword and cut another across the chest. She threw her sword into one of their faces and caught it in the air and sliced another. Terra used a spell called sticky hands. She jumped down a couple flights and caught herself. She flipped herself onto the flight of stairs and knocked a soldier down. She took out her spear and Amala's soul blade and knocked out two soldiers on both sides of her. She spun and kicked another back down the stairs he was traveling up. She slashed a soldier on the arm and the blood from his arm attacked him. Terra knocked him out with her spear. Matt took a soldier, grabbed him by the head and knocked him out on the guard rail and threw him down a flight. Krilla came down and trapped a soldier's hand on the guardrail with her own hand. She took her sword and cut him on the leg and threw him over the guardrail. Terra kicked a soldier and hit him in the chin with the hilt of her spear. They had made it down the stairs.

Matt: What a throwback.

Terra: These blades are really cool.

Krilla: There's the sign for the destabilization room.

They opened the door and found Amala standing around two dead soldiers. Matt seemed displeased.

Terra: Amala!

Amala: Terra? You came. I figured something was up.

Terra: We need your help with Beck.

Amala: Beck. That bastard did this to me.

Terra: It's nice to have you back Amala. But can you help us to topple Beck's empire?

Matt: Are you sure we can trust her? You don't seem like a team player.

Amala: I'm not. I'm here to get revenge on that bastard.