A young girl, Terra Lorenz lives in a village locked away from all of modern society. After her village is attacked by a company called the MFI, leaving Terra as the soul survivor. She finds an ancient suit of armor in the woods owned by Artemis, one of the Olympians. She takes it as her own, and sets herself on a journey to take down the unjust MFI. This story also includes minor Marvel and DC characters and objects. Story by Noah Sullivan Warning - This book contains Strong Language, Violence, Depictions of Death and blood. All Rights reserved (besides Marvel + DC) New Chapter every week on Monday! COVER ART NOT BY ME, ART BY MAXA-ART
Issue 1 - A lonesome town
A little girl was running through the forest at top speed. With some food in a handbag over her shoulder. She wore a green tunic and a farmer's dress. A man was chasing after her with a pitchfork in his hand.
Man: Goddamnit women! This will be the last time you steal from me!
She continued running and stumbled a bit. So she latched onto a nearby tree and climbed up it to avoid capture. The man caught up to her and looked up in the tree. The girl was silent. She was in fear.
Man: Are you serious? Do you really think you can hide? I'll scale that tree myself.
The girl slid down and hit the man in the head and ran for it once again. However, she tripped on a root that was sticking out of the ground, and the man wasn't that far behind her.
Man: Gotcha!
- - - - - - - -
The little girl stood next to the man in front of a woman at a desk.
Man: I caught her trying to steal my crops! Me and my family slaved away making those trees grow! And they were just perfect for eating too!
Woman: What's your name girl?
???: Terra Lorenz, ma'am.
Woman: Alright. I'll write this down. You can leave now.
Man: What about my crops?
Woman: She clearly needs them more than you do, dick.
The Woman walked past the guy and grabbed Terra's hand and walked out of the office house with her and into the outside. The entire town was very old-timey, with small houses and bars.
Terra: Thank you so much Ma'am.
Woman: Call me Miss Los.
Miss Los wore a big brown poncho and had big puffy brown hair. One of her eyes was covered by her hair. She wore loose fitting brown pants and brown worn shoes.
Terra: Well, am I in trouble?
Miss Los: No. I won't punish you. I know your grandparents. They raised you well. Just don't steal okay? We'd be more than happy to get you a job here. Even though you're underaged.
Miss Los laughed joyfully at Terra.
Terra: What's so funny? Did I say something?
Miss Los: No, you just remind me of someone. My son.
Terra: ...Can I go home now?
Miss Los: Yes.
Terra grabbed her bag of apples and looked at Miss Los. She slung the bag on her shoulder and walked away, past many normal looking houses and past the bar. She walked further past all of the civilization and into the woods. There was a lone small house in the woods. On the mailbox were two names. Carl and Ellie. Terra opened the door to the house and entered.
Terra: I got food!
An old man and woman called Terra over to their room.
Ellie: Let me see how these look.
Terra came over and gave her grandmother the bag.
Terra: Freshly picked just like you wanted em!
Ellie: How did you even get these good crops?
Terra: Oh, um. I have my ways.
Ellie: *Sigh*. You stole them. Didn't you? I told you already. We can handle ourselves.
Terra: I-I just wanted to help you.
Ellie: Next time you want to help, don't go off stealing things!
Terra: Okay…
Carl was glossing up one of his relics.
Ellie: I was on my way back from Miss Los's house when I saw another one of those men on motorcycles.
Carl: Ugh. I wish they would go away. They've always left us alone prior.
Ellie: I think they're searching for someone here.
Carl: Of course he is.
Carl shook his head.
Terra: Motorcycle people? I see them a lot when I'm in the woods. I saw them yelling at a woman. And then one of them hit her!
Carl: I'm sorry you had to see that.
Terra: Why don't we gather the village to fight back? I bet you could take a bunch by yourself Grandpa!
Carl: The village people don't want to have anything to do with those men. And we'll avoid them for now.
Terra: We should teach them a lesson and kill one of their men!
Carl looked surprised. He stopped what he was doing and came down to Terra's level.
Carl: Do you know what killing entails?
Terra: Um...Of course. It's taking their life.
Carl: Doing it like that...with hate in your heart. It can corrupt you. And it hurts more people than you know. Innocent people. They don't kill. Promise me you'll never kill. Unless absolutely necessary.
Terra: ...Promise.
Carl: Pinky promise? You know you absolutely can't break those.
Terra pinky promised Carl.
Carl: Now, look. This relic here is Athena's shield.
Carl took the huge white shield off it's display.
Carl: Here. Try holding it.
Terra: I can hold it? You never let me!
Carl: You look like you may be of suitable age.
Terra took the shield off of Carl's hands. And held it. She almost dropped it.
Carl: Be careful.
Terra: Why did it get lighter?
Carl: It adjusts to its user. Like most olympus relics.
Terra: Wait, so I could use a relic from olympus?
Carl: There is a relic out there. The Artemis Armor.
Terra: Really?
Carl: Yes. It's said that it's actually very close to us.
Terra: Wow. I wonder if I could wear it one day…
Carl: I'd love to see that. All my relics just sit here now.
Carl: Here, I'm tired of sitting down. Ellie is making dinner. So let's train for a little.
Terra: Ugh...Alright.
Carl: What is it?
Terra: Nothing.
Carl: Here. Let me introduce you to a family tradition.
Terra: A family what?
Carl: Tradition. This is a thing our family does all the time. Here. Grab your training staff.
Terra grabbed her staff.
Carl: I want you to customize it an some way. Any way you want.
Terra: Uh, can we give it a cool color?
Carl: Come on. More. Something that you'd really like.
Terra: ...What if we put a spearhead on it?
Carl: Elementary! That is a great idea. Let's try it out.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Carl was standing in a fighting stance. Terra was holding her new spear. Terra lunged forward with her spear. And Carl knocked it off course. He then jabbed Terra lightly with the staff he was holding.
Carl: Now, try and strike me again.
Terra: I won't be able to hit you! I've already tried like 100 times!
Carl: With that attitude you'll never hit me.
Terra: I don't think I'm cut out for fighting. It's impossible!
Carl sat down next to Terra.
Carl: Do you know why your name is Terra?
Terra: Why?
Carl: Terra is the goddess of the Earth. And her name means Mother Earth. Do you think Mother Earth backs down from a challenge when it stands in the face of her?
Terra: ...no.
Carl: What I mean is. When a challenge stands in front of you that looks unbeatable. If it seems impossible. Stand up and spit in the face of that impossible challenge. Nothing is impossible kiddo. Impossible isn't a declaration. It's a dare.
Terra; A dare?
Carl: Now try and strike me with that state of mind.
Terra held her spear tightly.
Carl: Break my guard. And then lunge in for a strike.
Terra: Won't I hurt you with this blade?
Carl: So you didn't ever believe you would hit me?
Terra: Well…
Carl came over and felt the blade. It was barely sharp.
Carl: I wouldn't give an 11 year old a sharpened blade.
Terra stabbed forward at Carl. Who blocked the blade off course. She kept attacking. Until she realized an opening in Carl's guard. She hit him in the side with the spear.
Carl: Well done! You hit me! See. With a little dedication you will be great.
Terra: Wow...I did hit you.
Carl: Sometimes dedication also takes sacrifice. I hope you muster the courage to sacrifice in the future.
Terra: Yea-
Ellie: Dinner! Come and get it while it's hot!
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Terra came back through the door. Carl was reading a big book. It looked ancient.
Terra: Whatcha reading?
Carl: Ah this old thing? This is a book about the goddess of the hunt. Artemis.
Terra: The goddess of the hunt? That's Artemis?
Carl: Yep! The other towns around here worship her.
Terra: Really? I hope I meet Artemis one day.
Carl: The legend tells that she lives somewhere in the woods. With a colony of other women.
Terra: Maybe I could find her one day...
Carl: haha, you should!
Terra: Can I uh, read with you?
Carl: Of course!
Terra squeezed her little body into Carl's big chair. He read the book to her. Until she fell asleep for the night.
- - - - - - - -
A robotic hand was tightening a bolt on his motorcycle. The man was holding a dog tag that said "Beck Robertson." The man was of African American heritage, he wore no shirt, showing off his burly chest. He wore a belt with an R on it and wore pants with a horizontal red and black pattern one each pant leg.Along with many other names behind. A soldier with various guns strapped to him came over.
Soldier: Beck!
Beck was knocked out of his staring into nowhere.
Beck: Soldier. Are we ready?
Soldier: Yes, everyone is ready. Don't you think this is a bit much? I mean these are just townspeople. Maybe we should just leave them al-
Beck: You don't believe in Integer's cause?
Soldier: W-well of course I do! I just-
Beck punched through the soldier's chest with his robotic hand. And left him on the ground.
Beck: You nonbeliever.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Terra was reading the Artemis book from yesterday. Something about it just piqued her interest. Carl came over.
Carl: Hey, look at this.
Carl flipped to some of the middle pages of the book.
Carl: Starting here, it lists spells. I want you to keep this book. I think it would help if you learned from it in the meantime.
Carl handed Terra a backpack.
Carl: Put it around your shoulders. My pa gave me this backpack. And it served its purpose well. Keep it with you.
Terra plopped the book in the backpack. She slung it over her shoulders.
Terra: Wow, it feels like it's not even there!
Ellie: We're almost late for the town meeting! And we have to get you ready!
Carl: She's fine. She's herself.
Ellie let out a sigh.
Ellie: Well I guess we're already late. Let's go.
They left the house and started walking.
Terra: Town meeting is always boring!
Carl: Not this time.
Terra: That's what you always say…
Carl: Don't worry. It's not even that long. After this we can go to the ice cream joint.
Terra: Is that a deal?
Carl: Sure, If you want to call it that.
The family came over to a bunch of seats and sat out in front of a podium. A short man came out in front of the podium. The head of the town.
Town head: Hello everyone! It is nice to see that almost everyone in town has attended today's town meeting. And that's because today is an important day. The anniversary of the founding of this town. I would tell the tale. But I will spare you the frustration. Because festivities are in order!
A couple torches were lit. And the fire went up high across the sky.
Terra: Wow...What even is this?
Carl: I told you it wasn't boring this time.
Terra: Was the town really founded on this day?
Carl: Well not really. Town head usually just picks a day out of the general week that we thought it happened.
There were fireworks going off, and performers came out. Doing dances all around. Terra mainly marveled at the fireworks. A bunch of the other kids from the town came out and they began playing a game of soccer. Terra joined in.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Beck watched the fireworks go off.
Beck: They are calling us straight to them. Fools.
A group of Beck's soldiers were all sitting on motorcycles. With battle armor that had the words "MFI" on them. Beck got on a bigger, suped up motorcycle and fired on the machine. All of the motorcycles were fired on.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Townsfolk: Hey. Does anyone hear that sound?
There was a small army of motorcycles coming down towards the village.
Carl: Shit…
Carl ran back to the house to get his weapons.
Terra and Ellie looked down at the screaming machines. They were getting closer and closer.
Town Head: Everyone go for your houses!
Ellie: Come on Terra!
Ellie grabbed Terra's hand and started running towards the house. They made it home and saw Carl coming out with Athena's shield.
Ellie: Where the hell are you going?
Carl: I'm protecting my people.
Terra: I can go with you!
Ellie: No you can't. Stay here.
Terra: But what if-
Carl: I'll be alright. I've had it with Jilaya.
Terra: Who?
Carl: Stay safe.
Carl ran off.
Ellie: Come, Terra.
Terra: What's going on?! Where did grandp-
Ellie: Calm down. We are all going to be okay.
A motorcycle came down the woods and to the house. The man stepped off. It was Beck.
Beck: Ellie! I know you're in there! Come out before things get bloody!
Terra: Who is that?
Ellie: Keep your head down. In here.
Ellie lead Terra into a cubby hole. That only fit her. Terra squeezed in.
Ellie: Shhh. I'm going to reason with him.
Terra heard the door close. And she heard nothing for a minute.
And then yelling. The yelling turned into screaming. Ellie's screams. Terra's breathing started getting shaky. And it wasn't long until she burst out of the cubby. She grabbed her spear. It was only one guy, right? She peeked out the window. And saw Beck only standing there. Shaking his hand. It looked like he was getting something off. It couldn't be. He picked up a torch and set it on fire. He threw it into the window. Breaking it. The flaming torch breezed past Terra's head. She ran out of the house. And saw Ellie on the ground. With a hole in her chest. Terra looked down and her face swelled up with tears. She dropped her spear and put her hands over her face. Bawling her eyes out.
Beck: Ugh.
Beck picked up Terra's spear. And then Terra herself.
Beck: You've made a mistake.
Beck stabbed the spear through Terra's chest. Pulled it out and then slit her neck. Well, that would've happened. Beck went to stab the spear through Terra. But he was forced to drop Terra in order to block a strike from a sword. He punched up. And the person jumped out of the way. She was standing on top of a slab of wood that hadn't been taken out. She stood in front of Beck. With the flames rising behind her. She was Miss Los. The only difference was that she had a sword in her hand.
Beck: ...You.
Miss Los: Me?
Beck: KRILLA! I'll kill you!
Beck punched down at Krilla. She dodged out of the way and pushed Beck out of the way.
Krilla: You remember how this ended last time, right?
Beck: I am more prepared this time.
Terra got up and looked at the town. It was burning to the ground. She watched soldiers kill her village people. And debris fell from houses.
Krilla blocked some punches from Beck. And kicked him in the stomach. She slashed up with her sword. A cut going right up Beck's stomach. He grabbed her sword as her slash ended and cast it aside. He grabbed her and punched her right in the face. Sending her flying back. Beck blitzed her. Beck threw a powerful punch, but Krilla dodged under. Her sword turned transparent. And she slashed it up Beck's robotic arm. It went limp. Beck kicked Krilla in the side and kneed her in the stomach. She headbutted Beck and slashed across his stomach. Beck's face got increasingly irritated. He grabbed Krilla by the neck and drove her into the ground. Before he could do anything he was hit in the side by a shield.
Carl: Krilla!
Carl spun his staff around and jabbed Beck in the stomach. He punched Carl's staff down and did a jump front kick. Carl moved out of the way and slammed him in the side with Athena's shield. He pointed his hand towards the nearby fire and made it flow at Beck. He got hit by the fire and stumbled back. Carl threw the shield at Beck. Knocking him down. Carl and Krilla ran over and kept Beck down.
Carl: Stay down! I'm done sitting around. Where is Integer?!
Beck: You're old as dirt. You couldn't do anything to her.
Krilla: I'm going to finish what I started,
Carl: Wait Krilla! We can get info out of him! He leads the men here!
Beck: True. And it looks like my men are obliterating your useless farmers!
Beck's robotic arm started to be lit up with an electric charge.
Carl: Shit...We weren't enough.
Beck: Also. You were obviously too busy to notice your wife.
Carl looked over and saw Ellie on the ground. He jumped over to her. And looked at her corpse. He closed his eyes and shut hers. A single tear going down his face.
Carl: Krilla. Finish it.
Krilla stabbed her sword down. Beck screamed and smashed his robotic hand on the ground before he was hit. A gigantic shockwave went across the ground. Knocking Krilla and Carl to the ground. Terra stood off against Beck. Terra grabbed her spear and ran at him. Terra stabbed forward at Beck. Who knocked the blade off course. She kept attacking. Until she realized an opening in Beck's guard. She slashed for his side. And he kicked the spear down and out of Terra's hands.
Beck: You will learn from this little one.
Beck stood up and grabbed Terra's spear. He stabbed Carl with it.
Terra literally couldn't even cry anymore. She just stood there. Frozen.
Carl looked at Krilla as he was dying.
Carl: ...Protect Terra…
Krilla took a deep breath and slashed at Beck with an enraged scream. Slashing Beck on the arm. She picked up Terra and her spear and fled. Terra realized she was still wearing the backpack from earlier. With that book in it.