
Face Your Foe

Terra was laying on the ground. She was trying to just let the power of Artemis into her and trying to heal her wounds. But it wasn't enough.

Leon: We have to get out of here.

Fleet: I think I might know a place. Can you get us there Leon?

Leon: Maybe. It depends on the place.

A bunch of strings came through the corridor and tied everyone up. Erica and Axel walked in. Axel clapped for all of them.

Axel: Wow, you are impressive. Well actually you aren't because there was no place to teleport to.

Fleet: Y'know Axel. You were always an asshole. Why don't you let me down and we do this like real men?

Axel: I'm not stupid. I think Erica should just kill you already.

Amelia started vibrating her body. She got right out of Erica's strings and knocked both of them down. She let everyone but Fleet out of the string prisons. Axel just started taking power from Amelia, Millie, and Fleet. Leon and Amala both were still free. Leon shot two fireballs at both of them. Amala came in and sliced up Erica's strings. Erica sent out more strings and pulled Amala's blade out of her grasp. Amala punched her in the face and grabbed her blade out of the air. She missed a stab for Erica and she wrapped her strings around Amala's neck. Leon interrupted Axel's power stealing.

Leon: You clearly didn't think of all the possibilities.

Axel: Neither did you.

Axel made a cloud go around him. He walked out with a huge black suit of armor around him. Leon shot a blast of fire at Axel but he was untouched. He then slashed his sword at him. But It did nothing. Axel picked up Leon by both his leg and his chest. Leon took his sword and used its power. The blade turned transparent. He stabbed it into Axel and turned off the transparency. He left the blade in Axel's chest. He was using his power to keep the blade from hitting anything important. He punched Leon down the hall. Millie got up.

Amala: Amelia, take care of Axel.

Amelia looked at Fleet, who was still tied up. She ran off to fight Axel.

Amala: Terra, you can still control your gauntlets with your mind. Use yourself like a puppet. Or try destruction.

Terra: If I try using my gauntlets then my arms will be worse off!

Amala: Fine then.

Amala took out a syringe and stabbed Terra's arms.

Amala: These healed your arms for the meantime. Once the adrenaline spike is over, your arms are back to how they were. Courtesy of Michael.

Terra started to move her arms a little bit. She tapped into her destruction form.

Millie: Come on Erica! You know you have a heart. You let me go, remember?

Erica: That doesn't mean anything! I felt bad for you. Shame on me for having a heart I guess.

Erica wrapped her strings around Millie.

Erica: My life is better now. My mom and dad accept me. You probably don't have much to say about parents.

Terra threw a punch at Erica from behind. She ducked and wrapped up her arm with her strings. Terra pulled Erica right over to her and threw out a roundhouse kick. Knocking her clean out. Amelia and Leon both came flying down the hallway.

Axel: Weaklings! Is there even anyone who is stronger than me?

Terra ran in and threw a punch at Axel. Axel threw his own punch and they collided. They both locked hands and pushed on eachother. Making cracks in the floor. Terra headbutted Axel. He stumbled back. Terra did an uppercut and smashed him through the roof and out onto the stage area. He lost his armored form. Terra jumped up through the hole she made.

Terra: That's enough, Axel.

Axel: Not until I do what my mother asked.

Leon teleported next to Terra with everyone else.

Leon: Everyone ready?

Terra: No. We came here for that prize. But it doesn't matter does it?

Axel: You didn't win. And the tournaments over. My dad's been waiting for you.

Ivan walked out into the stadium that was now empty.

Ivan: Nice to see all your faces again. Especially Fleet's.

Amelia: Remember what you promised us! We could bring Donny back.

Ivan: Well whoever won the tournament was going to face me for the prize. But since it's over. Someone can face me right now. I needed one of you to win. Since Terra got the closest, you will fight me.

Terra: Will you do what you promised?

Ivan: Of course.

Terra: Then let's go.

Ivan: Finally.

Ivan waved his hand and everyone in the stadium was cast into seats.

Terra: So if I win, we get Mike back, and Donny?

Ivan: Indeed. A classic battle. All fair.

Terra fired on her destruction form and ran at Ivan. He put his hands behind his back. She threw two punches at him. He dodged both and kicked Terra off course. She punched the ground. Making a huge crack across the ground. Ivan did a front flip and landed behind Terra. He drew his sword and slashed right at Terra. She jumped back and ran back in and threw a punch at Ivan. He dodged and kicked her in the face. She got knocked out of her destruction form. But she made her two gauntlets go around Ivan. She ran up and kicked him in the stomach. He went flying back and got knocked down by her gauntlets. Terra took her spear and stabbed down. Ivan teleported away and behind Terra. He slashed his sword all over the place. Terra kicked his sword out of his hand and into the air. She threw a couple punches at Ivan. Who blocked them and kicked Terra backward. He jumped back and grabbed his sword. Terra took this chance to tap back into destruction. Her gauntlets came back and she threw her staff at Ivan. He knocked it off course with his sword and lunged towards Terra. Terra did a hook kick and redirected Ivan's sword into the ground. He did a flip over his sword and ripped it out of the ground. He slashed it down at Terra. She jumped back and got cut down her chest and into her stomach. He hit her with a hook kick right after. She went stumbling back. He stabbed his sword forward. Which Terra knocked off course. She ran in and punched at Ivan, he dodged but was surprised by an elbow from Terra. He was hit away and across the stadium.

Ivan: You are an impressive and problematic child.

Terra ran up and held Ivan on the ground by placing her foot on his chest. He reached for his sword but she kicked it away.

Terra: I win. Bring him back. You promised! I thought you said you never lied.

Ivan: Oh? I did? Because I cannot do that.

Terra took a deep breath.

Terra: Of course you can't.

She laughed to herself.

Terra: But I needed to prove to myself you weren't lying. Is this some sort of game to you?

Ivan: It is a very fun game indeed. Maybe you wouldn't understand. But all older gods must die. It's my series arc.

Terra: Am I a god to you? Sorry to let you down, Because even I know I'm not even close to a god.

Ivan: Once you put on that armor you became a god. But you are much too naive.

Amelia leaned over to Millie.

Amelia: What do you think they're saying?

Millie: I guess we'll find out. Maybe he's fulfilling his promise.

Ivan: But when you have a wife who is god's incarnate. You get some perks.

Ivan was covered in a white light. Ivan stabbed a brand new sword through the white light. Terra was blown back. He walked out of the light with a new outfit. His torso was covered in black and red armor. Which came down as a sort of coat. The part that drooped past his waist was all red and stretched down to his shoes.

Ivan: Say hello to a new god! Throat chakra!

Terra: Throat chakra?

Ivan was covered in a blue light. He fired blasts of lightning up into the air. Making a bad lightning storm. He then brought his hand to the ground. Blowing up the entire stadium.