
Blood Red Rivers

T.H.O.R.N was jumping across buildings. They got to a long building and started walking.

Lobo: So Millie, why'd you join T.H.O.R.N?

Millie: You haven't heard of Repulse?

Lobo: I know about her, she's a small town hero. People who were helped by her do talk about her.

Millie: Really? As Repulse I made nothing. I had to work a day job, while I went out as Repulse at night. It was stressful. I also had to care for my little brother. He can take care of himself. But he was by himself for so long when I left new york a year ago.

Lobo: You were with Terra. Right?

Millie: You know her?

Lobo: Yes. She's funny. I'm surprised I met someone like her in this city.

Millie: I felt the same when I first met her. That girl has a heart of gold.

Lobo: She's pretty stubborn. Never seems to sit still.

Millie: She's one of the good ones.

Tempest: Quiet. We're getting close. We know that Delta has about twenty others with her.

Lobo: Get ready.

Millie cut herself on the arm a couple times.

Lobo: What are you doing?

Millie: Preparing.

Tempest: We're going to flank. I will sneak around on one side, detonator will place explosives and detonate only if things go bad. You two will attack and distract those bastards.

Lobo & Millie: Got it.

Detonator gave a thumbs up.

Detonator and Tempest jumped off the side of the roof.

Lobo: Let's go. These women had bows and very good aim. Delta is considered extremely dangerous. She has a gigantic axe, armor, and guns. She hits hard. So be careful.

Millie: I'll just have to hit harder than her.

Lobo: ...Right.

They both snuck into the warehouse. They were on a balcony. Looking down at the main room. About five of the girls were scattered throughout the room.

Lobo: I'll take out three. You take the two. Be ready for more.

Lobo jumped into the room. She pointed one of her gauntlets at one of the woman. A small bullet was shot out. The bullet went right through her head. Millie jumped down. She punched the woman out with her robotic arm. The one closest to her grabbed Millie's arm. It started to be encased with stone. She put her other arm out, and let out her blast that was prepared from earlier. She slammed her hand on the ground, and the stone broke off. The other woman went to sound an alarm. A knife came out of Lobo's gauntlet, she slashed for her neck. She blocked the knife and kicked Lobo back.

Woman: Lobo? You're back, and you're against us...Wh-

Millie came from behind and knocked her out.

Lobo: Thank god. I didn't want to have to deal with that.

Millie: You were with these woman?

Lobo: You know who they are, right?

Millie: Their part of Artemis's army, right?

Lobo: You can call them that. I was with them. I regret it.

???: You doubt being with me? With us?

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

2 minutes ago...

Tempest had separated from The Detonator. He was going around. He clicked a small button on his mask. A covering went over his eyes. A bunch of stats came up in front of his face. They were like goggles. He could see through the wall. He saw a woman sitting on her bed. She didn't seem to be paying much attention to her surroundings. Tempest sliced an x in the wall quickly. He broke through the wall and slashed the girl's throat before she could react. He realized he was around the sleeping quarters of all the girls. He got into the hall. And looked for signals. He snuck past all the rooms. He got to a room with no signals and kicked down a door. He went to move again, but someone grabbed him. He instantly swung his sword. He slashed the sword across Delta's neck. But there was no blood. Her armor blocked the shot.

Delta: Who do you think you are? Sneaking in here? This is where men come to die. Or well, get added to the collection.

Delta had her hand resting on Tempest's arm. As she spoke. He was covered in stone. And quickly petrified. She heard yelling in the main area. And saw Millie, and Lobo. Who she immediately recognized.

Millie: Their part of Artemis's army, right?

Lobo: You can call them that. I was with them. I regret it.

Delta: You doubt being with me? With us?

Lobo: I bet that's hard for you to believe. You were Artemis' little star pupil.

Delta: I'm making her wish come true. I'm fulfilling her final wish.

Delta remembered Artemis' words.

Artemis: You want to prove yourself. Get new armor from Skyland. Kill Te-

Delta: I have to kill Terra, and I'll purify the world.

Lobo: I knew you were crazy.

Millie: I saw you at the Integer incident. I didn't know you hated Terra so much.

Delta: She took everything from me. Now I'll take everything from her, starting with you.

Millie: Then do it bitch.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Terra and Themis were walking down the street.

Terra: What's your plan anyway?

Themis: Psyche has been trying to summon olympian entities.

Terra: Like what? A minotaur?

Themis: Maybe.

Terra: That was a joke…

Themis: Olympian's don't understand jokes. Their stupid and petty. Mostly petty. Jokes to them are attempts at one-upping each other. The only reason Psyche was adopted by Ares was to piss off Hades.

Terra: Why?

Themis: Because she was adopted from hell. Ares wanted his kid to be more powerful than Hades' kids.

Terra: What a dick.

Themis: It's not just Artemis. They're all assholes.

Themis stopped.

Themis: She's close by.

Terra: I can barley fight. What am I supposed to do.

Themis: Sit there and look pretty.

Terra: What?

Themis: Come on.

They went into an office building. They started walking around the labyrinth of computer sections and tables.

Themis: Get ready.

A rope came flying out of nowhere. It tied around Terra.

Themis: Jackpot.

Themis whipped his sword out and cut Psyche's rope in half before she could pull Terra back.

Psyche: There's another one here?

Themis: I canceled my scent with olive oil.

Terra: What?

Themis: Olympian's hate olive oil. Their noses evolved so they can't smell it.

Psyche: You are still smart. We know how this fight ends.

Themis: Yeah, you die. But I'm willing to bargain.

Psyche: You're willing to bargain?

Themis: I know a lot about olympians. But I always hated your incantations. Enchant Terra's armor, and we'll talk.

Psyche: What makes you think I'd know it?

Themis: Ares teaches you all the incantations. That's how you were trying to get home. What do you need to get home?

Psyche: ...I need someone to say the incantation. While I stand in the summoning circle.

Themis: Let's do it then. You enchant Terra's armor. And I send you home.

Psyche: Fine.

Psyche shook Themis's hand. A magic circle went around both of their hands.

Themis: Now we both have to do as we just said.

Psyche: I thought you said you hated incantations.

Themis: That doesn't mean I don't know a couple nifty ones.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Delta shot a barrage of bullets at Lobo and Millie. Lobo shot her wrist guns with pinpoint accuracy, and the bullets flying through the air at them collided together, Millie jumped through the barrage and threw a punch at Delta. Delta caught Millie's fist. Millie slid backwards and threw a kick, and then clapped her hands together. Delta got hit by her energy blast. But was mostly unphased.

Delta: I don't have time for extras.

Delta slapped Millie aside. Lobo came in with her knife. She tried stabbing Delta in the head. She blocked it and kicked Lobo on the stomach. She took out her gigantic axe.

Delta: I won't kill you two. But I'll most certainly get you out of my way.

Lobo blocked a kick from Delta. She jumped far back, away from Delta. Millie jumped back next to her,

Millie: I have a plan. We need to work together. Not attack separately. Terra told me stories about the way she fought with Kai. Try this.

Millie whispered something to Lobo. She got up close to Delta. She punched her in the gut and threw a spinning back kick. Delta barley slid back. She shot her gun at Millie. She moved fast enough to block the shot. Millie got her hand quickly to Delta's side. She closed her fist, hoping to puncture something. Delta was confused as to what was happening. She swung up with her axe. Millie jumped back. And let her robotic hand fall into the swing of it. She started storing up power. Delta swung violently down. Millie jumped back and then fell in with a hook kick to Delta's face. She got angry and took out both of her guns. She shot her shot. Millie got shot through the shoulder from the back, and Lobo's bullet skidded off of Delta's. Delta got hit in the chest. And was knocked down from the shot. Millie was also knocked down. Delta got to her feet quickly. Her armor was fine. Millie got to her feet too,

Delta: So much for teamwork.

She threw a punch. Millie dodged under and punched Delta in the stomach. Letting out all the excess energy. Delta went flying backward. She flew into the wall. Her gauntlets came off of her and hit Millie in the face. She fell to the ground from the blow. Lobo blocked a hit from the armor. She helped Millie to her feet while blocking shots.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Terra: So…I'm pretty sure I got the power of olympus when I fused with the Artemis book.

Themis: The Artemis book and Artemis armor were connected. Without one, the other is weaker. That's why you were fucked up by Delta.

Psyche: Delta...I remember her. She was with Artemis' little rebellion.

Themis: So you all did know of what Artemis was doing.

Psyche: She was a bitch. That's basically all.

Themis: Let's get this underway. Come into my office.

Psyche walked into Themis's office.

Psyche: Looks tidy. Here will be a good place.

Psyche stood in an empty part of the room.

Psyche: This will cause extreme strain on your mind and soul Terra.

Terra: When I fused with that book it was all physical. I guess I can see why it's mind strain here.

Psyche: It really makes no sense.

Themis: You can easily wear that armor on your body. But you need to be spiritually in tune with it to truly get its powers.

Terra: Let's do it.

Psyche broke out laughing.

Psyche: And die? This isn't a joke. You need to be free of any excess stress. Or you'll die during the interaction. Your spirit is going to leave your mind. When it returns you will be much stronger. You need to be prepared. So get some sleep, meditate, do whatever!

Themis: It is getting late. Take a rest. I'm going home.

Psyche: What about me?

Themis: Sleep there. Don't kill the kid.

Psyche: Why can't I sleep at your house? You have a bed!

Themis: Not a chance. I'm not sleeping with an olympian again.

Psyche: Again?

Themis: Night bitches. I'll be back in the morning. There's pillows and blankets, along with this big gigantic pillow you can sleep on. It's like a beanbag bed.

Themis left the room.

Psyche: Rude. I'm going to find a place to sleep.

Terra ripped sleeping stuff out of Themis's closet. She fell into thoughts. She needed to be ready for this interaction? Mentally sound, rid of any mental baggage. She forced herself to let her thoughts float away. Olympians, T.H.O.R.N, Delta, Integer, Amala. Since Terra killed Amala by herself she couldn't get her out of her head. She would have still been here, Leon might've been happier. No! Those thoughts were supposed to be pushed away. So she could be ready. Rest was best.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Delta grabbed her axe and jumped off the wall. She bore down on Millie and Lobo. Who weren't ready for it. A streak came past Delta, and Tempest blocked the shot. He was shot violently down by the block. He jumped back, along with the girls.

Delta: How did you…?

Tempest: Prepare to die.

Tempest teleported behind Delta and slashed down. Delta grabbed Tempest's blade and ripped it down. A plant vine came from the ground and held Tempest down. She slammed down her axe. Tempest teleported away and slashed for the back of her head. She ducked forward and shot behind her, the gunshot clinked off of Tempest's armor. And then ricochet back to hit him in the back, right where a bullet could break through his armor. Tempest jumped back and blitzed Delta. A red aura came around her. She slipped into her own version of a destruction form. Her increase in speed allowed her to block all of Tempest's hits. Until she decided to counterattack. He knew it was time to withdraw. The attack phased right through him. And he turned invisible to Delta's eye. He got back to where Lobo and Millie were.

Tempest: This mission is a failure. Let's go.

Lobo: Tempest! You're bleeding!

Tempest: Do you think I don't know that?

Delta ran at them. The Detonator showed himself in front of Delta. As they ran out the door. He pressed a button to a detonator. They ran off, and the entire building exploded in a blaze of glory. Shortly after, the police arrived. They started to search the wreckage. Delta broke out of the debris, and grabbed two cop's heads and smashed them together. Killing them instantly. She had the glow of destruction. The cops laid down the heat. Delta massacred them all. Ripping off limbs. She shot them multiple times, she sliced them in two with her axe, There were still about fifteen of her women left. They shot down the rest of the police force.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Terra awoke. She had slept unexpectedly well. She rubbed her eyes and looked to her side. There was a big circle on the ground. With a phoenix burnt into Themis's rug. Psyche was nonchalantly sipping a slushie above Terra.

Terra: How long have you been here?

Psyche: Demons have trouble sleeping at night. So I saved time and made this circle. And bought a slushie.

Terra: What else did you do?

Psyche: You don't wanna know.

Themis walked into the room.

Themis: I guess you are pretty useful.

Psyche: You like me? I could be a big help to you.

Themis: That doesn't change the fact that you're going home. I don't work with people like you.

Psyche: Then why did you do so already? You remember the underworld, you remember Hades.

Terra: You worked together?

Themis: I dated this bitch. Only thing I recall being good was the sex!

Terra: Ew! TMI!

Psyche: Your just going to forget them? The ones who died? Did you forget Seta, Emon, and Dimès?

Themis: You sold us out. You shouldn't even be able to say their names.

Terra: Calm down! Both of you! I'm not supposed to be mentally stressed. So let's do this before any more stress sets in.

Psyche: She's right. Let's get this done. Lay down in the circle. It'll fit you. Right in the middle.

Terra laid down in the middle of the circle. It looked like wings were sprouting from her back.

Themis: Do your thing. Are you ready?

Terra: Yes.

Psyche stood in front of Terra. She looked down on her. She started doing hand signals. As she did these signals she spoke in greek. She put her hand on Terra's forehead. She removed her hand, and it seemed Terra went unconscious. She held her hand up in the air. The essence that was Terra's soul rose up. To Terra. She was ripped out of her body and shot into the air. She landed in the deep water. As she fell into the water her surroundings changed. She was in a pond of blood. She sat up.

Terra: Gritty. What is this place?

Someone called Terra. It was Amala sitting in the pond of blood. She was sitting near the shore. Most of her body engulfed in the red.

Amala: Sit down kid.

Terra hesitantly sat down next to Amala.

Amala: This is the blood of all the people I killed. And it doesn't even account for most of them.

Terra: You were always really hypocritical. With all that shit about me not killing.

Amala: Do what I say, not as I do. I wish I could still be there. I wish I could teach you more about Artemis. About everything.

Terra: Wait, are you really Amala?

Amala: More like a construct of her soul. I wanted to die. But now that I'm gone I have so many regrets. So many things I missed.

Terra: I'm sorry. I killed you. We could've made things better.

Amala: I beg to differ. I'd been waiting to die anyway. Get me outta your head. There's some bitch you have to take out.

Terra: She was with Artemis.

Amala: All the more reason to bring her down. Oh, and if you see my mom tell her I'm sorry.

Terra: Your mom?

Amala: That woman who was with us when we fought Empyrean. Her name is Kara. Just tell her I was wrong. And that I'm sorry.

Terra: I promise.

Amala: Don't fuck up kid.

Amala seemed to dissolve into a pool of blood. And fused along with the pool. Terra wiped tears from her eyes and stood up. The blood started to dry on her. She had no idea where to go. So she walked on the beach. She realized the sand started to come to an incline. She was walking up some sort of mountain. Amala appeared again.

Amala: The one at the top of this mountain...I knew her. She is the one who cursed me with immortality. And burnt my mom. She was an intergalactic warlord. She killed tons of B.L.A.D.E's top teams. You can't fight her. You have to negotiate with her.

Terra: She has to be really powerful…This is for the armor, right?

Amala: Something like that. The odds are in your favor. But she is still ridiculously powerful.

It got even more rough as she made it to the top. When she finally did she saw a lone pool of blood. Someone violently shot out of it. She was stuck to four chains that seemed to dig deep into the mountain. She was gasping for air. And covered in blood. She seemed almost pleasured from the dip in blood. She smiled and looked at Terra. She had a red pupil. Her other eye was beyond repair. A huge gash around it. She wore an armor-like suit. Which glowed with a yellow light. It had small cracks all throughout it, where the yellow light was shone. Her hair was long, wet and out of whack.

Terra: Who are you?

???: I haven't had visitors in so long! Who are you?

Terra: It doesn't matter to you. This is about the Artemis armor.

???: That old piece of garbage?

Terra: Maybe to you. Apparently you're super powerful.

Terra tried to stand tall. She was just...unsettling.

???: That's right. If you won't tell me your name, I'll tell you mine. I'm Yuri.

She smiled wide at Terra.

Yuri: You can have the armor for all I care.

Terra: I don't have it, that's the thing. My armor is new. I need to connect to Olympus.

Yuri: Olympus...Before that bitch got the role...I was Artemis. The phoenix from the ashes.

Terra: What? I doubt it.

Yuri: You think I'm lying?

Terra: You wouldn't be here if you were an olympian. Wherever "here" is.

Yuri laughed at her,

Yuri: You don't even know where we are. That armor, it's cheap, plastic shit compared to the olympian's armor. If you truly want this armor, then why are you facing me?

Terra: You're supposed to be another step towards my goal.

Yuri jerked towards Terra in her chains. Terra jumped.

Yuri: Ha! You are scared of me. I am pretty threatening.

Terra: Stop messing around!

Yuri: Why so serious? I want to see you shine!

Terra: I highly doubt that. I'm not fighting you. I'm leaving with what I need.

Yuri: ...Okay then. Mom! Get your ass down here!

Terra: What the fuck...You're crazy.

A gigantic dragon flew down to the ground at blistering speeds. It stood right over Yuri.

Yuri: This is Hesial.

Terra recalled Themis talking about Hesial. But didn't expect a dragon. She just stood there gawking,

Yuri: You broke her.

Terra: You're a...real dragon? A REAL dragon?!

Hesial was covered in a large aura. She shrunk to human size, or as human as she could get. She was still about eight feet tall. Hesio was wearing a long white robe that came down to her calves. She wore a blue undershirt. And black tights. She wore long black boots and had a choker that had some sort of bead in it. The first thing Terra noticed were her gigantic dragon wings. They were smaller than her dragon form. But there nonetheless. She had horns coming from her head. She had hair that came down to about where her wings sprouted. It looked like it had been cut by her. Meaning it was very unevenly cut.

Hesial: Here's a form humans take a liking to more. I hear they like hips, and these breasts here.

Terra: Y-yeah I get it!

Hesial: I've been watching you. Lots of the time. You are very interesting.

Terra: I-I came here in search of some sort of enhancer to my power.

Hesial: Power is not all there is to a person.

Terra: But there are people I know who think like that. Do you remember Delta?

Hesial: Doesn't ring a bell. Was she with Artemis?

Terra: Yes.

Hesial: I'll give you what you need. But that'll mean you'll have to get out of here fast.

Terra: Why?

Hesial: I can't be here, and you shouldn't either.

Terra: This was supposed to be really dangerous.

Hesial: You haven't seen anything yet. This armor is sacred. It might even be a crime to take the armor's power into your own armor. But one thing my children lack, the element of not giving a shit.

Yuri: Not giving a shit...eh?

Hesial: Quiet.

Yuri: These chains won't hold me forever.

Terra: I'm hoping they do.

Hesial: Go down the mountain. You will get the armor's enchantment there.

Terra thanked Hesial and walked past her. She looked at Yuri quickly. She then looked at Hesial.

Terra: Why? Why did you pick me? What makes me so special to be Artemis?

Hesial: Your tenacity. You believe in peace. You fight for it. You're the person my children need. I would bring you straight to Skyland. But…

Hesial went quiet.

Terra: But what?

Hesial: Oh yeah, and you're too stupid for your own good.

Terra: Wh-

Terra looked down at the long descent. She left Hesial and Yuri together.

Hesial: She'd better survive this, For the future.

Yuri: Stop talking to yourself. Artemis is like a curse. You got me, and then you got that crazy bitch. Terra will go bad. One way or another.

Hesial turned back into a dragon.

Hesial: I pray you are wrong.

She flew into the air. Out of sight. Yuri smiled, she was eying Hesial's wings. Yuri started mumbling to herself.