
A Monster

Millie: Any idea when Delta's next move is going to be?

Themis: We have no leads.

Tempest: She can't be that hard to find, she destroys everything in her path.

Terra: Hey, look.

Terra pointed at the TV.

News anchor: Breaking! A group of women just stormed a local gun store! And are now walking down central street killing anyone in their path. They are considered armed and dangerous, and we advise everyone to stay inside!

Themis: So the news finally decided to speak up?

Lobo: Hey...you all aren't going to like this…

Themis: What now?

Lobo: Their right outside our door,

Tempest ran up the stairs to Simon's office. Simon was absent, Tempest slammed his hand down on a big emergency button. Security doors sealed the base shut.

Tempest: We are safe, for now.

Themis: Delta is nearly olympian. She's getting in, no matter what.

They heard a loud bang on the door. Terra quickly equipped her armor. They all stood in front of the door.

Terra: Should we go to other doors? What if they get in that way?

Tempest: I highly doubt that. Look.

The door in front of them was starting to be engulfed in stone.

Amelia: Now what?!

Lobo: We wait.

The door became fully engulfed. Even on the inside. And it was shattered like glass. A group of five were in the front. They took out guns and opened fire. Terra, Millie and Lobo took cover. Themis made a shield and blocked the hail of gunfire. Amelia began vibrating her body, bullets passed right through her. Tempest drew his sword and deflected all the shots. A couple got past him, and chipped his armor. He got in close, and slashed straight across. Everyone ducked, and two women held gauntlets of their own, one punched Tempest in the stomach, and the other hit him square in the face. He went flying back, and broke through the glass of the training room. Tempest got to his feet, him and Amelia came over to Millie, Terra, and Lobo.

Lobo: Now they have guns!

Terra: We have to find where Delta is.

Millie: There has to be a reason she sent all her troops at us all at once!

Tempest: This is a distraction. Delta is planning something.

Millie: We can't just ignore all these maniacs coming at us!

Tempest: I don't know about you, but I'm finding Delta and ending this.

Terra: Your blade can't even cut her!

Tempest: I'll just have to swing harder then. I'm taking the back exit. I recommend dealing with them now.

Lobo: Obviously!

Tempest ran up to Simon's office. He grabbed his shotgun, pumped it, and threw it down at the group. Millie caught it. Terra thought about what happened to Donny so long ago.

Amelia: Terra, go after him. Don't let him go alone.

Terra looked at Amelia. She could see what Amelia meant. She didn't want the same thing that happened to Donny to happen to Terra again. Everyone nodded.

Millie: She's right, go. We'll hold down the fort.

Terra ran up to Simon's office. There was a window Tempest had escaped through. Terra slipped right through.

Woman: You all will bow to Delta! Or you will meet the same fate as everyone who has opposed us!

Everyone slid back from the barricade. Themis turned his sword back to normal and clashed with one of Delta's soldiers. He slashed right through her armor. Millie ran right into the crowd. She got shot twice and countered the blow. She blew away multiple soldiers. Amelia punched a couple soldiers down. They shot their guns at her. She dodged easily and grabbed both of them by the necks and slammed them down. She nearly closed her fist around their necks. Lobo kicked both of them in the heads, knocking them unconscious.

Lobo: Control. You want to use that speed for good, right?

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Tempest jumped across rooftops. He stopped for a second, he had Simon on the line.

Tempest: You think she'd go for something big? Like what?

Simon: I dunno! The Empire State maybe…

Tempest: All she causes is destruction. And if she wanted to kill lots of people then….

Terra: Tempest! God...you run fast.

Terra came up to Tempest huffing and puffing.

Tempest: I'll talk to you later, Simon.

Tempest got off the com line with Simon.

Tempest: What are you doing here? I said I was going after her.

Terra: I'm not going to let you kill yourself! She'll destroy you! Like she did to me!

Tempest: You say that like we're comparable.

Terra: Delta will kill you if you go after her.

Tempest: You said weapons can be used in a good way. Stopping Delta isn't just a job. It's what you would want.

Terra blushed. But quickly extinguished Tempest's heartfelt words.

Terra: I...Can't let you die. I've had enough people around me die before I could get close to them.

Tempest: Fighting over this will only get you hurt.

Terra: Fighting Delta will only get you hurt!

Tempest: I try to do one thing for myself, and this is how it is. Get out of my way.

Terra: I'm not fighting you!

Tempest: Move!

Terra: Like I said I'm no-

Tempest: No! I mean move!

Tempest wrapped his hands around Terra and jumped off the building they were on. They landed on the street. Leaving an indent in the ground. The entire building in front of them was demolished. Through the dust, Delta walked through.

Delta: Just where I want you. And where Terra can watch.

Terra: Tempest, back off. I can take her now.

Tempest took out a small needle and stabbed Terra in the arm with it.

Tempest: I won't put you in harm's way.

Terra fell down on the ground, paralyzed.

Terra: Asshole! What if you lose?!

Tempest: Doubtful.

Tempest drew his sword and approached Delta.

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Delta: You remember our last fight, right?

The mask from earlier went over Tempest's eyes. He could see Delta's stats, and other useful information.

Delta: Nice mask. Good thing I have one just like it.

Delta put on goggles that covered her eyes. They went straight across her face. Like a blindfold. Tempest blitzed her with a slash. She blocked with her gauntlets, and threw a kick at Tempest's chest, he dodged out of the way and teleported behind Delta. He slashed up her back, just leaving a mark up her armor. Delta flicked his sword aside and took off her gauntlets. She grabbed him by the face and punched him a couple times. She jumped back, and her gauntlets hit Tempest. He blocked the second one. He kicked Delta in the stomach and then threw a spinning kick at her face. She took the hit and slashed her gigantic axe at Tempest. He jumped back and stabbed forward with his sword. It bounced off of her. She grabbed his sword and threw it into the air. Tempest looked up to see where it went, and Delta shot a gun right through his armor. He jumped back. She shot a barrage of bullets at him. He dodged as many as he could, and teleported behind Delta. Where he had to jump out of the way. Just before he was impaled by his sword. Delta was out of bullets.

Tempest: Those things don't have infinite ammo, you know.

Delta: That's what you think.

Delta syphoned some of her power into her firearm. She shot a powerful red bullet at Tempest. He was sent flying back from the bullet, and he was bleeding from two spots now.

Terra: Tempest! Use this!

Terra threw her spear to Tempest. He caught it and flicked it out so it was big. He blocked Delta's huge axe. She came up with it and then spun it around. Tempest teleported out of the way. He stabbed forward with Terra's spear. Delta smiled. But to her dismay, it didn't bounce off. It chipped a bit of her armor. And made her bleed.

Delta: An Olympian weapon…

A plant vine came up from under Tempest and flipped him on the ground. Delta tapped into destruction and swung the axe as hard as she could down on Tempest. He used the power from his soul blade, and turned invisible. He was untouched by Delta's attack, and her axe was stuck in the ground. He took the chance and bore down on Delta with Terra's spear. One of Delta's gauntlets came out of nowhere and knocked the spear off course. All of Delta's armor came off of her, and she threw Tempest into the air. She held him there.

Delta: I've always wondered what truly makes humans up. What is on the inside? I want to see you pop.

Tempest: Unlikely!

Tempest teleported in front of Delta and punched her in the face twice. He spun the spear around and slashed for Delta's neck. She brought one of her gauntlets down and blocked the spear. She made her armor come down and warp around Tempest's torso. Locking his arms down. She punched him in the face over and over, and slammed into his head with a headbutt. He fell down. Blood was practically dripping from Tempest's face. Delta slashed her axe at Tempest. Beheading him. Tempest saw this as his fate. He used the rest of his power to fall back. Delta's axe shattered his mask, and she cut clean across his eyes. Tempest couldn't see anything, and he was speechless. Breathless, even. He heard Terra's screams as his consciousness faded. Terra got to her feet after being paralyzed the whole fight. She was fuming with rage.

Terra: What even are you?! You aren't fighting for anything! You're just a monster!

Delta was quiet.

Terra: You destroy everything in your path!

Terra ran up to Delta and threw a punch at her. She caught Terra's punch and punched her in the gut. Terra was still weak from the paralyzation.

Delta: You are weak. Physically, and spiritually. I didn't even care if they needed Tempest dead or not. I would rather watch the life drain from your eyes. And now I get to watch both.

Delta grabbed Terra by the neck, and smiled at her as she squeezed the life out of her. Delta's face went white, and she dropped Terra suddenly. She puked blood on the ground. Terra jumped back.

Delta: What did you...do?

Terra: Severe inflation of the stomach...Something like that.

Terra grabbed Tempest. And ran away as fast as she could. She grabbed the earpiece out of Tempest's ear. She clicked the one button on it.

Simon: Hello?

Terra: It's Terra. Tempest's in critical condition. Send someone! Please!

Simon: ...For you I will. I'll send T.H.O.R.N to help. Stay safe.

Terra went over to Tempest. A clean cut across his eyes. She checked his pulse. Blood was weakly pumping.

Terra: Be okay….Please.