A man gets transmigrated in the MCU with the mother of all the superpowers REALITY WARPING English is not my first language so read accordantly I do not own anything except my OC
Before proposing to the Maximoff sibling to bring their parents back to life, I had to see if I could do it or not
In theory, reading the description of my powers I should be able to do it, but the people who sent me here seem to forget to mention a few things, so I had to be sure that I could resurrect the dead
Imagine if I had gone to propose my proposal to the Maximoff sibling and they had accepted. only to then have to tell them
"Sorry I can't bring them back to life"
Yes, it would have been embarrassing
So to avoid making a figure of shit, I did first some tests
First of all, I created a mouse, already this fact of being able to give birth to a living being was extraordinary, and at that point, I was almost sure I could resurrect the dead
But despite everything I calmed down and decided to continue with my experiment
After killing the mouse I stopped, because although it was not more than 10 minutes since I created it and up to that moment I hated mice, I still felt like shit killing it
But it comforts me the hope that I can bring him back to life
So it was not,
or more or less it was
Well, the fact is, when I imagined the mouse coming back to life I found myself with another mouse identical to the dead one.
To say I was confused would be an understatement
I would have understood if nothing had happened, but this was something I did not expect
But I have some theories as to why this phenomenon took place instead of the resurrection
But I hope I'm wrong because if I were right, things would get complicated in the future
Trying again to resurrect the mouse, but this time focusing on his body my powers immediately took effect and the mouse starts moving again
I don't know how many gods I started thanking at that moment for the little satisfaction
After conducting other tests, I found myself with two conclusions;
1) For the subject to successfully resurrect to life, he must be in my field of vision
2) If I were to try to resurrect the subject out of my field of vision, an identical copy of the corpse will be created based on my memory
Actually, the second conclusion is more my theory than actual conclusion, since I don't have a human being to verify the veracity of my theory
Obviously, it will remain so, because I will never use a dead body just for my curiosity, nor will I create a living being from nothing, because although I have divine powers, I still consider myself human, and as such I will not play god as some in my place would do.
So this is why I am standing here now in front of Wanda's parents' grave
But although I am almost sure I can resurrect them, there is a small voice in my head that tells me that it will not work and that I will end up disappointing Wanda
"Before you start I want to ask you one last favor"
Wanda tells me interrupting my thoughts, a fact for which I thank her as I was starting to doubt myself
"I just hope this time it's not about taking your soul or anything like that"
Trying to lighten the situation I say, but noticing Wanda's serious expression, I say
"Of course you can"
Wanda uncertainly or maybe just nervously says
"I'd like to ask you if you could bring Pietro here, I'd like him to see what's about to happen too"
A strange request considering the fact of his fear towards me and the fact that he probably doesn't agree with what I'm about to do
"Why do you want me to bring it here, since from what I understood he did not agree with your decision"
Actually, I have no problem bringing it here I just want to understand why
"I would like him to see the truth"
Wanda said with a strange look as if she understood something
"I don't think it's a good idea to have him come here if he hadn't accepted my proposal, but if you insist then there's no problem for me"
Wanda seems somewhat disappointed with my answer, but she quickly recovers saying
"Okay, you're right and better if I talk to him together with our parents"
It's strange that she said it with a total belief that I will bring her parents back as I expected her to be nervous or something.
Heck I also prepared for the scenario where she would retire at the end
But instead, she seems to have great faith that I will keep my promise, which is weird because I don't remember doing anything that would make her trust me so much.
Well this doesn't help me feel better, on the contrary, the fact that I can disappoint her expectations makes me suddenly feel bad
Okay, I need to calm down and focus
The first thing to do is unearth the coffins
All of a sudden two wooden coffins were raised in the air and then opened and thus showing two skeletons inside
Ok the easy part is complete now, I just have to bring the bodies back as they were and then resurrect them
As if time was playing a cruel joke, the two skeletons have returned to the appearance they had when alive, but anyone with a little vision would have immediately understood that they are still dead due to the fact that their skin is of a white color that no living people have, this is provoked due to the stasis of the blood which is no longer pumped by the heart
After restoring the bodies, I began to concentrate to the maximum with the aim of resurrecting Wanda's parents
All of a sudden the corpses began to regain color and before anyone could say anything, the man who until a moment ago was in the valley of the dead said
"What… what happened? The last thing I remember was the sound of a bomb and ... Wait a minute, where am I and who are you? "
The man asked, but all he received was an answer in Wanda's weak voice
"Dad it's me, Wanda"
Wanda's father turns to see her daughter, but this did nothing but confuse him, but before he can say anything a female voice interrupts him
"Oleg darling are you… are you real….? It's really you "
Oleg turning towards the direction of the voice said
"Honey, are you okay"
What should be a question came up as a statement because of Oleg's confusion
"Yes, I'm fine, the last thing I remember is the bomb that entered the house and I was sure I was dead but instead I'm q-"
But before the woman could continue she was interrupted by Wanda with a hug and she said while crying
"Mom, Dad I don't believe that you are in front of me here alive and well"
The woman hearing Wanda said in an uncertain voice
"Wanda, is that really you?"
Wanda replied while trying to hold the tears
"Yes mom, I'm Wanda"
Well this seems to be a private thing and I better go
I thought that before teleporting to the alley where I first met the Maximoff brothers
I am happy for Wanda she will finally be able to let go of her anger and live happily
Although at first, the offer was mostly because I didn't want her to become a danger to humanity, by talking to her and getting to know her better I can confidently say my reasons now are mostly because I want her to be happy because she deserves it after everything she been through
After 15 minutes I decided to come back to check if they finished or not
They seem to have finished as when I arrived with teleportation to the cemetery I saw Wanda explaining her situation to her parents in their native language.
If you are wondering how I can understand them, it is because I have modified my brain so that I could understand all the languages of the world.
For example, now Wanda is explaining to her parents that I brought them back to life which leads them to look at me with suspicion and fear, but also with gratitude.
Wanda seeing their looks, start to defend me in a rather exaggerated way
Trying to keep it from turning into a fight, I say with a perfectly Sokovian accent
"You don't have to worry, I don't want anything in exchange for my help, in fact I just came to say goodbye to Wanda, and then I'll go"
Hearing this, Wanda's parents seemed to have relaxed, not that I didn't understand them too, I would watch and look with suspicion those who tell me that they did me a favor without wanting anything in return, especially if this favor consists in bringing me back to life
As for Wanda, it seems that she is oddly sad that I'm leaving even though I don't understand why
Anyway, before I go I say
"It was a pleasure Mrs and Mr. Maximoff, and you Wanda if you need anything call me at this number"
I gave her a card with the number of my phone written, though I created the phone this morning for this eventuality
The number can only be seen by Wanda, and if by chance the card should end up in the hands of other people then it will be transported from whoever took it to Wanda
Ohh I almost forgot
"If you don't mind, I'd like my little favor today to remain a secret between us, okay?"
I told the Maximoff family and they nod their heads showing that they understand
Satisfied I begin to teleport when I heard Wanda's voice
"Wait I'-"
Before she can finish, however, I fond myself back in my hotel room
"Oh well it won't have been anything important"
Ignoring the part of my mind that tells me I should go back there to hear what was Wanda saying, I begin to focus on the really important thing now, that is to continue getting to know the limit of my power
(End Flashback)
Well, it was a busy afternoon, but it was worth it if I have seen the smile that Wanda gave when she saw her parents again.
I really hope that what I did to her changed her life, because I wish my staying here was not in vain
Since maybe I'm going to die
(????? POV)
The timeline is changing
The gem of time allows me to perceive the change, but strangely enough, I could not see it
For this reason, I'm not sure if the change is to be considered as having a positive effect or not, in the grand scheme of things
We'll see