
Reality Warper in MCU

A man gets transmigrated in the MCU with the mother of all the superpowers REALITY WARPING English is not my first language so read accordantly I do not own anything except my OC

superman1265789 · 电影同人
17 Chs


(Pietro POV)

From an early age, I was always jealous of Wanda, because our parents loved her more than me.

An example of this would be the fact that they listened and always tried to indulge her every whim, but I was not allowed to ask for anything.

Or the fact that I always had to protect her from any danger, but if I protected her, who protected me.

This does not mean that I hated her, in fact despite everything I loved her because she was kind and always smiled so it was difficult to hate her.

But everything changed on the night the bombing took place.

We were watching a sitcom because Wanda loved American sitcoms, and also because our parents wanted us to learn English and then go to America when we grow up.

Which Wanda did not know at that time and till today she does not know.

However, while we were watching the sitcom for the hundredth time we heard the sound of explosions, and all of a sudden the world went up in flames because a bomb had exploded in our house.

In a panic, I took Wanda's hand that was next to me and brought it with me under the bed which, in retrospect, was a stupid idea.

We stayed there for about two days before the rescue rescued us, but since then Wanda is no longer the same, she no longer smiles and she seems to have a wave of uncontrollable anger and hatred inside her

The little sister I loved had changed and I know well the cause of the hate because I feel the same, but not for the reason she believes but because Stark robbed me of my sister that night

Since then, Wanda and I have always tried to stay together and not rely on anyone.

Now as adults we begin to participate in protests against Stark and his company, but the truth is that we just wanted a way to vent our anger.

Today it should have been the same except that a man, no a devil comes to us, and offers to give us back our parents, and as ridiculous as it seems I believe it and I also think Wanda believe it because this monster in front of us releases an aura of absolute confidence and power

"I know what I'm telling you might seem absurd and you have every reason not to believe me, but let me give you a demonstration to dispel your doubts"


I chose option three that is to make sure that she does not awaken her powers and if she does, do not give her any reason to use them for revenge.

Well actually all of this would have been different if only I could have taken her powers away, but when I tried I couldn't.

Trying to understand why I discover that Wanda's reality-altering powers come from a God.

Yes, you heard me right from a motherfucking God or rather a God of Chaos, and from what I understand is also a piece of shit like those who sent me here.

So it's fair to say that I already dislike him

If it were only that, it would have been easy to take away her powers

But apparently, the guys who sent me here forgot to mention that I am unable to influence reality in other dimensions like this God of Chaos.

And I can't even stop them from affecting my dimension

Which means I can't remove Wanda's powers

I said this is bullshit

This is why I am now offering them the opportunity to have their parents back, and so that they can believe me, I have created a sort of barrier around me that makes people more susceptible to believe me together with another that makes no one notices our presence

Obviously, I would not use it in a way so that their free will be violated, so the barrier works sorely as an incentive, to show them that I'm serious I need an example like this

"I know what I'm telling you might seem absurd and you have every reason not to believe me, but let me give you a demonstration to dispel your doubts"

I raised my hand to restore the buildings around us, that had been destroyed by the war

Seeing the twins watching the scene with amazement, I said "I hope this is enough to make you understand my sincerity and my ability to do what I promised you"

Waiting for them to recover from their astonishment, I began to study them well

As for Pietro, I was surprised to see that he too possesses a kind of power even if compared to his sister he was mediocre

Instead in Wanda I was right she is one of the most beautiful if not the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and I very much hope she can accept so she will be happy with her family

Having finished observing the miracle happening around them, Wanda turned to me and said"Even if we were to believe what you say why you should help us when we don't know you or we even know your reasons, how we can trust you"

Everything I've done since I left the portal was done on purpose for them to believe me without me revealing my reasons which I certainly will not do, but I will tell them a lie that it is not so much far from the truth

"Well I can't tell you my reasons clearly, but what I can tell you is that I have no intention of harming you or exploiting you in any way that you are not aware of"

And this is the truth I want nothing from them but to extinguish their hatred and their sense of revenge

For the first time since we started, Pietro intervened saying "Leave us until tomorrow to think if we accept we would come here at this time, if we do not accept then we would not come"

Hmm reasonable but something tells me that his opinion is not shared by Wanda judging by the way she is looking at him now

Before she can speak, however, I intervene by saying

"Obviously you have every right to think about it is not an easy decision to make. Then until tomorrow"

Before they can even say anything, I teleport to the hotel where I am staying, leaving them speechless with amazement

Reaching my room I start thinking about the conversation I had with the Maximoff brothers and I must admit that it went better than I had expected.

"Ahh, I'm tired maybe I should create an island and forget this story of the hero and ma-"

Before I can continue the sentence I feel a hallucinating pain in my chest and I lower my head to see that some sort of my sword is piercing my heart.

I hear a voice full of hate and disgust behind me and turning around I see a man in the most ridiculous costume I have ever seen, and a face that shows a deep hatred towards me

"I don't know what you are but what I know is that you shouldn't exist and because of you MY history and MY future is changing and for this, you must die before you do more damage to what is mine"

The man screamed and continued to scream, but I barely hear him because of the hallucinating pain I am experiencing it is as if every cell in my body is going up in flames this is the most excruciating pain I have ever felt, it is so much that I cannot scream in pain

"Ah the pain you are feeling is thanks to the Muramasa Blade which is capable of killing individuals with great regenerative abilities, I certainly didn't want to risk you not dying so I used this weapon"

Ahh if there is one thing that now bothers me more than the pain I am feeling is the air of satisfaction that this clown is having at this moment

"Ohh don't make that face I grant you that you are the most challenging opponent I have ever had since I did not know exactly when you appeared so I could not kill you immediately, I had to choose the best moment and that moment is when you offered that deal to the Scarlet Witch when you are still not mastered your powers, even then I had to take you by surprise "

The man begins approaching me and bends down to whisper in my ear

"Make sure you remember my name in the afterlife aberration, the name of the man who killed you, Kang the Conqueror."