
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · 奇幻言情
716 Chs

Weird Feelings

If he wasn't shocked before at the way the lizard interacted with him. Then now he was flabbergasted. When he first saw it moving up to him he thought it'd simply be the typical get close and nothing happens approach. But when he finally noticed the lizard go past its usual thresh hold it finally dawned on him that something different was going to happen and something did. Which in turn left him shocked for a good minute as he stared at the lizard that was also equally dazed.


After his daze was over though the thing that came out of his mouth wasn't any words or anything it was just absolutely unbridled laughter of joy that traveled through the fresh morning air in the silent forest.

He actually ended up laughing 5 minutes straight without any changes or signs of stopping until he eventually ran out of breath while his cheeks started to hurt from all the laughing. Meanwhile the lizard herself stared up at him watching him laugh freely like a child after what she did, though that feeling welled up in her chest once again this time and even stronger but she didn't run away this time. The whole week she hadn't appeared in front of him she'd still been watching him and practicing dealing with the tightening feeling she felt until eventually getting used to it.

That's the whole reason she was even able to show up today and attempt to push forward like she did. She knew she probably made him upset or maybe he started hating her potentially so she chose to dive straight into it without any worry for the risks and see if her best attempt could help her push past the feeling that was standing in her way. When she finally did push past it and touched him the first thing she felt as well while falling into a daze was also joy, happiness and some other unknown things. But the main feeling she felt was her first step forward for the both of them after all her back and forth before.

While basking in those emotions though she finally noticed that he actually started laughing without a care in the world while looking at her. But she only saw a boy with unrestrained passion flowing from him at the moment who looked like he dropped a weight off his shoulders as he released his feelings in the form of laughter. Which in turn also brought a small smile to her lizardy face.


After slightly catching his breath after calming down he finally refocused and looked down at the lizard beneath him once again.

"So can I take this as a sign of starting to be friends?"

Maybe it was a bit silly to ask an animal to be friends to others and even himself a little bit but his goal has always been to strive for people to be around and interact with and even if the lizard wasn't exactly human or could talk back to him, it was still a start and there was nothing wrong with being friends with an animal to him anyways, he didn't want to isolate people or creatures as much as possible because he knew exactly how it felt to be isolated for being different. So besides his slight awkwardness with himself he pushed to strive the question he had wanted to ask someone for a long time. Though it was a lot easier this time around then he ever thought it'd be probably owing to the thought that it couldn't talk back to him necessarily.

"You do seem to want too at least I hope."

With a slight laugh he tried to convey his intentions to the creature below him.

When she heard his question though she didn't quite understand it at first until digging around in her memory a little bit until she found some of the information she had found out from humans and the most similar thing she found was companionship. "So that's what he meant." After figuring that out she stared at him and slightly moved her head up and down to help convey her intentions. Truthfully she could do other things to help convey that but she didn't want to appear too intelligent at the moment and make him think she was too dangerous. Though it was simply too late for that to slip by him. He might not be the most informative or smartest person around but he knew something was up with this lizard though he didn't know exactly what.

For example the lizard could be a mutated species that evolved in the intelligence apartment or it could be a rare beast with natural high intelligence either way he knew it was definitely not normal, though it didn't really matter to him because all he wanted was to be friends with it and it didn't seem dangerous to him at least so that helped settle his nerves even way back when with his first encounter with it.

So when he saw it nodding as if saying yes he became slightly excited.

Even so he was a little too excited as he accidentally reached his hand down to try and touch her but when she saw that action she quickly backed up feeling that emotion once again but thankfully this time around she didn't run away from him and only stayed a couple meters away.

"Oops, sorry."

Realizing his mistake he quickly fumbled a little bit and made his apology. Though she heard his apology she certainly didn't think it was his fault and ended up scolding herself for being a little to twitchy to react especially when she had come this far. After calming down a little bit and bracing herself she walked forward once again to him and slightly signaled with her tail to try and get him to try again.


When he noticed it coming back and waving its tail over top the top of its head he didn't quite know what it wanted at first but then he remembered what he had just tried to do before and quickly realized it was telling him to try again but to make sure he asked once more just in case.

"Are you sure?"

Watching it nod at him he knew he had got it right and walked up to it slowly and brought his hand up carefully bringing it down onto the lizards head. When his hand touched its scales the first thing he felt contrary to what he expected was soft smooth scales that didn't feel rough or gritty in the slightest in fact they didn't even feel like they could defend against anything they were just to soft. He also noticed its head slightly rubbing back into him while he was petting it. When he noticed that though he ended up leaking a gentle mumble.


Unfortunately for him though the lizard heard it and when she did she instantly stiffened up with that feeling spreading all through her body and bolted back from his hand once again. This time though he wasn't shocked seeing that and just slightly laughed it off

"Haha shy little fella aren't you."

Hearing that made her slightly whip her tail back and forth at him but it also helped her place a word for the emotions she was feeling. Though she didn't completely understand it or know why but she had a word for it for now.

"Well let's get going I've got a lot to do in the next while and now that one of my worries are gone I can finally start full forcing my way through it with no worries. If you want to tag along though that's fine with me, up to you."

Hearing that she lightly nodded at him and walked up beside him as they walked into the forest to start his training.

"Finally some colour is starting to show in my life more and more now what else will you show me boy?"

With that in mind she dazedly followed him while staring at his side profile.

Fun chapter to write that's for sure. c:


Thanks you for reading...

NoNamesLeftcreators' thoughts