
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · 奇幻言情
716 Chs

More Of Xelfia's Plans

Reading the paper she shoved in his face, Xilo felt his hand naturally go towards his bag as he checked it's contents. Feeling around he found nothing before he frantically started looking in his pockets. At this point he was practically patting himself down to find what he was looking for. No matter how much he looked though it never appeared in his hands. It just stayed in front of his eyes mocking him and his pathetic attempts to find it. "How?" Xilo was seriously confused about how he had managed to lose that slip of paper.

"How did you get your hands on that and even find us for that matter."

Hearing his question Relda smirked a little bit.


Left speechless by that answer Xilo tried to gather himself for a moment.

"Whatever, don't tell me. Just give it back, that's not yours to have."

Aggression edged slipped into his voice as he looked at the purple haired woman in front of him. The girls behind him had also stopped what they were doing and paid attention to Xilo. They were ready to fight as well if it came down to it. They had all seen her strength however that didn't mean they weren't willing to try again. Seeing such ferocity aimed at her, Relda tried to calm her temper. "This is to be expected." Bringing the paer back closer to her body she raised her hands as she spoke calmly. Any other kind of actions or tone and she was positive they'd all attack.

"Look, I'm not here for a fight like I said. You dropped this after I sent you flying and I just happened to notice it. After reading through it, I talked to my Clan Mates about the situation a little more and figured the situation was a little strange. So I wanted to ask you myself what exactly happened. This time I swear I'll actually listen so mind telling me what happened? I can't be out for long with our current situation."

Hearing her talk, Xilo slowly dropped his sword but he didn't put it away.

"We've been travelling across the country helping places that are sick for the past month. That is one of the messages we were given along with the map as well. As you can see on the map this city is one of the locations. We went to the Soaring Blades after learning that most of the sick people were there. When we got to the gate though we were instantly turned away without even being given a chance. You should know the rest."

"It was an older man that came first to greet you right, didn't he ask for any proof or anything?"

Listening to her excuse, Xilo almost wanted to laugh. Instead he just told her the story as he quickly told the events that had happened. Once he was finished quickly explaining it, he watched as the woman fell silent. Tapping her chin slightly, she gripped the paper tighter as she thought about the situation. "Mason lied obviously, I just don't know why." That was the big part she was stuck on however that wasn't important. Looking at the group in front of her she asked for their names first as she introduced herself. Once that was all done she offered her hand to Xilo.

"Haaa...I'm sorry about this Xilo, It seems my end was given some misinformation."

Of course she didn't just trust his word alone, her Clan had been collecting information over time so she knew about the work they had been doing. A few stories of a small group of people, one man and three women. "The fox is new though." Along with some basic information on their appearances she connected the dots and decided to believe them. "Right now we could use all the help we can get." The current situation back at Soaring Blades was getting worse.

Xilo brushed it off as no big deal as he felt Relda stare at them.

"Now that everything is all settled, did you want to come back to the Clan? I'm sure it'd be a better environment."

Cutting in Tearia spoke up.

"I'd like to stay here actually, everything has already been set up and it'd be a pain to move now."

"If she's saying no then it's a no for now."

With that denial, Relda felt a little troubled. "I still need help though." Tossing an idea around in her head she debated on saying it. In the end though she caved, she didn't have much choice. The Clan and the people of the city needed the help. "doesn't need to be all of them." Handing back the paper she had grabbed, she watched Xilo put it away in his bag as she asked her question. She was afraid it might be a little much but she had to try anyway.

"That's fine, you can always deliver it when you're done. I did want to ask if some of you could come with me though. Right now the City is getting worse. More people are getting sick and no longer able to move. From the start we've had Clan Members go around helping people out but we've run out of bodies. I was hoping you could do that as well for us. Run around the city and bring any sick person you see back to the Clan, is that all right?"


Exchanging eye contact with Xelfia he silently asked her a question. She was the only other person he could ask since Relia would be staying with Tearia most likely. To his surprise though she shook her head as she pointed at Relia and smiled. "She wants Relia to come with me?" He didn't really mind, he was just surprised Xelfia didn't jump at this chance. Looking at Relia as she pet Kirel, Xilo thought about it for a second before he turned back to Relda.

"Sure me and Relia can do that."


"Great! I really appreciate it."

Yay, on time lol.


Thank you for reading...

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