Tell me did you know LOVE, too, is an acronym. It stands for "Level of Violence." A way of measuring someone's capacity to hurt. You would expect someone from a normal world to be immune to such things, but all I can say is that LOVE is the only thing keeping me from going insane in this messed up world. __________ First World: Re:Zero Second World: Unknown ___ 2k-3k words random chapter updates since I'm focusing on my DMC fanfic Undertale stuff- Specifically X!Tale
So he will stay until the end of the sanctuary arc, since most of you lads wanted that. Don't worry for those who wanted him to leave after this chapter it would be around 5-10 more before he leaves the world, but for now go vote on the world you want next here are your options.
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Fate/???(Not saying)
Jojo: Steel Ball Run
Now depending on what you all choose he will obtain and lose something.
Anyways enjoy the chapter
"I love you."
It was a predicament Chris expected and planned for, yet seeing Rem smiling at him with a bright smile as she confessed her love to him and Chris felt something else towards Rem.
"I'm sorry Rem, but you're not in love with me."
[A few hours ago]
Chris had just loaded the save file in his room and any indication that he was inside the white whale was gone and his armor was back into its perfect clean state, he began stretching in room trying to make his body get used to the Level Up but as he did so he saw a plate of muffins laying on top of his bed with a small note and seeing the handwriting he knew it was Rem who placed them on his bed.
'Good morning Chris, I didn't know where you were so I left these here I hope you enjoy them'
Chris could only sigh at the Rem's affection towards him and could only pity her, despite her beautiful appearance and great attitude Chris couldn't help but only feel pity for her. Ever since his true emotions were numb by the constant resets and with the realization that the overwrite button would give him the ability to leave this world, ever since then he had never felt the need fo love but instead always aimed for his LOVE to increase.
People from his world my say he was a coward and pathetic for not loving a girl like Rem but he cold only call thrm naive, if you were to grow up seeing the worlds true nature they wouldn't feel the same. He did know that when he had first gotten his abilities he wanted a harem filled with the Re:Zero girls but now he didn't instead he just wanted to be free from the torture of the world and free from all needs of worry towards Emilia, but as his strength grew he felt that it was only a matter of time when he would be able to easily kill Puck but until then he had to keep playing Knight.
Chris only took one look at the muffins before placing them in his Item space before he opened the window and jumped from it landing beside Emilia who was having tea which she would only do when it was the middle of the day.
Yet he ignored her and began waling towards the gate, this caused Emilia to believe he despised her but before she could do anything Puck stopped her from getting it up.
"Don't Lia somethings different with Chris..."
This only caused Emilia to become more worried about Chris but trusting Puck she stayed on her seat as Chris left the manor as Roswaal watched all of this happen from his room as he was reading from a black bounded book with an ever present smile on his face.
(Later at the village)
Right now Chris was guarding the entrance of the village inspecting any cart and carriages passing by, and as he did so the villagers assumed that Roswaal was commanding him to do this. But Chris was instead looking for the cart which he remembered ha bombs planted in them, soon enough after a few mintues of checking carriages and carts he came across a merchant who was heavily sweating.
Chris didn't even need to check the cart he was handling as Chris could see his code which was corrupted by a dark purple material in the shape of vines attached in every part of the merchants code, the so called merchant began to sweat as Chris looked at him intensely.
'He knows!'
The 'Merchant' took out a dagger and was about to throw it into a sack of seemingly glowing red rocks that was tucked into the far back of the carriage but before he could the hand holding the dagger was cleaved right off by Chris.
With a shout of his voice Chris caused the surrounding villagers and actual merchants to flee away from him as the now revealed cultist had a crazed look on his face as he took out another dagger and tried attacking him with it, but the cultist couldn't do anything as his head was decapitated from his body in such speed that in his last moments he was still conscience enough to see his headless body.
The sound of the falling to the ground was heard and was a bored gaze Chris he looked towards the forest and was met with a bunch of robed figures attacking him with different type of spells and weapons, but as they got close Chris raised his hands before pulling it in a motion and the once attacking cultist were now shredded to pieces by red string that surrounded him like some sort of web.
"Time to get to work."
Chris bent his knees jsut a bit before leaping towards the sky giving him a vast view of the whole Mathers territory, his eyes began scanning his surroundings before his sights landed on a cave that was near the border of the territory.
He began making his way towards it by forming a DT Blaster attached to his back propelling him, he was mimicking something DELTASans did and for him it was quite easy.
Chris crashed right infront of the caves entrance causing a crater to form and dirtying his armor, but he didn't care as he threw a ball of DT towards the caves entrance that broke apart and turned into a red mist.
'70 cultist including someone with a weird haircut'
He used the mist of DT to feel everything passing through it and he was able to count 70 quite easily, he waited a few more minutes as he heard footsteps coming from the cave revealing a pale green skinned and old looking man with green hair in the form of a bowl cut.
"My my! You've caused quite the ruckus!, me and my fellow believers were praying to our dear savior please tell me why your causing all this noise!"
This was Petelgeuse Romanée-Conti, but for Chris who didn't remember his actual name and only remembered him for his importance could only look at the man in disgust.
Petelgeuse's soul appeared hovering right infront of him, he looked at with a weird expression and tried touching it but his hands passed through it. His soul was everything but normal, it had a gray color with purple and black vines gripping his soul it had cracks almost everywhere as if a single touch could shatter it.
But unlike Petelgeuse, Chris for the first time didn't have his soul out in the open but instead the place where his actual heart was located at was glowing a bright red. What he did was he made it so his Soul would actually form inside him instead of being possible harmed from the outside.
"I don't know your name but I do remember a bit of your story, so I'll finally let you rest in peace."
"What are you talking about-"
Chris appeared in front of Petelgeuse in a single moment and tried ending things quickly with a knife he had formed with his DT, but instead he was met with something invisible blocking his attack and seeing it made his eyes widen just a bit.
'I can't see it?'
Suddenly Chris felt pressure from everywhere around his body as if something was trying to crush him, instinctively he let his DT release from everywhere around his body taking the shape of some form of barrier before leaping away from Petelgeuse who was creepily smiling at him.
'That's how you want to play it huh?'
Chris took a breath before his DT began spreading around him like mist hiding him from Petelgeuse's view the mist didn't stop as it kept growing and growing until everywhere Petelgeuse's could see was surrounded by red mist blocking his vision, but for Chris he could feel everything that was colliding with the mist including the unseen hands as they may be invisible but they still had a physical form and he could feel it.
"This is annoyingly frustrating!"
Petelgeuse used his authority to summon multiple unseen hands to attack Chris, but as they got closer the mist around them seemingly hardened and tightened stopping the hands in place confusing Petelgeuse.
"Good to know that this works."
Chris then charged at the insane cultist with a spear made of DT as he dodged and weaved through all the unseen hands that were sent towards him, of course as he dodge them they would be frozen in place by the hardened mist of DT Petelgeuse couldn't just summon an infinite amount of them as he might be a spirit but his age made him weaker than back in his prime.
So he could only watch with an insane smile as Chris use his spear to impale him through the chest, but his smile soon faded away as he felt his very soul burning away so he kicked Chris away while forcefully tearing the unseen hands that were held in the air.
'W-What did he do!?'
Normally when in the brink of death Petelgeuse would feel his soul being transferred to another body suitable for him, but when he was maple by Chris he couldn't move his soul as If it was being forced to stay. Of course he didn't know that the heart hovering right infront of him was his soul but he had no way of finding out and could only look around the layer of mist in worry.
"Yes yes!, go on rely on tricks sooner or later you will run out of Mana!"
Petelgeuse proceeded to spin around while using his unseen hands to blow away the part of the most he had contact with and what he saw caused him to widen his eyes, he was surrounded by DT Blaster pointed at every direction with Chris sitting on top of of them with his legs crossed while looking at him with boredom before saying one last word to the old spirit.
Petelgeuse couldn't even react when all thr blast went off and fired at him, he didn't have enough time to make a shield it of his authority as he felt the beams of DT shredding his very soul and he couldn't even scream in pain as the last he saw was Chris's glowing red eyes looking at him with pure boredom.
[Lvl 16]
[SOUL Obtained]
Chris expected the level up but when he saw bother prompt about a soul he couldn't help but be curios, he pressed his 'System' ACT interface to check on himself and what he saw gave him a slight smile.
Lvl: 16
A Determined Human
"Now isn't that interesting"
Not only did his interface change this time he could feel the very power of his new Soul boosting him, he formed his Soul out of his body and it was still growing red with Determination but this time a portion of it was being covered by a cyan colored piece of cloth(Scuffed image in comments)
Chris began thinking about who he killed, he obviously forgot his name but he still knew his ability and title of being some sort of main cultist of sloth, he didn't know how he got the soul trait of patience from sloth but that was something he didn't think about and instead looked towards a new opportunity.
He had another way to obtain more power.