
Chapter 1

"Augh! My head. I need to stop drinking so much."

Sam slowly sits himself up from his bed. His head pounding from drinking too much last night. He rubs his eyes before looking around. The bedroom he is in looks like it's straight out of Lord of the Rings. Wood walls, a thatch roof, and no technology in sight. He gets up from the straw bed he was laying on and stumbles his way towards the door. 

"Where the hell am I? Did I drive to Alaska or something? I don't remember how I got here." 

Sam slowly walks down the stairs hearing every creak and groan as the wooden stairs protest against his steps. Finishing his descent, he finds a living room reminiscent of the medieval times. Poorly carved wooden chairs surround a small table. Plates with a meager amount of food lay waiting to be eaten. An elderly man sits at the head of the table eating quietly. He turns his head towards Sam when he enters. 

"It's about time you woke up Eragon. Sit down and eat. Once you're done, go to the garden and start plucking the weeds."

Sam looks behind him hoping that the man is talking to someone else. Finding no one, he sighs before walking over and sitting down. He looks down at his plate for a moment before eating in silence. His headache clears up considerably once he gets something in his stomach. After he finishes eating, he gets up and walks towards what he hopes is the front door. His mind is racing trying to figure out what is happening but he finds that it's just easier to go with the flow before coming to conclusions. He walks outside and sees a forest surrounding the house and a large garden to his right. 

"Wow... This looks just like Eragon's house in Carvahall from the movie. I'm really here, in the world of Eragon inside Eragon's body. What the hell happened to get me into this scenario? I must have died or something unless this is a very vivid dream." 

He slaps himself quite hard. 

"Nope. This is real… Well, I guess I'll just go with it for now. My knowledge of the books should come in handy. I really wish I had memorized the ancient language now. At least I can remember a few words… Hopefully it will be enough to kick start my magic training. I need to be both physically and magically stronger before Saphira's egg appears. The good news is that the spell Arya uses will send it to me wherever I am so I don't have to scour the woods looking for it. Well... I better start working before Garrow comes out to inspect my work. These weeds aren't going to pluck themselves."

Eragon grabs some tools from a shed and gets to work. He spends the rest of the day doing the chores that his uncle Garrow tells him. It's well past midday before he finishes. Garrow, satisfied with his work, tells Eragon he has the rest of the day off. Eragon quickly heads up to his room to gather his bow and quiver. He tells his uncle he is going to practice his archery before making his way into the forest. After getting a good fifteen minutes of brisk walking from the house, he searches for a small stone so he can begin attempting to unlock his magic. Finding one, he places it in his palm and calms his mind. 

"Stenr Reisa" (stone raise).

The stone in his hand stays still. Eragon focuses his mind, trying to find that barrier in his mind that is mentioned in the books that he needs to get past to use his magic. It takes him over three hours before he finds it. A small kernel of energy in his mindscape surrounded by a tough outer layer. He focuses his willpower before jabbing into it. The outer layer resists for a moment before breaking. With clear intentions, Eragon says the words again and the stone lifts from his palm a meter, hangs in the air for a few seconds, then falls back down. He retracts his mind from the energy and examines his body for signs of fatigue. 

"I definitely feel a small energy drain but I was expecting to be exhausted from just that. Maybe I'm more powerful than the original Eragon because of the reincarnation? There is no way to tell. This could easily be the true potential that Eragon had and the books didn't do it justice. Let's continue until I'm tired then head home." 

Eragon continues his training till the sun starts to fade from the horizon. He makes it back home and finds Roran and Garrow eating supper. He sits down and enjoys eating supper with his family. Something the previous him never could. That thought brings down Eragon's mood slightly so he finishes quickly and heads off to bed. As he lays back in his bed, he thinks about all that happens in the beginning of the first book. He contemplates how he is going to proceed moving forward. 

"Hmmm… I need more words from the ancient language. I could advance by leaps and bounds with the right words, like making myself heavier to make physical training more effective. With the help of the knowledge from my previous world, I could easily become a master of magic. And that's without even being a rider. Once I bond with Saphira, my magic reserves will increase exponentially. Until then… I kind of want to confront Brom. It would definitely shock him that I know he is my father. Or I could just ask him for some words in the ancient language. He might get suspicious of me asking and "stumble" upon me training. He would definitely take over my training if he found out. Though that might not be a bad thing… Before that, let's get acclimated to the world. Without Eragon's memories, it will be a bit of a pain to figure out where everything is. I also won't know about any past deals or friendships. Someone might find out that I'm not acting like myself if I'm not careful. Well let's just go to sleep and see what happens from here on out."