
Massacre at Dendrus, Pt 5

The captain paced back and forth inside the command center. Her face was creased with worry, though it had lessened thanks to the chainguns’ valiant defense.

Everyone in the bunker had heard them roar, even through the thick walls. They also felt the vibrations that each of them had made. They were subtle, but could easily be felt under their feet. Much like the beginnings of an earthquake.

When they were all going at full blast, the whole base shook with a constant tremor. Many nervously looked on as the cracks on the walls spread slowly, and some soil came trickling in.

Thankfully, the ceilings held.

“Captain!” yelled a comms tech. “Pillbox comms just got patched in. The perimeter commander’s now online.”

The captain’s face immediately lit up with joy. She went over to the comms terminal to commend them face-to-face. She went up behind the tech and looked over her shoulder onto her screen.

The commander looked haggard, but there was a lot of fight left in him.